tagged [swagger-ui]

How to include XML comments files in Swagger in ASP.NET Core

How to include XML comments files in Swagger in ASP.NET Core I need Swagger generate API documentation include UI to test operations. When use ASP.NET in my project, deps XML files are generated, ever...

15 Jul at 11:9

Grouping of API methods in documentation - is there some custom attribute

Grouping of API methods in documentation - is there some custom attribute I have controller like Which on swagger generates output like [](https://i.stack.im

Is there a way change the Controller's name in the swagger-ui page?

Is there a way change the Controller's name in the swagger-ui page? I'm using Swashbuckle to enable the use of swagger and swagger-ui in my WebApi project. In the following image you can see two of my...

18 Apr at 18:6

swagger-ui returns 500 after deployment

swagger-ui returns 500 after deployment Out of the box configuration works perfectly on my machine, no problems at all. But when I deploy to our test environment - I get the following message > 500 : ...

How to set Swagger as default start page?

How to set Swagger as default start page? How do I set Swagger as the default start page instead of `/Account/Login`? I'm using ASP.NET MVC 5.x + Angular 1.x. # Update Current code: ``` public static ...

ServiceStack Swagger NuGet package incomplete

ServiceStack Swagger NuGet package incomplete I'm trying to implement the ServiceStack.Api.Swagger NuGet package in my ServiceStack project, however the /swagger-ui/lib folder is missing both the jque...

1 Oct at 16:14

Add Authentication to /swagger/ui/index page - Swagger | Web API | Swashbuckle

Add Authentication to /swagger/ui/index page - Swagger | Web API | Swashbuckle I'm working on a Swagger (Web API) project. When I first run the application it shows the Login page for Swagger UI. So, ...

Passing a list of object in ServiceStack

Passing a list of object in ServiceStack I have created a customer service using ServiceStack but i am not able to pass a list of object from this method. ``` public class EntityService : Service { ...

17 Aug at 13:17

Swagger does not show all operations

Swagger does not show all operations I am trying to use Swagger to document rest services created with ServiceStack 3.9.70... This is the layout of the solution: ``` [Product.Services.Rest.dll] AppHos...

25 Nov at 12:31

Servicestack - Multiple IReturn on Request DTO

Servicestack - Multiple IReturn on Request DTO Is it possible to have multiple `IReturn` on a request DTO? For example following route: Depending on the request method I want to have another `IReturn`...

SwaggerUI exposing Dictionary<string,string> type in the wrong way

SwaggerUI exposing Dictionary type in the wrong way Dear Overflowers I'm using SwaggerUI for exposing my servicestack REST service specification but I've encountered an unexpected issue. One of my ser...

27 Jun at 12:43

Change ServiceStack default format to JSON, but keep HTML format for SwaggerUI

Change ServiceStack default format to JSON, but keep HTML format for SwaggerUI Essentially, I want all of my responses returned in JSON by default, searched for an answer and stumbled upon this discus...

11 Oct at 20:28

Swagger not working on a self hosted ServiceStack Service

Swagger not working on a self hosted ServiceStack Service Following the code example at this URL : [https://github.com/ServiceStack/ServiceStack/wiki/Self-hosting](https://github.com/ServiceStack/Serv...

15 Oct at 09:29

How to make the Swagger/Postman Plugins work when the service is protected by an API Key

How to make the Swagger/Postman Plugins work when the service is protected by an API Key In my ServiceStack web service I have a global request filter that inspects the headers for the presence of an ...

5 May at 18:49

How do I fix garbled Chinese?

How do I fix garbled Chinese? I have a swagger API. How do I resolve the garbled Chinese characters ([GB2312](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GB_2312))? Request: ``` Origin: Connec...

20 Oct at 00:17

ServiceStack + Swagger-UI [Api] Attribute Usage

ServiceStack + Swagger-UI [Api] Attribute Usage I must be daft, but I cannot figure out what the usage of the [Api] attribute actually does for [ServiceStack's SwaggerFeature](https://github.com/Servi...

18 Oct at 07:8

api version value by default in swagger-ui

api version value by default in swagger-ui I have configure swagger in our [asp.core wep-api](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/web-api/?view=aspnetcore-3.0) project and its working perfec...

29 Oct at 05:39

Swagger TypeError: Failed to execute 'fetch' on 'Window': Request with GET/HEAD method cannot have body

Swagger TypeError: Failed to execute 'fetch' on 'Window': Request with GET/HEAD method cannot have body I have added Swagger to my Spring Boot 2 application: This is my Swagger config: ``` @Configurat...

ServiceStack OpenAPI and Postman: Get the request 'Example value' in the output to import into Postman

ServiceStack OpenAPI and Postman: Get the request 'Example value' in the output to import into Postman Is there a way to get ServiceStacks PostmanFeature to also export the 'Example value', that can b...

Setting up Swagger (ASP.NET Core) using the Authorization headers (Bearer)

Setting up Swagger (ASP.NET Core) using the Authorization headers (Bearer) I have a Web API (ASP.NET Core) and I am trying to adjust the swagger to make the calls from it. The calls must contains the ...

17 Apr at 08:11

How can I change order the operations are listed in a group in Swashbuckle?

How can I change order the operations are listed in a group in Swashbuckle? I'm using Swashbuckle to generate Swagger UI. It has options for choosing a grouping key (controller by default) and the ord...

21 Sep at 08:38

Swagger UI Web Api documentation Present enums as strings?

Swagger UI Web Api documentation Present enums as strings? Is there a way to display all enums as their string value in swagger instead of their int value? I want to be able to submit POST actions and...

Swagger gives me HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden

Swagger gives me HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden I am trying to use Swagger with Web API. I am just using the "Azure API App" template from the ASP.NET 4.6 templates installed with Visual Studio, which ...

SwaggerUI not display enum summary description, C# .net core?

SwaggerUI not display enum summary description, C# .net core? I used [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/tutorials/getting-started-with-swashbuckle?view=aspnetcore-2.1&tabs=visual-studio#xm...