How to enable CORS in Core WebAPI

I have a backend ASP.Net Core Web API hosted on an Azure Free Plan (Source Code: []( I also have a Cl...

19 Jan at 16:28

Copy files to output directory using csproj dotnetcore

So my issue is pretty simple. I have some files that I want to be copied to the build output directory whether it is a debug build or a release publish. All of the information I can find is about the ...

26 Mar at 21:50

Web APi OData V4 Issue "The entity '' does not have a key defined

When I run the following sample it is throwing the following exception... > Additional information: The entity 'TestEntity' does not have a key defined. I have configured the key using code first en...

How do I add a service stack license to a .NET core project?

For my service stack license I am used to adding a web config entry `<add key="servicestack:license" ... />` How do I achieve a similar effect in ServiceStack.Core since there is no web config?

5 Jun at 14:25

Why interfaces for message contracts are strongly recommended in MassTransit?

MassTransit states that we should use interfaces for message contracts : > It is strongly suggested to use interfaces for message contracts, based on experience over several years with varying leve...

5 Jun at 12:13

ASP.NET application on local IIS express to authenticate users ussing active directory

I am trying to setup my local web application to use an LDAP connection string (active directory domain controller) for user authentication. LDAP connection string points to an active directo...

Server side rendering. Web API and Angular 2

I've developed a web application built using `ASP.NET Core Web API` and `Angular 4`. My module bundler is `Web Pack 2`. `url````` I've see...


Is it possible to create a typed query that produces the following SQL? ``` SELECT A.* FROM schema1.Table1 A INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT column1, column2 FROM schema1.Table2) B ON A.column1 = B.colum...

5 Jun at 10:24

How to open/run YML compose file?

How can I open/run a YML compose file on my computer? I've installed Docker for Windows and Docker tools but couldn't figure out how.

Tables with schema using SqliteDialect.Provider

In my test project I register a connection using ":memory" connection string and SqliteDialect.Provider as provider. When trying to run tests that execute arbitrary sql (I have a complex join statemen...

Is it ok to use "async" with a ThreadStart method?

I have a Windows Service that uses Thread and SemaphoreSlim to perform some "work" every 60 seconds. ``` class Daemon { private SemaphoreSlim _semaphore; private Thread _thread; public v...

5 Jun at 07:44

Find All Capital Letter in a String - Regular Expression C#

I need to find all in a `string`. For example : `Electronics and Communication Engineering` : `ECE`

5 Oct at 11:34

Grid control in SSMS

I notice in (SQL Server Management Studio 2016), the query results return within a blink of a second (above 10k+ rows). The result table/grid scroll perfectly smooth, and have an extremely low memory...

28 Oct at 04:28

Wait for a coroutine to finish before moving on with the function C# Unity

I was working on making a unit move through a grid in Unity2d. I got the movement to work without problems. I would want the function MovePlayer to wait until the coroutine is finished before moving o...

4 Jun at 22:3

How to exclude folders when using TFS in vscode?

I am using Visual Studio Team Services extension in VS code for check in. [](

4 Jun at 19:37

How to use c# tuple value types in a switch statement

I'm using the new tuple value types in .net 4.7. In this example I am trying to make a switch statement for one or more cases of a tuple: ``` using System; namespace ValueTupleTest { class Progra...

23 Aug at 18:18

AutoMapper define mapping level

``` public class Foo { public string Baz { get; set; } public List<Bar> Bars { get; set; } } ``` When I map the class above, is there any way to define how deep I want automapper to map obje...

4 Jun at 10:28

ServiceStack OrmLite: MySQL connection pool

I understand the topic is not new, I read a few posts but did not come to the answer ... Each time the connection is opened for a very long time, but the idea was to use a connection pool, is not it?...

Task Scheduler failed to start. Additional Data: Error Value: 2147943726

I am using windows 10 task scheduler to run tasks that require me using my personal user account (its necessary to use my user and not system user because of permission issues - I am part of an organi...

How to Per-Request caching in core

My old code looks like this: ``` public static class DbHelper { // One conection per request public static Database CurrentDb() { if (HttpContext.Current.Items["CurrentDb"] == null) { ...

Service Stack Razor View Not Found

I added the `RazorPlugin` along with a `Test.cshtml` in the root View folder (tried wwwroot as well along with `TestGet.cshtml`). This is an donet Core project. Whenever browsing to: `/api/test` th...

3 Jun at 20:28

Why does adding an extra field to struct greatly improves its performance?

I noticed that a struct wrapping a single float is significantly slower than using a float directly, with approximately half of the performance. ``` using System; using System.Diagnostics; struct Ve...

4 Jun at 16:11

More than one file was found with OS independent path 'META-INF/LICENSE'

When I build my app, I get the following error: > Error: Execution failed for task ':app:transformResourcesWithMergeJavaResForDebug'. More than one file was found with OS independent path 'META-INF...

14 Feb at 13:29

Next.js - Error: only absolute urls are supported

I'm using express as my custom server for next.js. Everything is fine, when I click the products to the list of products : I click the product Link []( : It will...

3 Jun at 09:9

Check if specific object is empty in typescript

How to check if an object is empty? ex: ``` private brand: Brand = new Brand(); ``` I tried: ``` if (this.brand) { console.log('is empty'); } ``` not working.

12 May at 13:27