How to enable CORS in Core WebAPI
I have a backend ASP.Net Core Web API hosted on an Azure Free Plan (Source Code: []( I also have a Cl...
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- 19 Jan at 16:28
Copy files to output directory using csproj dotnetcore
So my issue is pretty simple. I have some files that I want to be copied to the build output directory whether it is a debug build or a release publish. All of the information I can find is about the ...
Web APi OData V4 Issue "The entity '' does not have a key defined
When I run the following sample it is throwing the following exception... > Additional information: The entity 'TestEntity' does not have a key defined. I have configured the key using code first en...
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- 5 Jun at 14:41
How do I add a service stack license to a .NET core project?
For my service stack license I am used to adding a web config entry `<add key="servicestack:license" ... />` How do I achieve a similar effect in ServiceStack.Core since there is no web config?
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- 5 Jun at 14:25
Why interfaces for message contracts are strongly recommended in MassTransit?
MassTransit states that we should use interfaces for message contracts : > It is strongly suggested to use interfaces for message contracts, based on experience over several years with varying leve...
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- 5 Jun at 12:13
ASP.NET application on local IIS express to authenticate users ussing active directory
I am trying to setup my local web application to use an LDAP connection string (active directory domain controller) for user authentication. LDAP connection string points to an active directo...
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- 16 Jun at 15:37
Server side rendering. Web API and Angular 2
I've developed a web application built using `ASP.NET Core Web API` and `Angular 4`. My module bundler is `Web Pack 2`. `url````` I've see...
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- 16 Jun at 06:43
Is it possible to create a typed query that produces the following SQL? ``` SELECT A.* FROM schema1.Table1 A INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT column1, column2 FROM schema1.Table2) B ON A.column1 = B.colum...
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- 5 Jun at 10:24
How to open/run YML compose file?
How can I open/run a YML compose file on my computer? I've installed Docker for Windows and Docker tools but couldn't figure out how.
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- 5 Jun at 08:36
Tables with schema using SqliteDialect.Provider
In my test project I register a connection using ":memory" connection string and SqliteDialect.Provider as provider. When trying to run tests that execute arbitrary sql (I have a complex join statemen...
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- 5 Jun at 08:14
Is it ok to use "async" with a ThreadStart method?
I have a Windows Service that uses Thread and SemaphoreSlim to perform some "work" every 60 seconds. ``` class Daemon { private SemaphoreSlim _semaphore; private Thread _thread; public v...
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- 5 Jun at 07:44
Find All Capital Letter in a String - Regular Expression C#
I need to find all in a `string`. For example : `Electronics and Communication Engineering` : `ECE`
Grid control in SSMS
I notice in (SQL Server Management Studio 2016), the query results return within a blink of a second (above 10k+ rows). The result table/grid scroll perfectly smooth, and have an extremely low memory...
- Modified
- 28 Oct at 04:28
Wait for a coroutine to finish before moving on with the function C# Unity
I was working on making a unit move through a grid in Unity2d. I got the movement to work without problems. I would want the function MovePlayer to wait until the coroutine is finished before moving o...
How to exclude folders when using TFS in vscode?
I am using Visual Studio Team Services extension in VS code for check in. [](
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- 4 Jun at 19:37
How to use c# tuple value types in a switch statement
I'm using the new tuple value types in .net 4.7. In this example I am trying to make a switch statement for one or more cases of a tuple: ``` using System; namespace ValueTupleTest { class Progra...
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- 23 Aug at 18:18
AutoMapper define mapping level
``` public class Foo { public string Baz { get; set; } public List<Bar> Bars { get; set; } } ``` When I map the class above, is there any way to define how deep I want automapper to map obje...
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- 4 Jun at 10:28
ServiceStack OrmLite: MySQL connection pool
I understand the topic is not new, I read a few posts but did not come to the answer ... Each time the connection is opened for a very long time, but the idea was to use a connection pool, is not it?...
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- 3 Jun at 22:51
Task Scheduler failed to start. Additional Data: Error Value: 2147943726
I am using windows 10 task scheduler to run tasks that require me using my personal user account (its necessary to use my user and not system user because of permission issues - I am part of an organi...
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- 3 Jun at 20:35
How to Per-Request caching in core
My old code looks like this: ``` public static class DbHelper { // One conection per request public static Database CurrentDb() { if (HttpContext.Current.Items["CurrentDb"] == null) { ...
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- 24 Aug at 08:43
Service Stack Razor View Not Found
I added the `RazorPlugin` along with a `Test.cshtml` in the root View folder (tried wwwroot as well along with `TestGet.cshtml`). This is an donet Core project. Whenever browsing to: `/api/test` th...
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- 3 Jun at 20:28
Why does adding an extra field to struct greatly improves its performance?
I noticed that a struct wrapping a single float is significantly slower than using a float directly, with approximately half of the performance. ``` using System; using System.Diagnostics; struct Ve...
More than one file was found with OS independent path 'META-INF/LICENSE'
When I build my app, I get the following error: > Error: Execution failed for task ':app:transformResourcesWithMergeJavaResForDebug'. More than one file was found with OS independent path 'META-INF...
- Modified
- 14 Feb at 13:29
Next.js - Error: only absolute urls are supported
I'm using express as my custom server for next.js. Everything is fine, when I click the products to the list of products : I click the product Link []( : It will...
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- 3 Jun at 09:9
Check if specific object is empty in typescript
How to check if an object is empty? ex: ``` private brand: Brand = new Brand(); ``` I tried: ``` if (this.brand) { console.log('is empty'); } ``` not working.
- Modified
- 12 May at 13:27