Flutter Text Field: How to add Icon inside the border
 I would like to add the icon in the search bar. Here is my code so far: ``` new TextField( decoration: new InputDecoration( ...
- Modified
- 24 Oct at 15:52
Django TemplateSyntaxError - 'staticfiles' is not a registered tag library
After upgrading to Django 3.0, I get the following `TemplateSyntaxError`: ``` In template /Users/alasdair//myproject/myapp/templates/index.html, error at line 1 'staticfiles' is not a registered tag ...
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- 30 Apr at 22:31
Insecure deserialization using Json.NET
A static security scanner has flagged my C# code on this line: ``` var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(response); ``` `response` will contain a JSON response from a web API. The sc...
JSON format issues with JSON_QUERY and C#
I have a JSON blob column (eg Groups) in a user table that contains a json object as follows: ``` {Security:[1,5],Reporting:[2,8]} ``` If i try and query that table using JSON_QUERY I get a badly f...
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- 30 Apr at 15:21
Why am I able to edit a LINQ list while iterating over it?
I recently came across an issue where I was able to change the `IEnumerable` object that I was iterating over in a `foreach` loop. It's my understanding that in C#, you aren't supposed to be able to e...
How to lock autofocus
Is there a way to prevent auto-focus from focusing, using any of the "standard" libraries, such as OpenCV, EmGU, DirectShow, etc? I want auto-focus to find the optimal focus, then during video captur...
- Modified
- 9 May at 07:28
xUnit test using data coming from external file
In these days I'm trying to understand how xUnit tests work and, in particular, I discovered that there are 3 ways to pass data as parameters in order to test class methods (InlineData, ClassData and ...
How to fix "ReferenceError: primordials is not defined" in Node.js
I have installed Node.js modules by 'npm install', and then I tried to do `gulp sass-watch` in a command prompt. After that, I got the below response. ``` [18:18:32] Requiring external module babel-re...
Disable "Try It Out" in Swagger
This question has been asked a lot for different languages. After a substantial amount of (fruitless) browsing Im feeling rather dumb but, I'll ask anyway This document refers to adding a Swagger plu...
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- 30 Apr at 05:45
Temporary Value Error During Entity Framework Core Modify
I was following along in a tutorial for ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core. I am able to connect to my Microsoft SQL Server database and get and add rows, but I cannot update them. My update metho...
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- 30 Apr at 03:57
String.Format() doesn't work, but string.Format() does
I would not believe this if I wasn't seeing it with my own eyes. ``` string test = String.Format( "{0} test {1}", "Mark", 13 ); ``` Results in a value of `"{0} test {1}"` for variable `test` ``` s...
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- 29 Apr at 19:54
How do I decode the response stream correctly in ServiceStack ProxyFeature?
I am trying to replace URLs in the body of a response in ProxyFeature, but I am getting an encoded body. Here is the code: ``` Plugins.Add(new ProxyFeature( matchingRequests: req => ...
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- 29 Apr at 21:23
update dart sdk for flutter
I would like to use dart SDK >= 2.2.0 with flutter. But my current version used BY Flutter is 2.1.2 ``` flutter --version Flutter 1.2.1 • channel stable • https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git Frame...
What is the incentive for curl to release the library for free?
I recently started using libCurl for my VC++ project. I've been wondering: what is the incentive for the curl creators to release the entire library for free? Is it purely to help their fellow develo...
Vue Axios CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'
I build an app use vue and codeigniter, but I have a problem when I try to get api, I got this error on console ``` Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'http://localhost:8888/project/login' from origin 'htt...
Entity Framework Core: `SqlNullValueException: Data is Null.` How to troubleshoot?
I am using Entity Framework Core in an ASP.NET Core application and Controller action and I haven't changed something to the working code nor to the database but I can't tell what is the query perform...
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- 27 Apr at 21:2
ConfigurationErrorsException is found in both ServiceStack and System.Configuration.ConfigurationManger assemblies (netstandard)
I use both the ServiceStack and System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager package in my .NET Standard library. I reference the `ConfigurationErrorsException` class specifically. My Visual Studio doesn...
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- 29 Apr at 15:35
Access Payload in JWT token in Servicestack Request and Response Filter Attributes
I am programming a Service and ERP Software with an API that is Servicestack based. In an Request Filter Attribute I want to check if the current user has permission to use a specific service by evalu...
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- 25 Apr at 20:15
Check if hosting server is IIS or Kestrel at runtime in aspnet core
I'm currently running my application under either Kestrel (locally) or IIS InProcess (production). ``` return WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder(args) .ConfigureKestrel(options => options.AddServerHead...
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- 25 Apr at 15:33
How can I read a file which will be upload from a form in .Net Core API?
I create a method in my .Net Core API which will upload a file. ``` [HttpPost] public async Task<IActionResult> ReadFile(IFormFile file) { return BadRequest(file); } ``` I do a `return BadReque...
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- 25 Apr at 14:5
How can we use HttpClient in ASP.Net Core?
I'm writing ASP.Net MVC Core 2.2 Web App. I need to get data from another web server with HTTP or HTTPS. How should I do this? I wrote code using `HttpClient`. I have a Controller that gets a messag...
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- 16 Feb at 11:6
Using multiple ServiceStack's auth providers throws error
I intend to use 2 ServiceStack's auth providers: one custom provider based on `CredentialsAuthProvider` called `remotecreds` and the built-in `JwtAuthProvider`. My AppHost registration code looks lik...
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- 25 Apr at 10:12
React Hook "useState" is called in function "app" which is neither a React function component or a custom React Hook function
I'm trying to use react hooks for a simple problem ``` const [personState,setPersonState] = useState({ DefinedObject }); ``` with following dependencies. ``` "dependencies": { "react": "^16.8....
- Modified
- 21 Feb at 11:42
What are services and why add them in ASP.NET Core?
I just started learning ASP.NET Core. Within the framework of the Web API template, there is a `Startup` class, in which the `ConfigureServices()` method is defined. Can someone explain in simple word...
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- 26 Feb at 10:4
Own UserAuthRepository without IUserAuth or IUserAuthDetails dependency/implementation
I want to use CredentialAuthProvider and JwtAuthProvider and I have my own Person class in which I want to store username and password. Most of the fields in UserAuth and UserAuthDetails are useless t...
- Modified
- 24 Apr at 22:55