tagged [validation]
Email Address Validation for ASP.NET
Email Address Validation for ASP.NET What do you use to validate an email address on a ASP.NET form. I want to make sure that it contains no XSS exploits. This is ASP.NET 1.1
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- 13 Jul at 08:30
Possible to validate xml against xsd using code at runtime?
Possible to validate xml against xsd using code at runtime? I have xml files that I read in at runtime, is is possible to validate the xml against an xsd file at runtime? using c#
- Modified
- 31 Jul at 19:41
How to validate a date?
How to validate a date? I'm trying to test to make sure a date is valid in the sense that if someone enters `2/30/2011` then it should be wrong. How can I do this with any date?
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- 31 Jan at 21:23
Validate DateTime before inserting it into SQL Server database
Validate DateTime before inserting it into SQL Server database Is there any way to validate `datetime` field before inserting it into appropriate table? Trying to insert with try/catch block is not a ...
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- 14 Aug at 08:23
DataAnnotations - Disallow Numbers, or only allow given strings
DataAnnotations - Disallow Numbers, or only allow given strings Is it possible to use ASP.NET MVC 2's DataAnnotations to only allow characters (no number), or even provide a whitelist of allowed strin...
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- 28 May at 19:54
What is the best Java email address validation method?
What is the best Java email address validation method? What are the good email address validation libraries for Java? Are there any alternatives to [commons validator](http://commons.apache.org/proper...
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- 29 Jun at 14:14
How to validate numeric values which may contain dots or commas?
How to validate numeric values which may contain dots or commas? I need a regular expression for validation `two or one` numbers then `,` or `.` and again `two or one` numbers. So, these are valid inp...
- Modified
- 25 Sep at 03:28
How can I test a PDF document if it is PDF/A compliant?
How can I test a PDF document if it is PDF/A compliant? We write a software that create PDF files. How we can check if the resulting pdf files are PDF/A compatible? Are there any test suite for it ava...
- Modified
- 17 Aug at 13:32
How to write regular expression to match only numbers, letters and dashes?
How to write regular expression to match only numbers, letters and dashes? I need an expression that will only accept: - - - Spaces are not allowed either. Example: The regular expression should matc...
- Modified
- 9 Sep at 19:38
Is it a good practice to throw an exception on Validate() methods or better to return bool value?
Is it a good practice to throw an exception on Validate() methods or better to return bool value? Is it recommended or not to throw exceptions from Validation methods like: Apart from this : Is there ...
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- 29 May at 11:56
How to check edittext's text is email address or not?
How to check edittext's text is email address or not? how to check the text of `edittext` is email address or not without using `javascript` and regular expression? Here I used `inputtype="textEmailAd...
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- 27 Jun at 13:49
Can there be an apostrophe in an email address?
Can there be an apostrophe in an email address? > [What characters are allowed in email address?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2049502/what-characters-are-allowed-in-email-address) I have an ...
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- 23 May at 12:10
Opposite of [compare(" ")] data annotation in .net?
Opposite of [compare(" ")] data annotation in .net? What is the opposite/negate of `[Compare(" ")]` data annotation" in ASP.NET? i.e: two properties must hold different values.
- Modified
- 4 Feb at 11:16
How to get the HTML's input element of "file" type to only accept pdf files?
How to get the HTML's input element of "file" type to only accept pdf files? is there any way that html element file only accept PDF files and when we browse its only show PDF files... Thanks
- Modified
- 10 Oct at 15:22
Check if full path given
Check if full path given Is there a method to check if given path is full path? Right now im doing this: But there must be more elegant way for checking this?
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- 23 Jun at 12:36
How can I check if some text exist or not in the page using Selenium?
How can I check if some text exist or not in the page using Selenium? I'm using Selenium WebDriver, how can I check if some text exist or not in the page? Maybe someone recommend me useful resources w...
- Modified
- 16 Jan at 12:8
RegEx for matching UK Postcodes
RegEx for matching UK Postcodes I'm after a regex that will validate a full complex UK postcode only within an input string. All of the uncommon postcode forms must be covered as well as the usual. Fo...
- Modified
- 14 May at 16:18
Validate string is base64 format using RegEx?
Validate string is base64 format using RegEx? I have been looking how to validate a base64 string and came across this. I need a little help to make it allow "==" aswell as "=". Thanks
- Modified
- 28 Jul at 17:3
How do I make an input field accept only letters in javaScript?
How do I make an input field accept only letters in javaScript? This is what I've written it for an empty string, now i need it to accept only letters?
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- 9 May at 04:23
Azure Function Http Trigger validating body data
Azure Function Http Trigger validating body data Is there a way currently to validate objects in Azure functions using something similar to Data Annotations and Model State in the MVC framework? Or wh...
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- 20 Oct at 21:59
JSR 303 Validation, If one field equals "something", then these other fields should not be null
JSR 303 Validation, If one field equals "something", then these other fields should not be null I'm looking to do a little custom validation with JSR-303 `javax.validation`. I have a field. And If a c...
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- 22 Jun at 14:6
Laravel validation: exists with additional column condition - custom validation rule
Laravel validation: exists with additional column condition - custom validation rule Is there is a way of referencing another field when specifying the exists validation rule in Laravel? I want to be ...
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- 30 Sep at 14:25
checking if number entered is a digit in jquery
checking if number entered is a digit in jquery I have a simple `textbox` in which users enter number. Does jQuery have a `isDigit` function that will allow me to show an alert box if users enter some...
- Modified
- 26 Apr at 12:53
Testing FluentValidation PropertyValidator
Testing FluentValidation PropertyValidator Is it possible to test a FluentValidation `PropertyValidator` in isolation? I know I can test the Validator that's using the `PropertyValidator` for specific...
- Modified
- 9 Feb at 12:2
How can I validate an email address in JavaScript?
How can I validate an email address in JavaScript? I'd like to check if the user input is an email address in JavaScript, before sending it to a server or attempting to send an email to it, to prevent...
- Modified
- 28 Jul at 07:55