Override array settings in appsettings.json with those in appsettings.Production.json

I'm using ASP.NET Core 2.1. I have settings in [appsettings.json](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/aspnet/core/fundamentals/configuration/) and I bind them to classes using the options pattern. I wan...

11 Oct at 08:41

Operation of the mkdir command with dockerfile

I cannot create a directory with the mkdir command in a container with dockerfile. My Dockerfile file is simply ; ``` FROM php:fpm WORKDIR /var/www/html VOLUME ./code:/var/www/html RUN mkdir -p ...

11 Oct at 07:2

ServiceStack Bug serializing GUIDs, numbers, etc. when value is default and SerializeFn is specified

When you try and serialize a Guid that is empty (not null, but empty) the result will be omitted if you set ExcludeDefaultValues = true. But, if you then set ExcludeDefaultValues = false it will gener...

11 Oct at 02:13

Postman shows datetime as unknown format

I am using Servicestack and Ormlite for my project and testing with postman. The C# type I am using for my timestamps is DateTime and it processes the info correctly to and from the MySql database. W...

11 Oct at 01:49

Span and two dimensional Arrays

Is it possible to use the new [System.Memory Span struct](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/mt814808.aspx) with two dimensional arrays of data? ``` double[,] testMulti = { { 1, 2...

Xamarin: Can not resolve reference: `System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions`, referenced by `MySqlConnector`.

I can't build my Xamarin Android project in Visual Studio 2017. I keep getting this error: ``` Can not resolve reference: `System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions`, referenced by `MySqlConnector`. Please...

10 Oct at 19:55

How to Export CSV file from ASP.NET core

I am trying to migrate code from ASP.net to ASP.net core. Where as in ASP.net code was like below, ``` var progresses = db.Progresses.Where(p => p.UserId == id).Include(p => p.User.UserMetaData).Inc...

ASP.NET Core 2.1 get current web hostname and port in Startup.cs

I want to register my WebAPI to Consul service discovery and for that I should provide URL of my WebAPI (for example: [http://service1.com](http://service1.com)) and health check endpoint ([http://ser...

10 Oct at 13:53

Jwt Unable to valid issuer or audience

This is my token decoder. When I try to decode it, my principal ends up being null thus leading to this error: > 'IDX10208: Unable to validate audience. validationParameters.ValidAudience is null ...

How to chain methods in .net with async/await

I've started to learn functional programming and while chaining methods looks great (in my opinion) in normal cases, it really gets ugly when dealing with async/await ``` await (await (await CosmosDb...

10 Oct at 10:33

What is the correct way to add date picker in flutter app?

In my app I am creating signup page where I need to add DOB. I want to add date picker in that but I am not getting correct way to do this.

ServiceStack Hot Reloading Typescript

I'm using .net core and ServiceStack Angular SPA project template, and I want to enable hot reloading. From what I saw on site [here](http://templates.servicestack.net/docs/hot-reloading) I only need...

9 Oct at 18:39

How can I use Dependency Injection in a .Net Core ActionFilterAttribute?

``` public class AuthenticationRequiredAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute { ILoginTokenKeyApi _loginTokenKeyApi; IMemoryCache _memoryCache; public AuthenticationRequiredAttribute(IMemoryC...

Implementing Fur with Shells technique in Unity

I am trying to implement fur in Unity with the [Shells technique](http://developer.download.nvidia.com/SDK/10.5/direct3d/Source/Fur/doc/FurShellsAndFins.pdf). The Fins technique is purposely left out ...

11 Oct at 14:12

Flutter: Find the number of days between two dates

I currently have a user's profile page that brings out their date of birth and other details. But I am planning to find the days before their birthday by calculating the difference between today's dat...

24 May at 22:13

Multiple Implementations of IHostedService

I'm trying to create background services using IHostedService. Everything works fine if I only have ONE background service. When I try to create more than one implementation of `IHostedService` only t...

9 Oct at 07:16

How do you mock ILogger LogInformation

I have a class that receives an ILogger and I want to mock the LogInformation calls but this is an extension method. How do I make the appropiate setup call for this?

8 Oct at 17:55

referencing .NET framework 4 dll in .NET core 2.0

I have some dll that is written in `.Net` framework `4.0` and I can't run my program when I'm referencing it to my project which is written in `.NET core 2.0`. Although my IDE (vs 2017) can recognize...

8 Oct at 13:17

How to use Rijndael algorithm with 256 long block size in dotnet core 2.1

I'm trying to encrypt a string with `RijndaelManaged` in order to send it to a third-party service. I've implemented the procedure in older versions of .Net framework (4.5, 4.6.x) like below: ``` Rij...

No service for type Identity.UserManager when using multiple identity users

Currently, I have two models that inherit from `ApplicationUser`, which inherits `IdentityUser`. The user classes are: ``` public abstract class ApplicationUser : IdentityUser { [PersonalData] ...

Creating class dependency diagram in Rider IDE

Does that feature exist there? How is it able to be used? Rider official docs was useless for me within that issue.

12 Dec at 11:33

VirtualBox NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005) macOS

I'm using macOS and installed VirtualBox. When I start a machine, I'm getting the following error : ``` Failed to open a session for the virtual machine ubuntu. The virtual machine 'ubuntu' has ter...

15 Oct at 07:49

Why the default SynchronizationContext is not captured in a Console App?

I'm trying to learn more about the `SynchronizationContext`, so I made this simple console application: ``` private static void Main() { var sc = new SynchronizationContext(); Synchronization...

How can one generate and save a file client side using Blazor?

I want to have a SPA that's doing all the work client side and even generating some graphs/visuals. I'd like to be able to have the user click buttons and save the visuals, tables, and other things f...

6 Oct at 22:1

because an app is obscuring a permissions request, Settings can't verify your response

[](https://i.stack.imgur.com/7PpUU.jpg)While I allow USB debugging, tap on OK button, Messaging has comes > because an app is obscuring a permissions request, Settings can't verify your response ...

1 Feb at 13:7