How can i execute filter from our JSON filter JSON?

I have a vue3 datagrid and I want to fill the data in this grid with filter by API. At the same time, I want to send the filter fields in the grid to the API as JSON and execute them according to this...

29 Aug at 12:28

using servicestack ormlite, is there a way to get an execution plan?

Using servicestack ormlite 6,4 and azure SQL server - using SQLServerDialect2012, we have an issue with an enums causing excessive stalling and timeouts. If we just convert it to a string its quick as...

29 Aug at 12:29

ServiceStack #Script Argument in Database Script

I have the following [#Script]( (ServiceStack framework) template. I want to use the argument Code in my dbSelect. How is this possible? Example: In this line of code, I am try...

29 Aug at 12:30

Is there a setting to keep empty lists during JSON serialization in ServiceStack?

As the title says, is there a way to keep empty lists during JSON serialization in ServiceStack?

29 Aug at 12:31

ServiceStack Open API - Swagger UI not displaying enum values as dropdown

I have recently upgraded my ServiceStack libraries from 5.10.4 to 6.5.0 and implemented Open API as specified in the [documentation]( But my Enum properties are ...

29 Aug at 12:32

Unittesting a ServiceStack service that uses AutoMapper

We are using ServiceStack for our .NET backend and I am trying to work on getting unit testing into the project. However there are some automated tools within ServiceStack that makes it a bit complica...

29 Aug at 12:33

ServiceStack REST API Versioning practical questions

Our team is looking for a convenient way to implement versioning in our ServiceStack API implementation. I've read the articles: -

29 Aug at 12:34

ASP.NET 6 CORS problems after adding IMiddleware for authorizing users

Recently, in a project I'm working on, I added a Role creation system. There are many actions in the system and we decided to let the user create their own roles. I added an implementation of IMiddlew...

25 Jan at 11:21

Why do ServiceStack examples usually have a function definition of "object Any"

I notice most if not all ServiceStack example have services of this form: `public object Any(Request request) { }` Even if the function is always returning an integer. Why declare the function as `pub...

19 Jan at 05:7

ServiceStack Timeout - ASP.NET executionTimeout

I'm using ServiceStack's JsonServiceClient but I've seen that despite setting the client timeout, the HTTP call still goes wrong after a certain period of time. I fixed this by setting the executionTi...

12 Jan at 17:31

How to set up Basic Authentication with sessionId in ASP.NET Core MVC?

I have an ASP.NET Core MVC application in the front-end and I have a back-end service which is built with ServiceStack. This service has BasicAuth, which requires to send encrypted username+password a...

StackTrace inside an Exception in .Net Xamarin

Inside my .Net Xamarin app, I don't get a stack trace with this code: ``` new Exception().StackTrace ``` Why not, and how can I get it? If I call the following code, I get a `stackTrace` with one fr...

Non-existent table when RegisterTable | PocoDynaamo c#

I am trying to use PocoDynamo query for my dynamoDb. When I used POCO, I have non-existent table error. ``` var db = new PocoDynamo(dynamoDBClient); db.RegisterTable<Table>(); ``` I have faced this ...

30 Dec at 10:44

Columns Physical Order in OrmLite

regards everybody: I have a data model for example: ``` [Alias("log")] public class Log { [AutoIncrement] [PrimaryKey] [Alias("id")] public int Id { get; set; }...

23 Dec at 00:46

Why does<T> is so slow when the model inherits from AuditBase?

I can observe that fetching all records from a small table (100 records) can take 1600 miliseconds, even using a ":memory:" SQLite database. This happens when the model inherits from `AuditBase`; oth...

20 Dec at 05:18

How to override password verification in ServiceStack?

I have some people who login through standard ServiceStack authentication and some people whose passwords need to be compared to Active Directory. They use the same `CredentialsAuthProvider` and I wan...

10 Dec at 08:9

How to call ServiceStack AutoQuery from AspNetCore HostedService

So I understands that ServiceStack is a different framework to AspNetcore, let's say a loyalty system where a user choose some criteria in filtering some customers using ServiceStack Autoquery, system...

Can I export service constants via "x typescript" command?

I have a search service and I would like the "default search query" constant to be exported to typescript for use in some clients. I have the following line in my .cs DTO `public string DefaultQuery {...

27 Nov at 21:35

ServiceStack: Generate OpenAPI spec without creating the Service implementation classes

ServiceStack has support for OpenAPI and can generate an OpenAPI spec. However, for APIs/endpoints to be generated in the spec, it is not enough to specify the API details using the Route attributes a...

28 Nov at 09:41

How to make Servicestack serialize an implicit string overload the way I want it to?

I have a small class which I am using to make sure the strings sent and received by a service remain URL safe without additional encoding (see below). Ideally I would like to just apply this type to m...

22 Nov at 23:3

Filtering AutoQuery Results to Only Display Table Rows that Match Data in the Users Session

I'm working on a project that want's to control data access in a multi-tenant system. I've got a table set up which has a row on it that says what tenant the object applies to. Let's call this propert...

What are the advantages of using `lock` over `SemaphoreSlim`?

I'm late to the party, but I recently learned about [`SemaphoreSlim`][1]: I used to use [`lock`][2] for synchronous locking, and a `busy` boolean for asynchronous locking. Now I just use `SemaphoreSli...

Why is the Enumerable.Any(Func<TSource, bool> predicate) slow compared to a foreach with an if statement when searching a List<T>

Something has piqued my curiosity recently.. is the `Enumerable.Any(Func<TSource, bool> predicate)` method than manual foreach, I've been messing with some benchmarks and thought of this. I'm check...

27 Nov at 17:4

Use AuthFeature but disable SessionFeature?

I have a ServiceStack service that is always sent a JWT every request, so it seems to me that I do not need a persistent session whatsoever. How can I disable the SessionFeature yet keep the JwtAuthPr...

18 Nov at 01:33

Why does Microsoft have both Avalonia UI and .NET MAUI?

.Net Conf is currently underway and I learnt about something called Avalonia UI. (I use .NET MAUI) After doing some research, Avalonia UI was primarily a desktop UI framework that now supports Android...

5 May at 14:55