EF Core 'another instance is already being tracked'

I have a problem updating an entity in .Net Core 2.2.0 using EF Core 2.2.3. > An error occurred while saving changes. Error details: The instance of entity type 'Asset' cannot be tracked because a...

Cannot resolve with IServerSideEvents dependancy

Extening on : [IOC injection of IServerSideEvents](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54406393/ioc-injection-of-iserversideevents) I am trying to setup a Singleton on the container which requires IS...

21 May at 13:47

Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torch>=1.0.0?

Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torch>=1.0.0 No matching distribution found for torch>=1.0.0 (from stanfordnlp)

11 Jun at 12:48

Understanding esModuleInterop in tsconfig file

I was checking out someone `.tsconfig` file and there I spotted `--esModuleInterop` This is his `.tsconfig` file ``` { "compilerOptions": { "moduleResolution": "node", "target": "es6", "...

23 Jan at 19:48

Bearer authentication in Swagger UI, when migrating to Swashbuckle.AspNetCore version 5

I'm trying to migrate from version 4.0.1 to 5.0.0-rc2 of Swashbuckle in a .NET Core 3 Preview 5 Web API project. I've got the project compiling and the Swagger UI working, but I can't get Bearer auth...

13 Jan at 12:22

Combine URL data with HTTP POST request body in ServiceStack

I'd like to be able to POST data like this to a REST API: ``` POST /foo/b HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json { "Qux": 42, "Corge": "c" } ``` The URL segment after `fo...

20 May at 12:26

How to animate state transitions in Blazor?

In my Blazor components I often render components based on either a conditional statement, e.g. ``` @if (_contact.IsCustomer) { <SalesOrdersList Customer="@_contact" /> } ``` Or from a loop, e...

21 May at 08:0

How to get AdGroupAuthProvider worked with OrmLiteCacheClient?

I want that application will be accessible for end user regardless on which server node LoadBalancer redirects. So, I would like to use OrmLiteCacheClient to store session in MSSQL DB. I have the fol...

How to Separate Code From UI In Blazor.Net

Reference to this [VisualStudioMagazine](https://visualstudiomagazine.com/articles/2018/12/01/creating-web-pages-with-blazor.aspx) article, I am trying to have code in a separate file instead of razor...

Is there any convention or built in concept how to inject a Json serializer?

In some of my class in an ASP.NET project serialize/deserialize JSON I suppose using the static `JsonConvert...` methods are not the best option, neither using `new` with a hardcoded class Would ...

Multiple services handling a request type

I need for the sake of a decoupled architecture to call a different service using the same request dto. Eg. ``` // A value type has a callback url that will validate the request public class ValueTy...

20 May at 10:53

There are no scaffolders supported for this item Visual Studio 2019

I'm using Visual Studio 2019 version 16.0.4, and I tried to create a view or a partial one on asp.net core 2.1 (in views folder) but I get an error > There are no scaffolders supported for this item...

How to Refresh a token using IHttpClientFactory

I am using IHttpClientFactory for sending requests and receiving HTTP responses from two external APIs using Net Core 2.2. I am looking for a good strategy to get a new access token using a refresh t...

Visual studio code cmd error: Cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system

Inside of visual studio code, I'm trying to execute a script.bat from the command line, but I'm getting the following error: > File C:\Theses_Repo\train-cnn\environment\Scripts\activate.ps1 cannot be...

C# Linq: Combine multiple .Where() with an *OR* clause

I have been searching a lot about my current problem but I could not find a real answer to solve that issue. I am trying to build a LINQ Query that produces the following SQL: ``` SELECT * FROM TAB...

18 May at 09:48

Azure SignalR Error: (429) Too Many Requests

I am using Azure SignalR with Asp.Net MVC API (with .net framework not .net core) project. I can never connect to Azure's SignalR service (tried any possible configuration) while everything works fine...

17 May at 15:44

ASP.Net Core API always returns 401 but Bearer token is included

I have an ASP .NET Core web api and I generate a JWT token for authorization purposes but whenever I make a request with Postman with Bearer token header I get 401 Unauthorized. Same when I try from m...

5 Mar at 16:5

Project does not reference framework except that it does

I have a solution which contains multiple projects. All projects target v4.6.1 of the .NETFramework. However when I build my solution and try to run it I get the following exception: > Your project ...

17 May at 10:51

Blazor link - disable href if there's an onclick method

In Blazor I have an `<a>` element that has both a `href` and an `onclick` method: ``` <a href="" onclick="@(() => ChangePage(_someObject))">Test</a> ``` `onclick` calls this method: ``` private bool ...

11 Jun at 08:30

RegEx allowing digit, dash, comma

I would like to know the regular expression for c# fulfill the following pattern: - - - - - - - ``` 1-100,134,200 --> PASS. Maximum range of numbers 0-999 1,18,100 --> PASS 1, 18, 100 -->...

17 May at 07:43

PocoDynamo Scan Item count with expression

I need to count the number of records based on a criteria. The ScanItemCount doesn't take a filter expression, so I wanted to explore the best way for getting the total number of records. Below is a ...

17 May at 03:40

Difference between "ToListAsync()" and "AsAsyncEnumerable().ToList()"

Function need to return `Task<List<Record>>` Following both options are returning `Task<List<Record>>`, which one is more efficient? Is there any standard way here? Option 1 : ``` Task<List<Record>...

How can I get a list of entities from existing data with ServiceStack.OrmLite?

I am using test data to run integration tests. So I am using the following method ``` public static IEnumerable<ProductPhase> GetProductPhases() { return new List<ProductPhase> { new ...

.NET Core can´t connect to SQL DB

I build a new .net Core Web API with connection to SQL DB. I have problems to connect the API with my Database I tried a local DB `"DefaultConnection": "Server=(localdb)\\MSSQLLocalDB; Initial Catalog...

3 May at 21:32

PocoDynamo (the provided key element does not match the schema)

I have created a table in Dynamo Db, with Id as the primary key and customerID as sortkey. When i query an item by Id as shown below, I get error "the provided key element does not match the schema" ...

16 May at 07:24