When to use Task.Run().GetAwaiter().GetResult() and ().GetAwaiter.GetResult()?

I have an async Task that needs to be called synchronously (yes, unfortunately, it is unavoidable). It seems that there are two ways of implementing this - each seeming to work. So I'm unsure which is...

25 Nov at 01:54

Clearing history while debugging azure durable functions

Durable functions keep a state in storage, this is what makes them work, but it is very troublesome while debugging and developing. I have a large number of runs which have not completed and that the ...

Calling 'BuildServiceProvider' from application code results in copy of Singleton warning. How do I avoid this?

I just pasted the 4 lines at the end from another project and it works but I get a warning.. I clearly do not understand DI well enough ... What does it want me to change ? ``` public void Configure...

22 Nov at 17:53

Caching Response with Dart ServiceStack in flutter?

I am using the ServiceStack client for Dart in order to perform requests to my API, but I am not able to find a way to cache the response with the client's SDK, has someone found a way to do it? As th...

22 Nov at 17:49

Modifying a JSON file using System.Text.Json

I know you can do this easily with Newtonsoft. As I am working with .NET Core 3.0, however, I am trying to use the new methods for interacting with JSON files —i.e., `System.Text.Json`—and I refuse to...

Is it possible to host a ServiceStack project in Azure Functions?

Is it possible to host a ServiceStack app in an Azure Functions? I can't find anyone even asking if this is possible. Is it a terrible idea?

22 Nov at 07:53

'AsyncEnumerableReader' reached the configured maximum size of the buffer when enumerating a value

I am using an async/await method returning IAsyncEnumerable<> to retrieve rows from a SQL Server database and provide them via a Web API .Net Core 3.0 interface. It works fine until I exceed 8192 rows...

Create Scriptable Object with constant, Unique ID

I use Scriptable Objects to create Items for my Unity Game. Let's say I create a Stick, a Sword and a Helmet. Now to use them, I need to drag them into a list and on game start, each item get's an ID ...

7 May at 03:50

Debug an Azure Function that is triggered using an Event Grid

I have an Azure Function (C#) that is triggered by an Event Grid. I am having difficulty debugging my Function locally as it can only be triggered via the Event Grid. I'm not sure if there is a way to...

5 May at 14:56

Specflow is not executing tests in Visual Studio 2019

I have a very weird behavior with Specflow that only applies to one team member. Everyone else have no issue what so ever. The VS2019 testrunner is correctly displaying all specflow tests, but when "...

ServiceStack.OrmLite: using aliases in SqlExpression for anonymous types

I am posting this question here, as I'm still waiting for approval on the ServiceStack customer forum. It's a rather specific question, so I don't expect many can help... :) I'm migrating ServiceSta...

What does 'x packages are looking for funding' mean when running `npm install`?

I usually get `"x packages are looking for funding."` when running `npm install` on a `react` project. Any idea what that means?

14 Jan at 14:23

Unit Test Custom AuthenticationHandler Middleware

How do you unit test custom middleware that inherits from `AuthenticationHandler<AuthenticationSchemeOptions>`? My custom class that inherits from it is for Basic authentication. ``` public class Ba...

Exception thrown: The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure

Good day, I am running an ASP.NET CORE Blazor application in one of my PCs (Windows 10) on Visual Studio 2019 and it is working fine. I opened the same project on another PC (Windows 7) in VS Code a...

Proper way to deal with exceptions in DisposeAsync

During switching to the new .NET Core 3's `IAsynsDisposable`, I've stumbled upon the following problem. The core of the problem: if [DisposeAsync](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.i...

7 Jan at 14:11

Default implementation in interface is not seen by the compiler?

Here is a my code inside a c# project that targets .NET Core 3.0 (so I should be in C# 8.0) with Visual Studio 2019 (16.3.9) ``` public interface IJsonAble { public string ToJson() => System.Text...

20 Nov at 10:39

The correct way to query DynamoDb table with .net SDK

I'm trying to understand how to query a table in dynamo using the DataModel. But, I found two ways that seems to work and I can't find an explanation or documentation of what's happening or if there i...

19 Nov at 14:17

How to change the default port in asp.net Core 3 or Net Core 5

when I am in debug, to change the default port, I modify the launchSettings.json file, and change the port ``` "WebApplication1": { "commandName": "Project", "launchBrowser": true, ...

Is there a difference between "double val = 1;" and "double val = 1D;"?

Is there a difference between the following two pieces of code? ``` class Test { public readonly double Val; public Test(bool src) { this.Val = src ? 1 : 0; } } class Test { ...

18 Nov at 14:19

How to await all results from an IAsyncEnumerable<>?

I'm tinkering around with the new `IAsyncEnumerable<T>` stuff in C# 8.0. Let's say I've got some method somewhere that I want to consume: ``` public IAsyncEnumerable<T> SomeBlackBoxFunctionAsync<T>(....

20 Nov at 10:16

Output logs to Xunit using Serilog Static Logger

I use serilog in my projects with the static logger approach - it's nice and easy to be able to call Log.X on my class libraries rather than injecting a logger class everywhere. However when it comes...

3 Dec at 14:58

Unsupported Media Type when consuming text/plain

I receive the following response when trying to consume `text/plain`: ### Controller definition ### HTTP message I am able to consume JSON or XML just fine. What am I missing?

6 May at 20:33

Unable to resolve service for type 'Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger.ISwaggerProvider'

I am starting a new `Core` Web API, and would like to add `Swagger` to my application. My current environment: - - Here is my `Startup.cs` class and configuration: ``` public void ConfigureServic...

Servicestack JsConfig with emitLowercaseUnderscoreNames = true does not work on properties with alphanumeric names

I am using Servicestack JsonConfig for serializing and deserializing the JSON. but for the following class, it works for some properties and does not for others. ``` public class Address { ...

16 Feb at 02:41

Servicestack UnAuthorized

I am getting "The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized." when using the servicestack utils to call a remote API. It requires auth basic or JWT. Calling the same API from PostMan works f...

20 Nov at 03:46