Why do i need to use ConfigureAwait(false) in all of transitive closure?

I am learning async/await and after I read this article [Don't Block on Async Code](http://blog.stephencleary.com/2012/07/dont-block-on-async-code.html) and this [Is async/await suitable for methods ...

7 Sep at 10:47

Build .NET Core 2.0 EXE file with C# 7.1

I have a project I'm trying to build. It's using C# 7.1 features, and I can run it via Visual Studio, but when I try to publish to get an .exe file I get the error: ``` Agent.cs(8,30): error CS8107: ...

12 Sep at 13:16

Custom AspNetWindowsAuthProvider

Can I login only specific users with AspNetWindowsAuthProvider in ServiceStack. I created a CustomAspNetWindowsAuthProvider and I have a table whitelist with allowed users, in the method IsAuthorized...

6 Sep at 23:49

Injecting Env Conn String into .NET Core 2.0 w/EF Core DbContext in different class lib than Startup prj & implementing IDesignTimeDbContextFactory

I honestly cannot believe how hard this is...first off the requirements that I am going for: - `IDesignTimeDbContextFactory`[IDbContextFactory](https://www.benday.com/2017/02/17/ef-core-migrations-wi...

Windows and Anonymous Authentication in .Net Core 2.0

I'm trying to mix and authentication in a empty web app. I would like to attribute as I do not want to use Mvc or controllers. My setup is as follows: 1. I created an empty .Net Core 2.0 web ap...

Debugging code from dynamically loaded assembly in .net core 2.0

I have a .net core 2.0 console app that does the following (simplified): ``` var a = Assembly.Load(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly() .GetReferencedAssemblies() ...

6 Sep at 11:56

Version conflict caused by Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions

I'm having issues with a project referencing 2 packages that then reference Newtonsoft.Json but both at different versions. I'm using the nuget package of `Refit` and `Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions`. Wh...

11 Sep at 14:3

Should I have different DTOs for Create and Update? (CRUD)

I'm designing a Web API with the usual CRUD operations on a Person entity. The problem is that I don't know how to design the DTOs. The entity is as follows: ``` public class Person { public i...

6 Sep at 10:53

How to disable physics system in unity

I want to develop native android app in unity engine, and does not need to use physics, could it possible to disable physics engine for specific project in unity.

6 Sep at 10:2

swagger error: Conflicting schemaIds: Duplicate schemaIds detected for types A and B

Using Web API and using swashbuckle to generate swagger documentation, I defined two different classes with the same name in two different namespaces. when I open swagger page in my browser it says >...

Copy Arrays to Array

I have a little problem with arrays. I am new in C#. I try to copy an `int` array into two other `int` arrays with ``` unsortedArray = randomNumbers(); unsortedArray2 = unsortedArray; unsortedArray3 ...

14 Jan at 09:59

ASP NET Core 2 with Full Framework

I am unable to find any documentation, or examples, of an ASP.NET MVC Core app running under the full framework. It is supposed to be supported, but as I said I cannot find any documentation of how to...

Is it possible to compile a single C# code file with the .NET Core Roslyn compiler?

In old .NET we used to be able to run the `csc` compiler to compile a single .cs file or several files. With .NET Core we have `dotnet build` that insists on having a proper project file. Is there a ...

13 Sep at 10:34

Cannot resolve DbContext in ASP.NET Core 2.0

First of all, I'm trying to seed my database with sample data. I have read that this is the way to do it (in ) (please, see [ASP.NET Core RC2 Seed Database](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3803413...

Mongodb implications of update versus replace

I have read [this related question](https://stackoverflow.com/q/35848688/304832), but the one below is different. The mongodb c# driver has a `ReplaceOne` method (& an async counterpart) on the docume...

5 Sep at 19:11

ServiceStack CsvSerializer date format

Using CsvSerializer as a static class. All of my dates are being output with the UTC Offset: ``` 2017-09-05T01:51:52-07:00 ``` The dates being fed in are UTC, I want the offset removed, so the outp...

5 Sep at 18:47

Fluent Validation not working on Exception

After upgrading ServiceStack to 4.5.8, ServiceStack eats the exception thrown by Fluent Validation and passes validation instead of failing it whenever an exception is thrown inside the validator. Th...

5 Sep at 20:34

Why C# Arrays type IsSerializable property is True?

I was just curious why C# arrays return `true` for their `IsSerializable` property. Arrays do not have any `Serializable` attribute, and they also don't implement the `ISerializable` interface, so wh...

5 Sep at 20:23

Visual Studio 2017 - AssemblyInfo.cs not found

Today, building my solutions, this problem appear: > [Error] The file '...\ Projects \ Application \ Application \ obj \ Release \ netcoreapp2.0 \ Application.AssemblyInfo.cs' cannot be found. I've fo...

22 Nov at 20:39

Swagger not working correctly with multiple versions of ASP.NET WebApi app

Please help me with this, it looked easy at first, now I'm late in the project: I'm trying to setup API versioning for a ASP.NET WebApi project, along with Swagger. The API versioning works fine, cal...

Reference another json file in appsettings.json for ASP.NET Core configuration

In 'the old days' using XML configuration it was possible to include partial configuration from another file like [this](https://msdn.microsoft.com/nl-nl/library/ms228154(v=vs.100).aspx): ``` <appSet...

Shared projects and resource files

We have a solution with a shared project that is referenced by two other projects. In the shared project, we have `resx` files, but we noticed the code-behind `Designer.cs` file is not updated when ...

Polymorphic Model Bindable Expression Trees Resolver

I'm trying to figure out a way to structure my data so that it is model bindable. My Issue is that I have to create a query filter which can represent multiple expressions in data. For example: > x =...

Access appsettings.json from .NET 4.5.2 project

I have two projects, a 1.1.0 ASP.NET Core project and a reference to a 4.5.2 project. I want to get values from the appsettings.json file to my 4.5.2 project. The appsettings.json file is in the core...

5 Sep at 11:34

AddJsonOptions not found in ASP.NET Core 2.0

I'm migrating my ASP.NET 1.1 project to 2.0: Inside the `Setup` class, under the `Configure` method override I have: ``` services.AddMvc() .AddJsonOptions(options => options.SerializerSe...

5 Sep at 11:53