Ubuntu WSL with docker could not be found
The command `$ docker` could not be found in this WSL 1 distro. We recommend to convert this distro to WSL 2 and activate the WSL integration in Docker Desktop settings. See [https://docs.docker.com/d...
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- 20 Aug at 23:29
How can I efficiently remove elements by index from a very large list?
I have a very large list of integers (about 2 billion elements) and a list with indices (couple thousand elements) at which I need to remove elements from the first list. My current approach is to loo...
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- 24 Aug at 18:21
How to hide Intellisense "based on recent edits" suggestions?
What the title says. I don't mind them being in the "Error List" because they're only marked as "Messages" so they can easily be filtered, but I'd like to hide the dots in the code.
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- 29 Oct at 10:48
No Firebase App '[DEFAULT]' has been created - call Firebase.initializeApp() in Flutter and Firebase
I am building a Flutter application and I have integrated Firebase, but I keep getting this error when I click on a button either to register, login or logout. I have seen other people have asked the ...
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- 26 Dec at 09:25
Unable to get ServiceStack services running with xsp4 and docker
I am trying to run a barebones asp.net application with servicestack via mono and xsp in docker. The application builds as expected and the web server starts. I can connect to the shell of the contain...
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- 19 Aug at 07:10
Verify JWT with RS256 (asymmetric) in C#
I have some code like this which I believe is failing because it's using an Asymmetric RS256 but has `SymmetricSecurityKey()`. The tokens were hand generated from https://jwt.io/ 1. How do I convert...
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- 7 May at 07:11
Creating and Reading Cookies on Blazor Server Side
What is the easiest way to create and read cookies on Blazor server side. It seems all the solutions out there is for Blazor Web-assembly, and whenever I use those the Response.Cookies.Append("") and ...
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- 14 May at 10:49
Request DTO not getting populated with PATCH request containing "multipart/form-data"
i have the following `patch` request: ``` curl --location --request PATCH 'http://localhost:8888/image' \ --form 'Width=1500' \ --form 'Height=1000' \ --form 'ID=5f3c03457118797a3a7a6f8c' \ --form 'Fi...
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- 18 Aug at 17:53
using history with react-router-dom v6
I use `react-router-dom` `version 6` and when I use `this.props.history.push('/UserDashboard')` it does not work. I changed it to ``` const history = createBrowserHistory(); history.push('/UserDashboa...
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- 18 Nov at 06:5
The specified version of Microsoft.NetCore.App or Microsoft.AspNetCore.App was not found
I have deployed my app on a production machine. I am publishing Release, win-x64 and --self-contained true. I have installed .net core 3.1.7 restarted the VPS and I am getting: > The specified version...
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- 15 Feb at 08:29
How to mock methods which take or return a Span<T>
We have been using moq which relies heavily on expression trees and reflection.emit. But Span is not allowed to be in an expression tree, so methods which take or return a Span cannot be mocked with i...
What are the specifics of the TimerInfo class in an azure functions timer trigger?
The only documentation I can find is [here](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-bindings-timer?tabs=csharp) but it doesn't really explain the properties on the TimerInfo ...
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- 6 May at 20:27
Installing OpenCV fails because it cannot find "skbuild"
I have a docker image that I need to install openCV in it and from yesterday it started to fail because it cannot find the "skbuild" module: ``` Step 12/24 : RUN pip install opencv-python opencv-contr...
How can I determine if I have a specific version of the .NET runtime is installed?
I installed .NET SDK and runtime. How do I detect/determine if I have a specific version of the .NET runtime is installed from in C#?
An exception was thrown while deserializing the token.The antiforgery token could not be decrypted in .Net Core 2.2 application
I am getting the error in my log. I spent most of my day finding the solution but could not find the one which meets my requirement. Here is the log error > severity=[ERROR], ipaddress=xxxx, subproces...
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- 17 Aug at 03:17
Seeking an understanding of ServiceStack.Redis: IRedisClient.PublishMessage vs IMessageQueueClient.Publish
I am having a hard time separating the `IRedisClient.PublishMessage` and `IMessageQueueClient.Publish` and realize I must be mixing something up. ServiceStack gives us the option to listen for pub/sub...
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- 2 Sep at 07:41
The EF Core tools version '3.1.2' is older than that of the runtime '3.1.7'. Update the tools for the latest features and bug fixes
``` PM> update-database Build started... Build succeeded. The EF Core tools version '3.1.2' is older than that of the runtime '3.1.7'. Update the tools for the latest features and bug fixes. ``` I tr...
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- 16 Aug at 19:40
ormlite async methods throw casting exception with miniprofiler
When using async ormlite methods (like below), Ormlite throws the following error. Unable to cast object of type 'StackExchange.Profiling.Data.ProfiledDbCommand' to type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlComm...
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- 16 Aug at 04:14
How to fix error- nodemon.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system, (without security risk)?
Error on terminal: `nodemon.ps1` cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more information, see at [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.power...
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- 2 May at 05:49
"You may need an additional loader to handle the result of these loaders."
I am currently trying to build a State Management Library for ReactJs. But as soon as I implement it into my React project (created with `create-react-app`), it starts dropping this error: ``` Failed ...
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- 13 Dec at 17:37
Xamarin.Android C# layout_weight error: Must specify a unit, such as "px" (Intellisense?)
A snippet of my layout: ``` <LinearLayout android:orientation="horizontal" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content"> <Button ...
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- 14 Aug at 20:3
System.Text.Json: How to apply a JsonConverter for a collection with a custom converter for the collection's items?
I have a class that I want to serialize to JSON. The class contains some trivially serialized members but the problem is that I have a list of objects that are from a cpp library (I have a C# has a wr...
- Modified
- 22 May at 04:15
Custom JSON serializer for optional property with System.Text.Json
I'm trying to implement a JSON serialization mechanism which handles both `null` and missing JSON values, to be able to perform partial updates when needed (so that it does not touch the field in the ...
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- 19 Aug at 10:18
Failed to resolve for reference Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions - Metadata generation failed
Had to pick up a bit of work from another developer so just trying to wrap my head round it all! But I'm having issues building an Azure Functions project and continuously getting a error coming form ...
- Modified
- 14 Aug at 14:7
Returning a Value Tuple of Custom Objects From Ormlite
I'm trying to do a simple Join on 2 tables and return a Value Tuple of those two tables. ``` public partial class DeliveryMethod { [Required] [PrimaryKey] public int DeliveryMethodId { get...
- Modified
- 13 Aug at 21:3