tagged [twitter-bootstrap]

How to create a sticky left sidebar menu using bootstrap 3?

How to create a sticky left sidebar menu using bootstrap 3? I want to create a left-sticky bar menu with bootstrap 3 like: [http://getbootstrap.com/getting-started/](http://getbootstrap.com/getting-st...

Change bootstrap navbar background color and font color

Change bootstrap navbar background color and font color I want to change the background and text color in a bootstrap `navbar` but it's not changing as expected... Here is my custom CSS: And the relev...

Bootstrap: Open Another Modal in Modal

Bootstrap: Open Another Modal in Modal So, I'm using this code to open another modal window in a current opened modal window: What happens is, that for like 500ms the scrollbar will duplicate. I guess...

Make column fixed position in bootstrap

Make column fixed position in bootstrap Using Bootstrap, I have a grid column class="col-lg-3" that I want to place it in position:fixed while the other .col-lg-9 is normal position (scroll-able throu...

What is the difference between Bootstrap .container and .container-fluid classes?

What is the difference between Bootstrap .container and .container-fluid classes? Just downloaded 3.1 and found in the docs... > Turn any fixed-width grid layout into a full-width layout by changing y...

Bootstrap change div order with pull-right, pull-left on 3 columns

Bootstrap change div order with pull-right, pull-left on 3 columns I’ve been working on this the whole day but don’t come up with a solution. I have 3 columns in one row in a container. 1: right conte...

What is sr-only in Bootstrap 3?

What is sr-only in Bootstrap 3? What is the class `sr-only` used for? Is it important or can I remove it? Works fine without. Here's my example: ``` Departments

Bootstrap trying to load map file. How to disable it? Do I need to do it?

Bootstrap trying to load map file. How to disable it? Do I need to do it? I'm recently playing with bootsrap3. I compiled it from sources and included distr js and css to my project. The thing is, I s...

Put search icon near textbox using bootstrap

Put search icon near textbox using bootstrap I am using bootstrap by default textbox taking full width of column and I want to put search icon at the end to textbox. My code is like this: ``` ...

Inline Form nested within Horizontal Form in Bootstrap 3

Inline Form nested within Horizontal Form in Bootstrap 3 I want to build a form in Bootstrap 3 like this: ![](https://i.stack.imgur.com/gsVKH.png) My site (not the above link) just updates from Bootst...

Bootstrap row class contains margin-left and margin-right which creates problems

Bootstrap row class contains margin-left and margin-right which creates problems I am using Bootstrap '`row`' class to align `divs` one on top of another, which works fine but What I noticed is that i...

How to make bootstrap 3 fluid layout without horizontal scrollbar

How to make bootstrap 3 fluid layout without horizontal scrollbar here is sample link: [http://bootply.com/76369](http://bootply.com/76369) this is html i use. bootstrap 3 has no container-fluid and r...

100% width Twitter Bootstrap 3 template

100% width Twitter Bootstrap 3 template I am a bootstrap newbie and I have a 100% wide template that I want to code with bootstrap. The first column begins at the left corner and I have a Google map t...

Bootstrap 3 - How to load content in modal body via AJAX?

Bootstrap 3 - How to load content in modal body via AJAX? As you can see [here](http://bootply.com/thiezar/90757), I have a button that launches a modal. Setting an href url for the button this url is...

How to set the size of a column in a Bootstrap responsive table

How to set the size of a column in a Bootstrap responsive table How do you set the size of a column in a Bootstrap responsive table? I don't want the table to loose its reponsive features. I need it t...

How to center a div with Bootstrap2?

How to center a div with Bootstrap2? [http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/scaffolding.html](http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/scaffolding.html) I tried like all combinations: or changed span and off...

Bootstrap modal: close current, open new

Bootstrap modal: close current, open new I have looked for a while, but I can't find a solution for this. I want the following: - - -

18 Dec at 21:13

Bootstrap 3.0 - Fluid Grid that includes Fixed Column Sizes

Bootstrap 3.0 - Fluid Grid that includes Fixed Column Sizes I am learning how to use Bootstrap. Currently, I'm wading my way through layouts. While Bootstrap is pretty cool, everything I see seems dat...

Bootstrap 3 Navbar with Logo

Bootstrap 3 Navbar with Logo I want to use the Bootstrap 3 default navbar with an image logo instead of text branding. What's the proper way of doing this without causing any issues with different scr...

Change navbar color in Twitter Bootstrap

Change navbar color in Twitter Bootstrap How would I go about modifying the CSS to change the color of the navbar in Twitter Bootstrap?

Twitter Bootstrap Multilevel Dropdown Menu

Twitter Bootstrap Multilevel Dropdown Menu Is it possible to have a multi level dropdown menu by using the elements of twitter bootstrap 2? The original version doesn't have this feature.

18 Mar at 13:10

bootstrap button shows blue outline when clicked

bootstrap button shows blue outline when clicked I added this but still the blue outline appear when the button is clicked. how to remove that ugly thingy?

19 Mar at 14:52

How to enable Bootstrap tooltip on disabled button?

How to enable Bootstrap tooltip on disabled button? I need to display a tooltip on a disabled button and remove it on an enabled button. Currently, it works in reverse. What is the best way to invert ...

Bootstrap 3 Collapse show state with Chevron icon

Bootstrap 3 Collapse show state with Chevron icon Using the core example taken from the Bootstrap 3 Javascript [examples page for Collapse](http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#collapse-examples), I ha...

What is class="mb-0" in Bootstrap 4?

What is class="mb-0" in Bootstrap 4? The [latest documention](https://v4-alpha.getbootstrap.com/content/typography/#blockquotes) has: What is `mb-0`?

1 Jul at 14:16