firebase.database is not a function
I am trying to upgrade from earlier firebase version to the latest in my [ionic project]( I followed [this]( tutoria...
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- 9 Jul at 06:21
NuGet Package Manager: 'AutoMapper' already has a dependency defined for 'Microsoft.CSharp'
I'm trying to add AutoMapper as a dependency to a project using NuGet on Visual Studio Premium 2012, but it fails. It says: > Operation failed 'AutoMapper' already has a dependency defined for ...
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- 7 Jul at 14:22
Using Razor outside of MVC in .NET Core
I would like to use Razor as a templating engine in a .NET console application that I'm writing in .NET Core. The standalone Razor engines I've come across (RazorEngine, RazorTemplates) all require f...
How to disable specific Code Analysis Warning for entire class
I'm trying to disable a code analysis rule across an entire class, but NOT for the entire project, just a single class. In the example below, the build generates a CA1822 warning because it thinks th...
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- 7 Jul at 13:51
How to drop column with FluentMigrator?
I am using `.Net4.5` and `C#`, I am working on one of database migrations [using FluentMigrator]( I am able to alter tables and add c...
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- 7 Jul at 11:44
How to call async method in Autofac registration?
I want to do call an `awaitable async` method during a registration like this: ``` // builder variable contains Autofac ContainerBuilder builder.Register( (async (context, parameters) => // need ...
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- 7 Jul at 10:22
How do you send a Firebase Notification to all devices via CURL?
I'm attempting to send out a notification to all app users (on Android), essentially duplicating what happens when a notification is sent via the Firebase admin console. Here is the CURL command I beg...
- Modified
- 23 May at 11:47
MVC Razor View Render in test
I'm trying to figure out a way to inspect a razor view's rendered HTML within a test. I've been looking at posts where people have asked similar questions, but each time, I fall short. The problem I'...
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- 23 Apr at 07:31
Fetch: reject promise and catch the error if status is not OK?
Here's what I have going: ``` import 'whatwg-fetch'; function fetchVehicle(id) { return dispatch => { return dispatch({ type: 'FETCH_VEHICLE', payload: fetch(`htt...
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- 7 Jul at 01:16
How to get the current Windows user with ASP.NET Core RC2 MVC6 and IIS7
I have an intranet site built in MVC6 using ASP.NET Core RC2. I want to get the Windows username of the person accessing the intranet site. So if Jim goes to the intranet site I want the site to rec...
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- 8 Jul at 11:46
React-native view auto width by text inside
As far as I know, react-native stylesheet doesn't supports min-width/max-width property. I have a view and text inside. The view in auto width doesn't resize by inherit text element. How to fix that i...
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- 7 Apr at 22:34
Exception using System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt in Web Api 2 built on .Net 4.6
I have updated my existing Web Api project to use the latest System.IdenityModel.Tokens.Jwt package and I am getting the following error: > Could not load type 'System.IdentityModel.Tokens.TokenValida...
- Modified
- 20 Aug at 09:18
Split / Explode a column of dictionaries into separate columns with pandas
I have data saved in a `postgreSQL` database. I am querying this data using Python2.7 and turning it into a Pandas DataFrame. However, the last column of this dataframe has a dictionary of values insi...
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- 3 Mar at 22:32
Error trying to generate token using .NET JWT library
I'm trying to use package System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt to generate a token. I found some code samples online, was pretty straightforward, but then I'm running into an error that I can't figure out....
Copy JsonSerializerSettings from JsonSerializer to new JsonSerializer
Is there any way to take the settings out of a `JsonSerializer` class and reimplement them in a new `JsonSerializer`? There doesn't seem to be any methods to do anything like that. The best I found w...
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- 2 Feb at 07:45
Custom session not working with Authenticate
I'm trying to design a solution where a ServiceStack server can just use an authentication cookie from ASP.NET. (In reality, it could be any cookie. It's just getting a session ID that it can lookup...
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- 6 Jul at 17:33
Is .NET CLI only for .NET Core?
Do I use the .NET CLI if I want to create an ASP.NET Core 1.0 app that uses the .NET Framework? Is .NET CLI only for the new .NET Core library or both Core and .NET 4.6?
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- 6 Jul at 17:35
Xamarin UWP project is not being built after creating in Visual Studio 2015
I installed Xamarin for Visual Studio 2015 and I created Xamarin.Forms Portable project. After that I have tried to build solution. But I got an error for UWP project: `Error Type universe cannot r...
- Modified
- 6 Jul at 16:10
What is the difference between creating a project ASP.NET Core (.NET Core) and ASP.NET Core (.NET Framework)
[]( I don't see clearly the main difference between the last two project types, actually which sense have the last one? .NET Core and .NET Framework?
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- 6 Jul at 16:14
use websocket in azure vm
I have an Azure VM running Windows Server 2012 R2. I am trying to run a c# console application that utilizes TcpListener for websocket communication at port 8080. When I run my application locally it...
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- 6 Jul at 18:46
TypeScript add Object to array with push
I would just like to add an object of an class (Pixel) to an array. ``` export class Pixel { constructor(x: number, y: number) {} } ``` The class has the following attribute: ``` pixels: Pixel[...
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- 6 Jul at 13:44
Is there any good reason NOT to use a ViewComponent instead of a Partial View in core MVC?
I'm new to MVC and decided to start with .net-core, so I don't have much understanding of the differences in core vs. older versions. I did find the below question which offers some insight but hasn't...
- Modified
- 23 May at 10:31
Command for restarting all running docker containers?
How to restart all running docker containers? Mainly looking for a shortcut instead of doing > docker restart containerid1 containerid2
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- 8 Apr at 09:40
No module named tensorflow in jupyter
I have some imports in my jupyter notebook and among them is tensorflow: ``` ImportError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-2-482704985f85> in <module>() ...
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- 6 Jul at 09:56
How to send a list of integers to web api 2 get request?
I am trying to accomplish this task in which I need to send a list of id's (integers) to a web api 2 get request. So I've found some samples [here][1] and it even has a sample project, but it doesn't ...
- Modified
- 5 May at 15:2