How to debug "Not enough storage is available to process this command"

We've started to experience `Not enough storage available to process this command`. The application is `WPF`, the exception starts to pop up after some hours of working normally. ``` System.Componen...

23 May at 12:24

How to display file name for custom styled input file using jquery?

I have styled a file input using CSS: ``` .custom-file-upload { border: 1px solid #ccc; display: inline-block; padding: 6px 12px; cursor: pointer; } ``` ``` <form> <label for="file-upload"...

What does AsSelf do in autofac?

What is `AsSelf()` in autofac? I am new to autofac, what exactly is `AsSelf` and what are the difference between the two below? ``` builder.RegisterType<SomeType>().AsSelf().As<IService>(); builder.R...

Redis keyspace notifications subscriptions in distributed environment using ServiceStack

We have some Redis keys with a given TTL that we would like to subscribe to and take action upon once the TTL expires (a la job scheduler). This works well in a single-host environment, and when you ...

Mediatr 3.0 Using Pipeline behaviors for authentication

Looking at using the new Mediatr 3.0 feature pipeline behaviors for authentication/authorization. Would you normally auth based on the message or the handler? reason I'm asking is that I'd auth on th...

18 Jan at 21:28

ServiceStack validators not firing

I am trying to use fluent validation in ServiceStack. I've added the validation plugin and registered my validator. ``` Plugins.Add(new ValidationFeature()); container.RegisterValidators(typeo...

8 Jan at 21:5

Visual Studio Code Entity Framework Core Add-Migration not recognized

I've used yoman to generate an ASP.Net Core Web API application via the Visual Studio Code Editor. For reference, I followed this tutorial [here](

How to draw with .NET Core?

Is there any way to draw and display graphics on the screen with .NET Core? I would like to create a graphics application that runs on multiple platforms.

8 Jan at 18:43

python pip - install from local dir

I have to download a git python repo and install since the pypi version is not updated. Normally I would do this: ``` pip install mypackage pip install mypackage[redis] ``` Now I have the repo cloned...

15 Dec at 22:40

How do I upgrade to Python 3.6 with Conda?

I want to get the latest version of Python to use [f-strings]( in my code. Currently my version is (`python -V`): ``` Python 3.5...

21 Feb at 01:3

How to run apt update and upgrade via Ansible shell

I'm trying to use Ansible to run the following two commands: `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y` I know with ansible you can use: `ansible all -m shell -u user -K -a "uptime"` Would ...

8 Jan at 21:29

You seem to not be depending on "@angular/core". This is an error

I want to create an angular 2 App with angular cli I have written in the cmd: > npm install angular-cli -g then: > ng firstngapp but it show me an error when I write npm start ! [](https://i.s...

13 Jul at 12:55

How to compile .NET Core app for Linux on a Windows machine

I'm developing a .NET Core app on a Windows 10 machine (with Visual Studio 2015 update 3 + Microsoft .NET Core 1.0.1 VS 2015 Tooling Preview 2) which should published on an Ubuntu 16 machine. To do th...

EF Core Collection Load .. of a Collection

Using EF Core 1.1.0 I have a model that has collections that themselves have collections. ``` public class A { public string Ay {get;set;} public List<B> Bees {get;set;} } public class B ...

Using multiple connection strings

I have multiple projects in my Solution, of which one is the DAL and the other is an ASP.NET MVC6 project. Since the MVC6 project is also the startup project I need to add my connection string there. ...

Refused to display 'url' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN'

``` <script async="" defer="" src="//"></script> ``` Screenshot of the error: ![]( and I'm ...

13 Mar at 21:39

How to check if port is open on a remote server with batch file and without third party software?

As [this question]( is closed (where I intended to answer first) I'm opening this one. On some machines it is forb...

23 May at 11:54

Alternatives of CompileToMethod in .Net Standard

I'm now porting some library that uses expressions to `.Net Core` application and encountered a problem that all my logic is based on `LambdaExpression.CompileToMethod` which is simply missing in. Her...

10 Jan at 03:37

No extension method called open in ServiceStack.Data.IDbConnectionFactory

I wanted use servicestack.ormlite to connect to the database.But I get this error even after adding the refrence from Nuget. I used this command to install > Install-Package ServiceStack.OrmLite.Sql...

Angular2 material dialog has issues - Did you add it to @NgModule.entryComponents?

I am trying to follow the docs on []( but I cannot understand why it has the below issue?...

16 Apr at 12:57

How to store the token received in AcquireTokenAsync with Active Directory

### Problem Statement I am using .NET Core, and I'm trying to make a web application talk to a web API. Both require authentication using the `[Authorize]` attribute on all of their classes. In or...

Using Servicestack ORMLite in Class library

Is it possible to use Servicestack ORMLite in a C# Class library? I have been searching the internet but cant find any example where the data layer is used in a class library

7 Jan at 07:18

How can I use System-Versioned Temporal Table with Entity Framework?

I can use temporal tables in SQL Server 2016. Entity Framework 6 unfortunately does not know this feature yet. Is there the possibility of a workaround to use the new querying options (see [msdn](http...

Bootstrap align navbar items to the right

How do I align a navbar item to right? I want to have the login and register to the right. But everything I try does not seem to work. []( ## This is what I hav...

Get the full route to current action

I have a simple API with basic routing. It was setup using the default Visual Studio 2015 ASP.NET Core API template. I have this controller and action: ``` [Route("api/[controller]")] public class D...