How to defer the update at the client side after async postback in updatepanel

I have an old system which uses `UpdatePanels` of After the `postback` is completed, we know that the inside of `UpdatePanel` is updated Can i delay this update somehow on the client side ? ...

23 May at 11:58

Interfaces vs Types in TypeScript

What is the difference between these statements (`interface` vs `type`) in TypeScript? ``` interface X { a: number b: string } type X = { a: number b: string }; ```

Python - Module Not Found

I am a beginner with Python. Before I start, here's my Python folder structure ``` -project ----src ------model ``` Under `src` I have a folder named `model` w...

23 Apr at 20:3

NaN loss when training regression network

I have a data matrix in "one-hot encoding" (all ones and zeros) with 260,000 rows and 35 columns. I am using Keras to train a simple neural network to predict a continuous variable. The code to make...

Best way to null check in Kotlin?

Should I use double `=`, or triple `=`? ``` if(a === null) { //do something } ``` or ``` if(a == null) { //do something } ``` Similarly for 'not equals': ``` if(a !== null) { //do something...

12 Mar at 12:41

Is it possible to add custom headers to a ServiceStack Redis message?

When a message is sent to Redis using ServiceStack, the framework adds all the standard headers (`Priority`, `CreatedDate`, ...). However, is it possible to add any custom headers to that message? I'v...

14 May at 19:16

WebForms UnobtrusiveValidationMode requires a ScriptResourceMapping for jquery

In my web application I get the following error: > WebForms UnobtrusiveValidationMode requires a ScriptResourceMapping for 'jquery'. Please add a ScriptResourceMapping named jquery(case-sensitive...

29 Mar at 19:24

ng: command not found while creating new project using angular-cli

Installed angular-cli globally using (`npm install -g angular-cli`) but when I'm trying to create project using `ng new my-project` it is throwing error: > ng: command not found

28 Aug at 03:42

Unable to start Docker Service in Ubuntu 16.04

I've been trying to use but installation fails because . I've already tried to install docker by , apt packages and `curl -sSL | sh` but it doesn't work. My is: `Linux Xen...

How to use UseStaticFiles in ASP.NET Core 1.0

I can't find many proper Core 1.0 tutorials yet, but when I google the method name, I get umpteen examples that say to include in `Startup.cs`: ``` app.UseDefaultFiles(); app.UseStaticFiles(); ``` Ye...

29 Nov at 12:2

Unable to add and fetch custom claims values

I am using mvc 5 with identity 2.0. I want use custom claim values over the application but I get null values. What am I doing wrong? ``` if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.UserName) && !string.IsN...

"error: assignment to expression with array type error" when I assign a struct field (C)

I'm a beginner C programmer, yesterday I learned the use of C structs and the possible application of these ones about the resolution of specific problems. However when I was experimenting with my C I...

4 Jan at 06:48

why numpy.ndarray is object is not callable in my simple for python loop

I loaded a text file containing a two column matrix (e.g. below) ``` [ 1 3 2 4 3 5 2 0] ``` My calculation is just to sum each row i.e. 1+3, 2+4, 3+5 and 2+0. I am using the below c...

16 Jan at 23:38

How to change the locale in chrome browser

I want to change Accept-language request header to anything I wanted in chrome, is there any extension or plugin where I can do it. I want to be able to change locale and language both. Main requireme...

Service located in another namespace

I have been trying to find a way to define a service in one namespace that links to a Pod running in another namespace. I know that containers in a Pod running in `namespaceA` can access `serviceX` d...

23 Jan at 17:44

ServiceStack.Text in .NET not deserializing nested datetime

I am talking to a web service from Xamarin. It is sending dates down over the wire in JSON, in ISO-8601 format, like this: "2016-05-13T16:02:47.480-07:00" If I try to deserialize just a single date...

Servicestack.Redis PooledClient()

``` public class TransporterServicesAppHost : AppHostBase { public TransporterServicesAppHost() : base("TServices", typeof(OTService).Assembly) { } public override void Configure(Container c...

Enzyme - How to access and set <input> value?

I'm confused about how to access `<input>` value when using `mount`. Here's what I've got as my test: ``` it('cancels changes when user presses esc', done => { const wrapper = mount(<EditableText...

13 May at 22:14

Await Task Not returning after completion

I'm having an issue where a task is completing, but not returning back. I have a website and a web service on different servers. The website makes a call to the web service which utilizes a library wi...

13 May at 20:3

Is possible to use cookie based authentication with ASP.NET Web API and SPA?

I want to create the web application which will be based on angularjs frontend and ASP.NET Web API. I need create the secure api but I can't use the token based authentication on the company's server ...

13 May at 19:14

Azure Functions Database Connection String

How do I add or access an `app.config` file in Azure functions to add a database connection string? If you're not supposed to add an `app.config` and there is a better way to access an external data...

org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'demoRestController'

I am new to Spring and I am try to make a application for learning but I am getting problem in Autowiring,I am adding my code. I am working on spring boot. Spring Boot Code ``` public class DemoAppl...

ansible SSH connection fail

I'm trying to run ansible role on multiple servers, but i get an error: > fatal: []: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh.", "unreachable": t...

13 May at 15:9

Keras accuracy does not change

I have a few thousand audio files and I want to classify them using Keras and Theano. So far, I generated a 28x28 spectrograms (bigger is probably better, but I am just trying to get the algorithm wor...

.Net 2015 References with yellow triangle for Nuget packages on portable libraries

I know the question has been asked before but none of the suggested resolutions are working for me so I'm going to ask it again and hopefully get new suggestions. Some of the articles I've read: [VS ...