Ignoring files from checkin with certain pattern of change

Since having started using [JetBrains Annotations](https://www.nuget.org/packages/JetBrains.Annotations), for my own benefit I've decorated all methods with `[CanBeNull]` or `[NotNull]` For example, ...

Failed to Authenticate HTTPS connection when attempting GET from WebAPI

I am using ASP.NET Core. I have two projects: 1. ASP.NET Core MVC application 2. ASP.NET Core Web API application If I attempt to access one of the Web API endpoints using Postman, I do not have ...

Looking for a very simple Cache example

I'm looking for a real simple example of how to add an object to cache, get it back out again, and remove it. The second answer [here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2458205/simple-c-sharp-asp-n...

23 May at 12:26

Easy way to make a confirmation dialog in Angular?

Is there any not-so-complicated way to make a confirm dialog in angular 2, the idea is to click on an item and then show a popup or modal to confirm its deletion, I tried angular 2 modals from here [a...

8 Feb at 08:50

DocumentDB .Net client using connection string

I checked the MSDN on DocumentDB for .Net ([here](http://ttps://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.azure.documents.client.documentclient.documentclient.aspx#M:Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client....

17 Jan at 12:54

Using JSON Patch to add values to a dictionary

## Overview I'm trying to write a web service using ASP.NET Core that allows clients to query and modify the state of a microcontroller. This microcontroller contains a number of systems that I mo...

16 Jan at 16:29

ASP.NET Core Identity does not inject UserManager<ApplicationUser>

I've got an older asp.net core identity database, and I want to map a new project (a web api) to it. Just for the test, I copied the Models folder, and the ApplicationUser file from the previous proj...

swagger does not display calls which start with a path parameter

I encountered that when having a route to a path with a path parameter at the beginning, this method is not been display when accessing swagger via `swagger-ui`. Example: ``` [Route("/{Version}/user...

16 Jan at 14:56

Router Navigate does not call ngOnInit when same page

I am calling `router.navigate` on same page with some query string parameters. In this case, `ngOnInit()` does not call. Is it by default or do I need to add anything else ?

16 Jan at 15:16

What is the best way to refactor presentation code out of my domain objects in an ASP.NET MVC solution?

I have just taken over an ASP.NET MVC project and some refactoring is required, but I wanted to get some thoughts / advice for best practices. The site has an SQL Server backend and here is a review ...

Using Firebase in .NET

I want to implement Firebase into my .NET WPF Desktop Application. I can't find anything useful on the internet about this topic, it seems like it's completely unsupported. There is only a Xamarin NuG...

28 May at 16:37

Where can I log an ASP.NET Core app's start/stop/error events?

In old ASP.NET, in the `Global.asax.cs` class, I would log when the app starts, stops and throws unhandled exceptions: - `Application_Start()`- `Application_End()`- `Application_Error()` How do I do...

16 Jan at 11:39

"Unable to set the FreezePanes property of the Window class" Excel 2016 (office 365)

I've build an excel addin which fills a worksheet with data from a database. I also add some styling and lock some rows and columns by using FreezePanes. ``` worksheet.Activate(); worksheet.Applicat...

24 Jan at 08:50

Encrypt the string In Typescript And Decrypt In C# using Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm(AES)

I am having struggle to implement the encryption in typescript and decryption in C#. Before posting question here, I did Google it and find some links but those links are related to JavaScript not a t...

23 May at 11:47

ASP.NET MVC with Async Action

I need to send an asynchronous email from an Async action. I do not understand why the following error is happening, being that I use this same class in other projects and use the same form only witho...

C# - Can you call an Enum by the number value?

If I have this code ``` //Spice Enums enum SpiceLevels {None = 0 , Mild = 1, Moderate = 2, Ferocious = 3}; ``` Which states the Enum Names + Their Number, how can I call an enum from a variable, sa...

15 Jan at 21:43

Bootstrap 4, How do I center-align a button?

``` <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-8"> <div v-for="job in job"> <div class="text-center"> <h1>{{ job.job_title }}</h1> ...

10 Dec at 16:39

Google Spreadheets Scripts: check if cell is empty

I want to input a variable in a cell only if the cell is empty. The if statement, however, does not work. Any advice? ``` var ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); var r=ss.getRange("'odpovědi'!A...

How to get selected values of Kendo Multi Select?

I'm using Kendo multi select as follow but i can't get selected values But array selectedData return indices of items in multiselect not values.

How can I send a message to someone with my telegram bot using their Username

I am using the telepot python library, I know that you can send a message when you have someone's UserID(Which is a number). I wanna know if it is possible to send a message to someone without having ...

Consider defining a bean of type 'service' in your configuration [Spring boot]

I get error when I run the main class. ``` Action: Consider defining a bean of type 'seconds47.service.TopicService' in your configuration. Description: Field topicService in seconds47.restAPI.to...

EF Core Add Migration Debugging

How can I step into `OnModelCreating` with a breakpoint and see if my logic is wrong or if the `ModelBuilder` is doing something I'm not expecting? I've seen lots of posts on how to debug the actual ...

How to determine the installed webpack version

Especially during the transition from webpack v1 to v2, it would be important to programmatically determine what [webpack](https://webpack.js.org/) version is installed, but I cannot seem to find the ...

ValueError: x and y must be the same size

``` import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as pt data1 = pd.read_csv('stage1_labels.csv') X = data1.iloc[:, :-1].values y = data1.iloc[:, 1].values from sklearn.preprocessi...

How do I retrieve more than 10000 results/events in Elasticsearch?

Example query: ``` GET hostname:port /myIndex/_search { "size": 10000, "query": { "term": { "field": "myField" } } } ``` I have been using the size option knowing that: > inde...

28 Mar at 03:23