tagged [xunit]

Xunit - disable parallelism in few tests of full set

Xunit - disable parallelism in few tests of full set (those 2 test cannot be parallel, because they need to simulate keyboard clicking -> so I would lose input focus using parallel execution) Add so...

4 Feb at 09:7

How to test web API JSON response?

How to test web API JSON response? I'm trying to setup unit tests for my web API. I've hacked together some test code from bits and pieces I've found on the web. I've got as far as sending the test re...

xUnit : Assert two List<T> are equal?

xUnit : Assert two List are equal? I'm new to TDD and xUnit so I want to test my method that looks something like: Is there any Assert method that I can use ? I think something like this would be nice...

14 Nov at 12:29

What's the idiomatic way to verify collection size in xUnit?

What's the idiomatic way to verify collection size in xUnit? I have in my test suite a test that goes something like this: This test works as I expect, but when I run it xUnit prints a warning: > warn...

13 May at 02:0

NUnit vs. xUnit

NUnit vs. xUnit What are the differences between [NUnit](http://www.nunit.org/) and [xUnit.net](https://xunit.net/)? What's the point of developing two of them, not only one? I've read that xUnit is b...

25 Nov at 08:4

Are there any good documentations / books / tutorials for xUnit.NET?

Are there any good documentations / books / tutorials for xUnit.NET? On my search for a Unit-Testing tool for C# i have found xUnit.NET. Untill now, i read most of the articles on [http://xunit.codepl...

31 Jul at 13:2

Having an actual decimal value as parameter for an attribute (example xUnit.net's [InlineData]

Having an actual decimal value as parameter for an attribute (example xUnit.net's [InlineData] I'm trying to do unit testing with [xUnit.net](https://github.com/xunit/xunit). I want a 'Theory' test wi...

6 Sep at 06:46

How can I use a separate AppDomain for each xUnit.net test method?

How can I use a separate AppDomain for each xUnit.net test method? xUnit uses the same `AppDomain` for the whole test assembly, this is problematic as I'm testing a UI library and need to create a new...

21 Jan at 15:48

Comparing Two objects using Assert.AreEqual()

Comparing Two objects using Assert.AreEqual() I 'm writing test cases for the first time in visual studio c# i have a method that returns a list of objects and i want to compare it with another list o...

8 May at 12:54

Assert an Exception using XUnit

Assert an Exception using XUnit I am a newbie to XUnit and Moq. I have a method which takes string as an argument.How to handle an exception using XUnit. ``` [Fact] public void ProfileRepository_GetSe...

10 Jul at 16:47

Extending XUnit Assert class with new asserts

Extending XUnit Assert class with new asserts I'm trying to extend the xUnit assert method by adding some selenium functionality ``` namespace MyProject.Web.Specs.PageLibrary.Extensions { public sta...

24 Apr at 14:42

ExecutionTimer.cs not found when stepping into code

ExecutionTimer.cs not found when stepping into code I am writing some tests using XUnit framework and have to use some external code referenced through a dll. When I try to step into the method call, ...

8 Feb at 16:47

How to pass parameters to the dotnet test command while using NUnit or XUnit

How to pass parameters to the dotnet test command while using NUnit or XUnit I'm developing some end-to-end tests using C# with .NET Core, Selenium and NUnit. Now i want to write a login testcase. My ...

8 Jul at 09:20

xUnit assert two values are equal with some tolerance

xUnit assert two values are equal with some tolerance I'm trying to compare the precision of two numbers with some tolerance. This is how it was being checked in nUnit: I'm trying to do the same in xU...

28 Mar at 15:35

How to setup Mock of IConfigurationRoot to return value

How to setup Mock of IConfigurationRoot to return value I have used IConfigurationRoute to access a directory like this. _config is IConfigurationRoot injected in the constructor. I tried the followin...

SslHandshakeException: An error occurred while attempting to establish an SSL or TLS connection

SslHandshakeException: An error occurred while attempting to establish an SSL or TLS connection I'm trying to access gmail emails using imap and the code is failing at the ssl handshake without showin...

25 Nov at 21:17

.NET Core 2.2: xUnit Theory Inlinedata not working with enum values

.NET Core 2.2: xUnit Theory Inlinedata not working with enum values Does anybody know how to use xUnit with "Theory" and "InlineData" with `enum` values? This here is leading to the tests not being re...

13 Oct at 19:5

How to set up the DbContext in xUnit test project properly?

How to set up the DbContext in xUnit test project properly? I have the following code to set up DBContext in the .Net core 2.0 console program and it's injected to the constructor of the main applicat...

xunit constructor runs before each test

xunit constructor runs before each test In a test class, the constructor starts before each test and the initialized data provided by the constructor isn't reachable by the following tests. I'd like t...

17 Mar at 14:25

Unable to Mock HttpClient PostAsync() in unit tests

Unable to Mock HttpClient PostAsync() in unit tests I am writing test cases using xUnit and Moq. I am trying to mock PostAsync() of HttpClient, but I get an error. Below is the code used for mocking: ...

14 Jan at 18:40

NUnit vs. MbUnit vs. MSTest vs. xUnit.net

NUnit vs. MbUnit vs. MSTest vs. xUnit.net There are quite a lot of unittesting frameworks out there for .NET. I found this little feature comparison: [http://xunit.github.io/docs/comparisons.html](htt...

xunit test Fact multiple times

xunit test Fact multiple times I have some methods that rely on some random calculations to make a suggestion and I need to run the Fact several times to make sure is ok. I could include a for loop in...

23 Feb at 15:23

Is there a more appropriate to test if the constructor throws an exception?

Is there a more appropriate to test if the constructor throws an exception? Normally you test, if an exception gets thrown in a certain method, as follows. I use : ``` [Fact] public void Exception_get...

xUnit.net: Global setup + teardown?

xUnit.net: Global setup + teardown? This question is about the unit testing framework [xUnit.net](https://xunit.net/). I need to run some code before any test is executed, and also some code after all...

8 May at 13:46

Xunit multiple IClassFixtures

Xunit multiple IClassFixtures My question is How to setup multiple fixtures in one test class? But the constructor of Zoo class can not handle multiple fixtures. For exemple: ``` public class Zoo : IC...

30 Mar at 20:50