tagged [regex]

What does \d+ mean in a regular expression?

What does \d+ mean in a regular expression? What does `\d+` mean in a [regular expression](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression)?

17 Aug at 05:35

C# Regex: Named Group Valid Characters?

C# Regex: Named Group Valid Characters? What constitutes a valid group name?

24 Nov at 21:11

C# Simple Regex - 32 characters, containing only 0-9 and a-f (GUID)

C# Simple Regex - 32 characters, containing only 0-9 and a-f (GUID) How to test using regex in C# if: - -

29 Nov at 15:59

What is $1 and $2 in Regular Expressions?

What is $1 and $2 in Regular Expressions? What is $1 and $2 in C# regular expression? Does both come under groups?

19 Jan at 20:21

Regex credit card number tests

Regex credit card number tests I'm testing one application where Regex pattern match credit card then such numbers should be highlighted. I'm using site [http://regexpal.com/](http://regexpal.com/) to...

18 Apr at 09:10

Differences between C# and JavaScript Regular Expressions?

Differences between C# and JavaScript Regular Expressions? Are C# and JavaScript Regular Expressions different? Is there a list of these differences?

21 Oct at 07:5

Check for special characters (/*-+_@&$#%) in a string?

Check for special characters (/*-+_@&$#%) in a string? How do I check a string to make sure it contains numbers, letters, or space only?

17 Apr at 11:52

What's faster: Regex or string operations?

What's faster: Regex or string operations? When should I use Regex over string operations and vice versa only regarding performance?

19 May at 19:33

Regular expression for alphanumeric and underscores

Regular expression for alphanumeric and underscores Is there a regular expression which checks if a string contains only upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores?

17 Oct at 19:47

Order of regular expression operator (..|.. ... ..|..)

Order of regular expression operator (..|.. ... ..|..) What is the order of priority of expressions in `(..|. .. .|..)` operator - left to right, right to left or something else?

24 Feb at 15:39

Match at every second occurrence

Match at every second occurrence Is there a way to specify a regular expression to match every 2nd occurrence of a pattern in a string? Examples - - - -

12 Aug at 03:8

Regular expressions to remove space and whitespace in PHP?

Regular expressions to remove space and whitespace in PHP? I'm looking for regular expressions to remove space and whitespace before and after a comma.

9 Aug at 16:1

Find each RegEx match in string

Find each RegEx match in string id like to do something like Thanks for any help...!

2 Apr at 18:54

Which regular expression operator means 'Don't' match this character?

Which regular expression operator means 'Don't' match this character? `*, ?, +` characters all mean match this character. Which character means 'don't' match this? Examples would help.

7 Jul at 07:22

Regular expression for a hexadecimal number?

Regular expression for a hexadecimal number? How do I create a regular expression that detects hexadecimal numbers in a text? For example, ‘0x0f4’, ‘0acdadecf822eeff32aca5830e438cb54aa722e3’, and ‘8BA...

15 Aug at 14:7

Regex for checking if a string is strictly alphanumeric

Regex for checking if a string is strictly alphanumeric How can I check if a string contains only numbers and alphabets ie. is alphanumeric?

18 Mar at 09:16

C# How to delete XML/HTML comments with regular expression

C# How to delete XML/HTML comments with regular expression The fragment below doesn't work for me.

20 Aug at 05:4

Regex: match word that ends with "Id"

Regex: match word that ends with "Id" I need help putting together a regex that will match word that ends with "Id" with case sensitive match.

25 Nov at 08:44

Regex expressions in Java, \\s vs. \\s+

Regex expressions in Java, \\s vs. \\s+ What's the difference between the following two expressions?

16 Nov at 23:33

How to match hyphens with Regular Expression?

How to match hyphens with Regular Expression? How to rewrite the `[a-zA-Z0-9!$* \t\r\n]` pattern to match hyphen along with the existing characters ?

1 Nov at 12:2

PHP - regex to allow letters and numbers only

PHP - regex to allow letters and numbers only I have tried: but im doing something wrong i guess.

3 Dec at 12:42

Python regular expressions return true/false

Python regular expressions return true/false Using Python regular expressions how can you get a `True`/`False` returned? All Python returns is:

20 Mar at 22:42

Find All Capital Letter in a String - Regular Expression C#

Find All Capital Letter in a String - Regular Expression C# I need to find all in a `string`. For example : `Electronics and Communication Engineering` : `ECE`

5 Oct at 11:34

regex for alphanumeric word, must be 6 characters long

regex for alphanumeric word, must be 6 characters long What is the regex for a alpha numeric word, at least 6 characters long (but at most 50).

15 Nov at 00:9

Regular expression for 10 digit number without any special characters

Regular expression for 10 digit number without any special characters What is the regular expression for a 10 digit numeric number (no special characters and no decimal).

27 Jul at 08:51