Having an actual decimal value as parameter for an attribute (example xUnit.net's [InlineData]

I'm trying to do unit testing with [xUnit.net](https://github.com/xunit/xunit). I want a 'Theory' test with '[InlineData]' which includes 'decimals': ``` [Theory] [InlineData(37.60M)] public void MyD...

6 Sep at 06:46

Can I send files via email using MailKit?

As the title, is MailKit supported to send file? If yes, how can I do it?

What is the difference between casting long.MaxValue to int and casting float.MaxValue to int?

I'm trying to understand difference between some data types and conversion. ``` public static void ExplicitTypeConversion2() { long longValue=long.MaxValue; float floatValue = flo...

16 Jun at 12:53

What does mean "?" after variable in C#?

What does this condition mean? ``` if (!helper?.Settings.HasConfig ?? false) ``` P.S. - `helper``class`- `Settings`- `HasConfig`

13 Feb at 13:6

Delete duplicates in a List of int arrays

having a List of int arrays like: ``` List<int[]> intArrList = new List<int[]>(); intArrList.Add(new int[3] { 0, 0, 0 }); intArrList.Add(new int[5] { 20, 30, 10, 4, 6 }); //this intArrList.Add(new i...

6 Mar at 18:21

Swapping Azure Web App deployment slots logs out all users in ASP.NET Core RC2

Whenever I updated my ASP.NET Core RC2 website running on as an Azure Web App, it logs out all users. It seems to be related to swapping a staging deployment slot to production (I use web deploy from ...

CORS not working with route

I have an issue with an endpoint on my web api. I have a POST method that is not working due to: > Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' ...

15 Jun at 23:21

^=, -= and += symbols in Python

I am quite experienced with Python, but recently, when I was looking at the solutions for the [codility](https://www.codility.com/) sample tests I encountered the operators `-=`, `+=`, `^=` and I am u...

4 Jun at 19:2

How query by global secondary index with DynamoDBContext

i have this class with this attributes: 1. ContactId -> HashKey 2. Email -> Global Seconday Index Hash Key 3. CreatedAt -> Property Actually, i have this method, but throw me an exception because...

Unit test an Entity Framework generic repository using Moq

I am not able to get a passing test because the class `this.dbSet = context.Set<T>();` is always `null`. As you can see in the code below, I have mocked up the `DbSet` and the context. I have also...

WebApi 2 POST with single string parameter not working

I have the following controller: ``` public class ValuesController : ApiController { // POST api/values public IHttpActionResult Post(string filterName) { return new JsonResult<s...

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No converter found for return value of type

With this code ``` @RequestMapping(value = "/bar/foo", method = RequestMethod.GET) public ResponseEntity<foo> foo() { Foo model; ... return ResponseEntity.ok(model); }...

18 Aug at 15:40

C# - Get Second to Last Item in a List

I have some code written in C#. In this code, I have a `List<KeyValuePair<int, string>> items`. I am trying to get the second-to-last item in the list. I'm having problems doing it though. Originally...

9 Oct at 13:56

ShouldSerialize*() vs *Specified Conditional Serialization Pattern

I am aware of both of the ShouldSerialize* pattern and the *Specified pattern and how they work, but is there any difference between the two? Are there any "gotchas" using one method vs the other w...

Python class input argument

I am new to OOP. My idea was to implement the following class: ``` class name(object, name): def __init__(self, name): print name ``` Then the idea was to create two instances of that c...

15 Jun at 15:13

How can I specify the function type in my type hints?

How can I specify the type hint of a variable as a ? There is no `typing.Function`, and I could not find anything in the relevant PEP, [PEP 483](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0483/).

Format DateTime in Xamarin Forms to Device Format string

How can I format a `DateTime`object to a string in the device default datetime format when running a PCL Xamarin.Forms project and my deployement targets include iOS, Android and Windows. The `DateT...

VSTests - Could not find diagnostic data adapter 'Code Coverage'

I'm new to VS Code Coverage, and I'm trying to use the VSTests tool from the command line (in windows). But i get this error. ``` Warning: Diagnostic data adapter message: Could not find diagnosti...

15 Jun at 11:31

How can I make sure a dataflow block only creates threads on a on-demand basis?

I've written a small pipeline using the TPL Dataflow API which receives data from multiple threads and performs handling on them. ### Setup 1 When I configure it to use `MaxDegreeOfParallelism =...

SignalR .NET Core camelCase JSON Contract Resolver

Using .NET Core RC2. Got SignalR working, but trying to get it returning camelCase properties in JSON. For APIs I'm using... ``` services.AddMvc().AddJsonOptions(o => { o.SerializerSettings.Con...

15 Jun at 10:0

How can I COUNT(DISTINCT) in ServiceStack Ormlite?

I'm writing a paged query in ServiceStack's OrmLite, selecting the total records and the ids of records in the page range. Assuming `query` is some arbitrary SqlExpression selecting a bunch of records...

15 Jun at 10:42

Gradient text color

Is there a generator , or an easy way to generate text like [this](http://patorjk.com/text-color-fader/) but without having to define letter So something like this: ``` .rainbow { background-imag...

Cookie set in ajax is not posted on get http call

SPA app, the specific requirements are: 1. Client calls api through ajax. Server responds with cookie header, among other things such as body. Set-Cookie: Auth=79c6fdfe12754560a2b5a62600df3215:INq8D...

15 Jun at 10:58

Servicestack MultiTenancy

I have ServiceStack v4.0.60 installed and am looking to ChangeDb in AppHost configuration as per the following: ``` container.Register<IDbConnectionFactory>(c => new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(def...

15 Jun at 07:45

Expected linebreaks to be 'LF' but found 'CRLF' linebreak-style

When using eslint in the gulp project i have encountered a problem with error like this `Expected linebreaks to be 'LF' but found 'CRLF' linebreak-style` and I am using Windows environment for the run...

15 Jun at 16:32