tagged [asynchronous]

ref and out arguments in async method

ref and out arguments in async method Does anyone know why `async` methods are not allowed to have `ref` and `out` arguments? I've done a bit of research on it but the only thing I could find was that...

22 Apr at 02:38

Order of event handler execution

Order of event handler execution If I set up multiple event handlers, like so: what order are the handlers run when the event `RetrieveDataCompleted` is fired? Are they run in the same thread and sequ...

29 Oct at 17:54

C# 5.0 async/await feature and Rx - Reactive Extensions

C# 5.0 async/await feature and Rx - Reactive Extensions I am wondering what do the new C# 5.0 asynchronous features mean for Rx - Reactive Extensions? It seems to be not a replacement but they seem to...

Difference between .RunSynchronously() and GetAwaiter().GetResult()?

Difference between .RunSynchronously() and GetAwaiter().GetResult()? I'm trying to run an asynchronous task synchronously and was wondering what the differences between `.RunSynchronously()` and `GetA...

22 Feb at 16:41

System.Data.IDbCommand and asynchronous execution?

System.Data.IDbCommand and asynchronous execution? System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand has methods and for asynchronous execution. System.Data.IDbCommand only has which are for synchronous operations o

c#: How to Post async request and get stream with httpclient?

c#: How to Post async request and get stream with httpclient? I need to send async request to the server and get the information from the response stream. I'm using HttpClient.GetStreamAsync(), but th...

6 May at 08:7

Good introduction to the .NET Reactive Framework

Good introduction to the .NET Reactive Framework Aside from the Microsoft documentation, is there a good introduction and tutorial to the Microsoft Reactive (Rx) framework? Also, what is a good exampl...

15 Feb at 04:22

Task.Factory.StartNew() vs. TaskEx.Run()

Task.Factory.StartNew() vs. TaskEx.Run() Task.Factory.StartNew() basically receives an Action and returns a Task. In The Async CTP we have TaskEx.Run() which also receives an Action and returns a Task...

What should I do to use Task<T> in .NET 2.0?

What should I do to use Task in .NET 2.0? .NET 4.0 has the TPL which contains the nice Task class to encapsulate aynchronous programming models. I'm working on an app that must be .NET 2.0, but I want...

How to deal with ValueTask<T> in F#?

How to deal with ValueTask in F#? So apparently .NET's brand new `ValueTask` is the version of `Task`. That's cool, but if before I had to use `Async.AwaitTask` to integrate my F# Async workflows with...

Are there any benefits of reading each field async from a SqlDataReader?

Are there any benefits of reading each field async from a SqlDataReader? Is there any gain in reading the fields asynchronously? Say if I have the following: ``` SqlDataReader reader = await cmd.Execu...

10 Nov at 20:46

What happens to the thread when reaching 'await' on 'async' method?

What happens to the thread when reaching 'await' on 'async' method? My question as the title suggest is about the background of 'async' and 'await'. Is it true to say that what the current thread reac...

nodeJs callbacks simple example

nodeJs callbacks simple example can any one give me a a simple example of nodeJs callbacks, I have already searched for the same on many websites but not able to understand it properly, Please give me...

How to use JUnit to test asynchronous processes

How to use JUnit to test asynchronous processes How do you test methods that fire asynchronous processes with JUnit? I don't know how to make my test wait for the process to end (it is not exactly a u...

21 Mar at 13:31

Should I add async/await to a single-line function or not?

Should I add async/await to a single-line function or not? Should I add async/await to a single-line function like: Or is this unneeded overhead if the parameter does not need an asynchron call and I ...

17 Oct at 08:23

How to return values from async functions using async-await from function?

How to return values from async functions using async-await from function? How can I return the value from an async function? I tried to like this it returns me this,

HttpClient is not found in .NET 4.5

HttpClient is not found in .NET 4.5 I am trying to use the new `HttpClient` in .NET 4.5, but Visual Studio complains that it doesn't exist. I have `System.Net`, but when I type `System.Net.Http`, it c...

When does a C# Task actually start?

When does a C# Task actually start? When does a Task actually start? Does it start immediately when initializing it in `Task myTask = DoSomethingAsync();` or does it start when you say to wait for it ...

29 Mar at 09:19

How to make an Asynchronous Method return a value?

How to make an Asynchronous Method return a value? I know how to make Async methods but say I have a method that does a lot of work then returns a boolean value? How do I return the boolean value on t...

18 May at 13:38

What is async and await and when would you use these in windows development?

What is async and await and when would you use these in windows development? I have always seen the keywords async used in Silverlight but was wondering if there is someone with a dummy's explanation ...

18 Jan at 06:32

Asynchronous Task.WhenAll with timeout

Asynchronous Task.WhenAll with timeout Is there a way in the new async dotnet 4.5 library to set a timeout on the [Task.WhenAll](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.threading.tasks.tas...

31 Mar at 19:58

Does WebClient.DownloadFileAsync overwrite the file if it already exists on disk?

Does WebClient.DownloadFileAsync overwrite the file if it already exists on disk? I can't find any information on my question. Please excuse me if my search efforts have not been good enough to find t...

15 Jan at 21:20

Suppress warning CS1998: This async method lacks 'await'

Suppress warning CS1998: This async method lacks 'await' I've got an interface with some functions that return `Task`. Some of the classes that implement the interface do not have anything to await, w...

15 Jan at 11:25

Await vs Task.Result in an Async Method

Await vs Task.Result in an Async Method What's the difference between doing the following: vs In my case, for some reason, only the second works. The first one never seems to end.

Are the new async and await keywords in ES7 copied from C#?

Are the new async and await keywords in ES7 copied from C#? Noticing that async and await aren't found in Java, where these new keywords in ES7 copied from the C# language? I'm curious as to the origi...