tagged [servicestack-autoquery]
ServiceStack AutoQuery and [Authenticate] Attribute
ServiceStack AutoQuery and [Authenticate] Attribute I'd like to enforce authentication on some auto querys. Here's my issue. The above class is in my ServiceModel project... in order to add the [Authe...
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- 30 Jun at 18:17
ServiceStack AutoQuery synthetic field
ServiceStack AutoQuery synthetic field In the Northwind example's Customer DTO there is a field `Email` that is synthetic -- i.e. it doesn't come from the database. Code here: [https://github.com/Serv...
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- 19 Mar at 16:44
ServiceStack - extending AutoQuery Metadata Viewer
ServiceStack - extending AutoQuery Metadata Viewer ServiceStack's [AutoQuery Viewer Plugin](https://github.com/ServiceStack/Admin) allows you to decorate the AutoQueries using AutoQuery metadata attri...
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- 19 Jun at 09:42
How to get nested element using ServiceStack?
How to get nested element using ServiceStack? Although I am able to access the SchemaVersion using code below, I cannot access FormatDocID nested element. Any ideas how can I easily get FormatDocID us...
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- 25 Feb at 20:58
AutoQuery / Ormlite-servicestack: Can I filter out soft deletes on a QueryDb class?
AutoQuery / Ormlite-servicestack: Can I filter out soft deletes on a QueryDb class? We have a few services built up with Ormlite/Servicestack and we are mostly pulling out database objects and POCOs u...
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- 3 Aug at 21:44
ServiceStack AutoQuery warning about missing property
ServiceStack AutoQuery warning about missing property When I query an AutoQuery service (regular GET request), I get a warning in the log, even if the request works fine. The warning looks like this, ...
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- 25 Aug at 09:16
AutoQuery: join tables via a middle table and define which FK to join on
AutoQuery: join tables via a middle table and define which FK to join on We started using ServiceStack AutoQuery recently. It's a nice feature and we really enjoyed it. We have a table structure like ...
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- 3 May at 01:14
How to call ServiceStack AutoQuery from AspNetCore HostedService
How to call ServiceStack AutoQuery from AspNetCore HostedService So I understands that ServiceStack is a different framework to AspNetcore, let's say a loyalty system where a user choose some criteria...
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- 5 Dec at 02:27
Servicestack autoquery custom convention doesn't work with PostgreSQL
Servicestack autoquery custom convention doesn't work with PostgreSQL I have defined new implicit convention The problem is that for postgres connection the query is wrong translated into and it doesn...
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- 27 Apr at 13:26
Filtering AutoQuery Results to Only Display Table Rows that Match Data in the Users Session
Filtering AutoQuery Results to Only Display Table Rows that Match Data in the Users Session I'm working on a project that want's to control data access in a multi-tenant system. I've got a table set u...
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- 21 Nov at 23:2
ServiceStack - Force generation of Typescript types for certain classes
ServiceStack - Force generation of Typescript types for certain classes I'm working with a backend primarily focused on a ServiceStack API and a Typescript frontend (with the ServiceStack `JsonService...
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- 28 Feb at 18:26
Filtering out soft deletes with AutoQuery
Filtering out soft deletes with AutoQuery I'm using ServiceStack with OrmLite, and having great success with it so far. I'm looking for a way to filter out 'soft deleted' records when using AutoQuery....
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- 21 Sep at 18:43
ServiceStack AutoQuery crash on synthetic field
ServiceStack AutoQuery crash on synthetic field This is a follow up on: [ServiceStack AutoQuery synthetic field](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55246074/servicestack-autoquery-synthetic-field) .N...
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- 22 Mar at 18:7
AutoQuery can't query nested object
AutoQuery can't query nested object AutoQuery could not find field I have the following clases: ``` [Route("/query/domains")] public class QueryDomains : QueryDb { public int MajesticApiDataTF { get...
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- 7 Jul at 01:20
ServiceStack AutoQuery join use
ServiceStack AutoQuery join use After reading the documentation, I am not sure but I have come to the conclusion that when creating QueryDb, you cannot choose the columns to join by? And I am under th...
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- 29 May at 19:24
Can you disable count (Total) for ServiceStack AutoQuery?
Can you disable count (Total) for ServiceStack AutoQuery? I have AutoQuery setup against a simple join of two tables with approximately 1.3 million rows. Using the built in mini profiler to measure th...
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- 22 Jun at 15:45
xUnit testing Servicestack AutoQuery
xUnit testing Servicestack AutoQuery first time using AutoQuery and I have this problem with unit testing after implementing AutoQuery. It works fine through Swagger manual testing. So I have a get me...
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- 1 Oct at 12:36
ServiceStack - Autoquery Request logs issue
ServiceStack - Autoquery Request logs issue I'm struggling to get the example custom autoquery of the requestlogs working in a servicestack service. I'm using VS2017 and have used the ServiceStack ASP...
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- 26 Jun at 14:38
Using Servicestack, how do you cache result sets when using AutoQuery with a ServiceSource?
Using Servicestack, how do you cache result sets when using AutoQuery with a ServiceSource? I am trying to use ServiceStack's AutoQuery with a service source, but am either unable to get caching worki...
- Modified
- 11 Jun at 10:20
ServiceStack AutoQuery - Table not accessibele
ServiceStack AutoQuery - Table not accessibele When I try to use the property, the table is not generated or is not accessible using the AutoQuery API. When calling /metadata I only see these two endp...
- Modified
- 19 May at 12:22