How to export swagger.json (or yaml)

How can I export a Swagger definition file? It should be a JSON or YAML file, e.g. swagger.json or swagger.yaml. Let's say I have an endpoint looking like `!`: [](...

2 Dec at 14:58

Getting No provider for NgControl Error after adding ReactiveFormsModule to my angular 4 app

I am getting this error - "Template parse errors: No provider for NgControl" ``` The error comes from this line of code --> <select (ngModel)="currencies" (ngModelChange)="showPurchase($event)" cla...

30 Jan at 15:40

Should the package-lock.json file be added to .gitignore?

To lock the versions of dependencies that are installed over a project, the command `npm install` creates a file called `package-lock.json`. This was made since [Node.js v8.0.0](

30 Jan at 14:58

What replaces WCF in .Net Core?

I am used to creating a .Net Framework console application and exposing a `Add(int x, int y)` function via a WCF service from scratch with Class Library (.Net Framework). I then use the console applic...

15 Jan at 03:41

Docker error: invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase

Ran into this Docker error with one of my projects: `invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase` What are the various causes for this generic message? I already figured it out afte...

30 Jan at 13:29

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation

I am getting this error whenever I try and run a webjob project with application insight and entity framework. > System.IO.FileLoadException: 'Could not load file or assembly 'System.Runtime.Intero...

How do I select just few columns with ORMLite and c#?

I have a query involving several tables, and I need to select only few columns of the result. I've looked everywhere with no luck, the few things I tried did not work. Can someone point me to the ri...

30 Jan at 10:21

Retrieving alias of a property from a Model with ORMLite and C#

I have the following class: ``` [Schema("dbo")] [Alias("accesses")] public class Acces{ [Alias("id")] public int Id { get; set; } [Alias("device_id")] public string DeviceId { get; s...

30 Jan at 18:13

Server Events Client - Getting rid of the automatically appended string at the end of the URI

I am new to the Service Stack library and trying to use the Server Events Client. The server I'm working with has two URIs. One for receiving a connection token and one for listening for search reques...

30 Jan at 08:45

How to implement two forms with separate BindProperties in Razor Pages?

I am using ASP.NET Core 2 with Razor Pages and I am trying to have . ``` @page @model mfa.Web.Pages.TwoFormsModel @{ Layout = null; } <form method="post"> <input asp-for="ProductName" /> ...

19 Aug at 06:6

Data type conversion error: ValueError: Cannot convert non-finite values (NA or inf) to integer

I've the following dataframe ``` df1 = df[['tripduration','starttime','stoptime','start station name','end station name','bikeid','usertype','birth year','gender']] print(df1.head(2)) ``` which pri...

29 Jan at 23:7

AppSelfHostBase in Xamarin

i would like to create a self hosted host in my Xamarin.Forms application. I'm working on a library that targets .NETStandard2, but when I try to create my host i cannot figure out how to get the righ...

29 Jan at 22:5

Passing C# parameters which can "fit" an interface, but do not actually implement it

Suppose I have the following class, which was defined in another assembly so I can't change it. ``` class Person { public string Greet() => "Hello!"; } ``` I now define an interface, and a me...

29 Jan at 18:46

Simple Conditional Routing in Reactjs

How to implement conditional routing i.e. if and only if some conditions satisfies, then routing should occur. For example, if and only if the user enters the correct credentials, login should be succ...

ReactJS: Maximum update depth exceeded error

I am trying to toggle the state of a component in ReactJS but I get an error stating: > Maximum update depth exceeded. This can happen when a component repeatedly calls setState inside componentWillU...

19 Jul at 09:12

WebAPI Core routing issues

So, I am playing around with Web API (ASP.NET Core 2) and having routing issues. I have several controllers such as: SchoolController TeacherController. Both have Gets: `Get(int id)` Problem is th...

How to grep for case insensitive string in a file?

I have a file `file1` which ends with `Success...` OR `success...` I want to `grep` for the word `success` in a way which is not case sensitive way. I have written the following command but it is case...

24 Jan at 15:53

Can Nullable be used as a functor in C#?

Consider the following code in C#. ``` public int Foo(int a) { // ... } // in some other method int? x = 0; x = Foo(x); ``` The last line will return a compilation error `cannot convert from...

Location permission for Android above 6.0 with Xamarin.Forms.Maps

I'm trying to implement a Xamarin.Forms application using Xamarin.Forms.Maps, however I always fall into the exception: Java.Lang.SecurityException: my location requires permission ACCESS_FINE_LOCATI...

How to Set/Update State of StatefulWidget from other StatefulWidget in Flutter?

1. For Example in the below code plus button works and able to update the text but the minus button does not. 2. But if we press FloatingActionButton then the State is refreshed . 3. The minus button...

8 Nov at 22:33

Not able to pip install pickle in python 3.6

I am trying to run the following code: ``` import bs4 as bs import pickle import requests import lxml def save_sp500_tickers(): resp = requests.get("

22 Jan at 05:49

Bootstrap responsive sidebar menu to top navbar

So I've been searching and searching for guidance in this with no avail. Basically, I just want to have a sidebar, but when the screen gets small, aka smartphones screen size, it transforms into a na...

Clone/duplicate an existing GameObject and its children

Is there a C# way in Unity to duplicate an existing GameObject and all of its children? In my case, I have an empty GameObject with a number of Text objects as children and I would like to create a c...

27 Jan at 00:19

serilog format SourceContext for showing only assembly name

I configured my project to use Serilog for logging using dependecy injection. I use the following schema in the classes constructor: ``` namespace FlickPopper.API.Controllers { public class Val...

26 Jan at 21:57

How to view instagram profile picture in full-size?

I was able to view and download a person's full sized, high resolution profile picture on Instagram until even a few days ago. I usually remove the 's150x150' from the URL and it worked fine for me. B...

22 Aug at 18:31