Catching FULL exception message

Consider: ``` Invoke-WebRequest $sumoApiURL -Headers @{"Content-Type"= "application/json"} -Credential $cred -WebSession $webRequestSession -Method post -Body $sumojson -ErrorAction Stop ``` This t...

6 Nov at 20:2

React Native fetch() Network Request Failed

When I create a brand new project using `react-native init` (RN version 0.29.1) and put a fetch in the render method to the public facebook demo movie API, it throws a `Network Request Failed`. There ...

20 Aug at 23:39

C# Update bitmap in picturebox

I'm working on a screen sharing project ,and i recieve a small blocks of image from a `Socket` constantly and need to update them on a certain initial dekstop bitmap i have. Basically i constantly re...

31 Jul at 09:40

Produces Data Annotation

I've been learning about Web API recently, and making plans to increase the scalability of my MVC apps, using it. When I finally got into creating a Web API controller, though, I discovered a `[Produc...

HttpContext and TelemetryInitializer

I want to attach the user's "client_id" claim as a property to every request sent to Application Insights. From what I've read, I should be implementing `ITelemetryInitializer` but I need the `HttpCo...

6 Aug at 14:7

anaconda/conda - install a specific package version

I want to install the 'rope' package in my current active environment using conda. Currently, the following 'rope' versions are available: ``` (data_downloader)user@user-ThinkPad ~/code/data_download...

16 Jul at 13:57

Compare two objects using serialization C#

Why it is not a good practice to compare two objects by serializing them and then compare the strings like in the following example? ``` public class Obj { public int Prop1 { get; set; } publ...

Could not load file or assembly "System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"

I've copied my project to a clean Windows 10 machine with only Visual Studio 2015 Community and SQL Server 2016 Express installed. There are no other framework versions installed apart from those inst...

22 Jul at 21:33

How to get list of all timezones in javascript

I am developing an application with react/redux, and I started using library [react-intl]( for formatting messages and dates. I have already been able to show in a...

23 Oct at 13:47

How do I declare a model class in my Angular 2 component using TypeScript?

I am new to Angular 2 and TypeScript and I'm trying to follow best practices. Instead of using a simple JavaScript model ({ }), I'm attempting to create a TypeScript class. However, Angular 2 doesn'...

15 Jul at 15:52

Access from class library to appsetting.json in

I am trying to access `appsetting.json` file from a class library. So far the solution that I found is to create a configuration class implementing interface `IConfiguration` from `Microsoft.Extensio...

Get JSON key name

I have the following JSON data: `{"success":"You are welcome"}` that I have named `json` in my JavaScript code. When I want to alert `You are welcome` I do `json.success`. So now the problem I am fac...

15 Jul at 13:57

MultiDataTrigger with OR instead of AND

I am trying to set multiple `DataTriggers` on my `Button`. I did some research and found that `MultiDataTrigger` allows you to do this. I want the `Visibility` property of my `Button` to be set to fal...

15 Jul at 14:28

Programmatically check the build configuration

Using the DEBUG configuration, I can switch behaviour on and off using this type of syntax: ``` #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Debug"); #else Console.WriteLine("Not Debug"); #endif ``` Howeve...

Stream audio from PC to smartphones?

For Christmas 2016, me and my dad want to do a Lightshow for our neighborhood with lights and . []( We have the lights set up, but the music is a problem. We don't...

31 Jul at 21:49

Swagger routing not consistent on Servicestack

I've just added Swagger to servicestack app. I access it via /api/swagger-ui, but it then tries to call its dependant js and css files from /api/lib and /api/css/ respectively. The app 404s on all th...

15 Jul at 10:9

Only on azure: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel

I run an application on the Azure application Standard: 1 Small plan. Framework is 4.6.1 This application is calling a SSL secured API. The SSL is published by StartCom Class 1 DV Server CA, my local...

18 Jul at 13:7

c# convert DbContextTransaction to SqlTransaction

I am trying to use SqlBulkCopy under DbContext. My Sql Connection string has UserId and Password and that is why to pass connection object to SqlBulkCopy I am creating SqlConnection object having a Sq...

15 Jul at 08:48

How to create a instance of UserCredential if I already have the value of Access Token?

So I have this code My question is how do I configure the if I'm already authenticated via OAuth? The current scenario is the code will display another login page redirecting to google. Since I'm a...

What does on_delete do on Django models?

I'm quite familiar with Django, but I recently noticed there exists an `on_delete=models.CASCADE` option with the models. I have searched for the documentation for the same, but I couldn't find anythi...

26 May at 10:15

How to iterate over Pandas Series generated from groupby().size()

How do you iterate over a Pandas Series generated from a `.groupby('...').size()` command and get both the group name and count. As an example if I have: ``` foo -1 7 0 85 1 14 2 5 ``...

6 Apr at 03:42

How to login to Google API with Service Account in C# - Invalid Credentials

I'm beating myself bloody trying to get a simple service acccount login to work in C#, to Google API and Google Analytics. My company is already getting data into Analytics, and I can query informatio...

Predefined type 'System.ValueTuple´2´ is not defined or imported

I've installed Visual Studio 15 Preview 3 and tried to use the new tuple feature ``` static void Main(string[] args) { var x = DoSomething(); Console.WriteLine(x.x); } static (int x, int y) ...

8 Mar at 20:28

Change status bar text color when primaryDark is white

I am trying to reproduce the behaviour of Google Calendar application: []( but I have not found a way to change the status text color. If i set the colorPrimaryDark...

Examples of Repository Pattern with consuming an external REST web service via HttpClient?

I've searched around quite a bit, but haven't found any good examples of consuming an external REST web service using a Repository Pattern in something like an ASP.NET MVC app, with loose coupling and...