tagged [.net-6.0]
.NET 6 IntersectBy and ExceptBy examples
.NET 6 IntersectBy and ExceptBy examples Could someone provide me a small example on how to Use the .NET 6 LINQ `IntersectBy` and `ExceptBy` methods? MSDN hasn't got any examples and the one I tried d...
Blazor WASM Net 6 Preview 4 Azure AD - There was an error trying to log you in: 'Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined'
Blazor WASM Net 6 Preview 4 Azure AD - There was an error trying to log you in: 'Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined' I have a simple Blazor WASM running Net 6 Preview 4 that I setup using...
- Modified
- 3 Jun at 09:25
How To Resolve Error: Required properties '{'Prop1', 'Prop2'}' are missing for the instance of entity type 'SomeType''?
How To Resolve Error: Required properties '{'Prop1', 'Prop2'}' are missing for the instance of entity type 'SomeType''? : how to resolve this error: > Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbUpdateException: ...
- Modified
- 5 Jan at 23:30
NuGet System.Drawing.Common .NET 6 CA1416 This call site is reachable on all platforms. 'Image.FromStream(Stream)' is only supported on: 'windows'
NuGet System.Drawing.Common .NET 6 CA1416 This call site is reachable on all platforms. 'Image.FromStream(Stream)' is only supported on: 'windows' Upgrading NuGet `System.Drawing.Common` to 6.0.0 caus...
Compiling C# project to WebAssembly
Compiling C# project to WebAssembly I need to compile a C# project to WebAssembly and be able to call some methods from JavaScript. I want to use it in an old ASP.NET MVC 4 application that needs to a...
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- 24 Dec at 16:14
PocoDynamo not saving child objects with proper Alias or DynamoDbProperty naming
PocoDynamo not saving child objects with proper Alias or DynamoDbProperty naming I am working with `PocoDynamo` and I am having an issue where the child object properties are not being saved with the ...
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- 13 Jul at 19:4
.NET 6 XmlSerializer Pretty print
.NET 6 XmlSerializer Pretty print I've this sample .NET 6 program printing out a serialised object to XML: ``` using System.Text; using System.Xml.Serialization; var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typ...
ServiceStack - Post Files Async using JsonServiceClient
ServiceStack - Post Files Async using JsonServiceClient I've trying to POST a single file from one service to another as a stream using an IServiceClient (I'm using the JsonServiceClient). I can achie...
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- 27 May at 08:44
How to use appsettings.json in Asp.net core 6 Program.cs file
How to use appsettings.json in Asp.net core 6 Program.cs file I'm trying to access appsettings.json in my Asp.net core v6 application Program.cs file, but in this version of .Net the Startup class and...
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- 16 May at 15:15
'IServiceCollection' does not contain a definition for 'Configuration' even though IntelliSense suggests otherwise
'IServiceCollection' does not contain a definition for 'Configuration' even though IntelliSense suggests otherwise I am having a strange problem here. I created a Worker project in order to create a W...
- Modified
- 15 Nov at 08:25
Where are the using statements/directives in .NET 6
Where are the using statements/directives in .NET 6 I got up and running with Visual Studio 2022 Preview for a couple of days now. Got the first shock, there is no Startup.cs. Thats ok, a bit of readi...
the configuration file 'secrets.json' was not found and is not optional (.NET 6)
the configuration file 'secrets.json' was not found and is not optional (.NET 6) User Secrets error is being generated in a CI/CD pipeline, when secrets.json file shouldn't be expected. Steps: 1. Crea...
How can I use DateOnly/TimeOnly query parameters in ASP.NET Core 6?
How can I use DateOnly/TimeOnly query parameters in ASP.NET Core 6? As of .NET 6 in ASP.NET API, if you want to get `DateOnly` (or `TimeOnly`) as query parameter, you need to separately specify all it...
- Modified
- 15 Feb at 00:1
.NET 6 failing at Decompress large gzip text
.NET 6 failing at Decompress large gzip text I have to decompress some gzip text in .NET 6 app, however, on a string that is 20,627 characters long, it only decompresses about 1/3 of it. The code I am...
Non-nullable property must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring the property as nullable
Non-nullable property must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring the property as nullable I have a simple class like this. Strangely I get the following warning. ``` Se...
- Modified
- 4 Jan at 07:25
ASP.NET Core 6 how to access Configuration during startup
ASP.NET Core 6 how to access Configuration during startup In earlier versions, we had Startup.cs class and we get configuration object as follows in the file. ``` public class Startup { private read...
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- 26 Nov at 09:56
Equivalent to UserSettings / ApplicationSettings in WPF for newer .NET versions
Equivalent to UserSettings / ApplicationSettings in WPF for newer .NET versions What is the prefered way for for WPF applications with [.net-5](/questions/tagged/.net-5) , [.net-6.0](/questions/tagged...
Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.HostFactoryResolver+HostingListener+StopTheHostException I'm using Asp.Net Core Web Api 6 I'm facing an error when migrating my DbContext and when updating the database Th...
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- 6 Dec at 14:39
Does ServiceStack.RabbitMq support creating Quorum queues?
Does ServiceStack.RabbitMq support creating Quorum queues? RabbitMQ allows for ['Quorum Queues'](https://www.rabbitmq.com/quorum-queues.html#feature-comparison). As far as I have read in the documenta...
- Modified
- 14 Oct at 11:29
.NET Core 3.1 v .NET 6.0
.NET Core 3.1 v .NET 6.0 I got all excited on the release of Visual Studio 2022, C# 10 and .NET 6.0 and downloaded and installed the community edition and tested a project I am working on. I changed t...
- Modified
- 20 Nov at 20:14
DateOnly Json Conversion in .net6 api
DateOnly Json Conversion in .net6 api How can I add the DateOnly JsonConverter to the application configuration of a .net6 web api? I have an object with DateOnly properties on it and I'm returning it...
- Modified
- 3 Nov at 20:0
.NET 6 (stable) IConfiguration setup in Program.cs
.NET 6 (stable) IConfiguration setup in Program.cs This appears to be a similar problem but none of the answers are fitting for my code...: [Read appsettings.json in Main Program.cs](https://stackover...
- Modified
- 26 Jan at 14:57
Why is the Enumerable.Any(Func<TSource, bool> predicate) slow compared to a foreach with an if statement when searching a List<T>
Why is the Enumerable.Any(Func predicate) slow compared to a foreach with an if statement when searching a List Something has piqued my curiosity recently.. is the `Enumerable.Any(Func predicate)` met...
How to setup Serilog with Azure Functions v4 correctly?
How to setup Serilog with Azure Functions v4 correctly? I want to use Serilog in an Azure Function v4 (.net 6) (the logs should be sent to Datadog). For this I have installed the following nuget packa...
- Modified
- 8 Feb at 12:36
How to fix Visual Studio 2022 Warning CA1416 "Call site reachable by all platforms" but "only supported on: 'windows'"?
How to fix Visual Studio 2022 Warning CA1416 "Call site reachable by all platforms" but "only supported on: 'windows'"? So I have a C# class library project that I only intend to use on Windows. It co...
- Modified
- 13 Apr at 20:29