tagged [simple-injector]
Using Application Insights with Unit Tests?
Using Application Insights with Unit Tests? I have an MVC web app, and I'm using Simple Injector for DI. Almost all my code is covered by unit tests. However, now that I've added some telemetry calls ...
- Modified
- 21 Oct at 17:32
Mixed lifestyle for Per Thread and Per Web Request with Simple Injector
Mixed lifestyle for Per Thread and Per Web Request with Simple Injector I'm using `SimpleInjector` as my IoC library. I register `DbContext` as per web request and it works fine. But there is one task...
- Modified
- 29 May at 09:50
How to use Simple injector, Repository and Context - code first
How to use Simple injector, Repository and Context - code first I'm trying to use Simple Injector to create my repository and use it in the Business logic layer ( also i want to use PerWebRequest meth...
- Modified
- 16 Dec at 07:38
Using Simple Injector in Web API and OWIN
Using Simple Injector in Web API and OWIN I'm experiencing the same problem as [described here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25676617/simple-injector-web-api-controller-constructor-injection-fa...
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- 23 May at 12:16
Dependency Injection (using SimpleInjector) and OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider
Dependency Injection (using SimpleInjector) and OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider New to Dependency Injection, so this is probably a simple matter, but i have tried and cant figure it out, i am using S...
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- 23 Sep at 15:47
Register IAuthenticationManager with Simple Injector
Register IAuthenticationManager with Simple Injector I am having a configuration setup for Simple Injector where I have moved all of my registrations to OWIN pipeline. Now the problem is I have a cont...
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- 30 Jan at 19:50
Sharing ServiceStack ICacheClient with SignalR
Sharing ServiceStack ICacheClient with SignalR I'm trying to share the elements in cache between ServiceStack OOB ICacheClient and a SignalR Hub, but I'm getting the following error when I try to get ...
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- 23 May at 12:14
Using ServiceStack and SimpleInjector together to resister API service
Using ServiceStack and SimpleInjector together to resister API service We are trying to use ServiceStack alongside our `ASP.NET MVC 5` application. So the end user will be using the web application wh...
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- 8 Dec at 22:35
Simple Injector unable to inject dependencies in Web API controllers
Simple Injector unable to inject dependencies in Web API controllers I am attempting to do some basic constructor DI with Simple Injector, and it seems that it is unable to resolve the dependencies fo...
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- 13 Dec at 13:24
Injecting Simple Injector components into IHostedService with ASP.NET Core 2.0
Injecting Simple Injector components into IHostedService with ASP.NET Core 2.0 In ASP.NET Core 2.0, there is a way to add background tasks by implementing the `IHostedService` interface (see [https://...
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- 17 Jun at 12:21
Simple Injector fails to inject per Web API request registered class during Owin startup
Simple Injector fails to inject per Web API request registered class during Owin startup I'm creating an API using Owin, Web API, Entity Framework, ASP.NET Identity. I'm using [Simple Injector](https:...
- Modified
- 10 Nov at 14:27
Wiring up Simple Injector in WebForms in .NET 4.7.2
Wiring up Simple Injector in WebForms in .NET 4.7.2 With the changes in .NET 4.7.2, constructor injection is now possible in Web Forms. I have gotten Simple Injector working with Web Forms, but would ...
- Modified
- 31 Jul at 21:2
Using Simple Injector with Unit Of Work & Repository Pattern in Windows Form
Using Simple Injector with Unit Of Work & Repository Pattern in Windows Form I'm trying to implement IoC in my windows form application. My choice fell on Simple Injector, because it's fast and lightw...
- Modified
- 22 Apr at 15:58
ICommandHandler/IQueryHandler with async/await
ICommandHandler/IQueryHandler with async/await # EDITH says (tl;dr) I went with a variant of the suggested solution; keeping all `ICommandHandler`s and `IQueryHandler`s potentially aynchronous and ret...
- Modified
- 14 Feb at 05:42