tagged [f#]

Is F# really better than C# for math?

Is F# really better than C# for math? Unmanaged languages notwithstanding, is F# really better than C# for implementing math? And if that's the case, why?

18 Dec at 23:39

F# dynamic object access

F# dynamic object access Is there a way to access DLR object (eg. DynamicObject subclass instance) members (properties and methods) in F# that is similar to C# dynamic ?

27 May at 09:7

Is asynchronous in C# the same implementation as in F#?

Is asynchronous in C# the same implementation as in F#? Is the asynchronous implementation in C# 4.5 exactly the same as in F# 2 in the way threads are used?

3 Oct at 12:31

How to create a sequence of integers in C#?

How to create a sequence of integers in C#? F# has that allows to create sequences: Create sequence of numbers from 0 to 10. Is there something similar in C#?

7 Nov at 08:49

Type.GenericTypeArguments property vs Type.GetGenericArguments() method

Type.GenericTypeArguments property vs Type.GetGenericArguments() method What's the difference between the `Type.GenericTypeArguments` property and the `Type.GetGenericArguments()` method? Do they alwa...

21 Oct at 20:19

Write boldface text using Console.WriteLine (C#) or printfn (F#)?

Write boldface text using Console.WriteLine (C#) or printfn (F#)? Is there a quick way to write boldface text using `Console.WriteLine` () or `printfn` ()? If not boldface, perhaps some other kind of ...

27 Jun at 07:17

Referencing Asynchronous F# datatype from C#

Referencing Asynchronous F# datatype from C# I created a F# library that returns this datatype How do I access the `FSharpAsync` type so I can enumerate through the tuple from C# and print out the con...

25 Jul at 01:50

Multicore programming: the hard parts

Multicore programming: the hard parts I'm writing a book on multicore programming using .NET 4 and I'm curious to know what parts of multicore programming people have found difficult to grok or antici...

F# extension methods in C#

F# extension methods in C# If you were to define some extension methods, properties in an assembly written in F#, and then use that assembly in C#, would you see the defined extensions in C#? If so, t...

12 Mar at 05:28

How do I use Travis-CI with C# or F#

How do I use Travis-CI with C# or F# Travis CI continuous integration service officially supports many [languages](http://about.travis-ci.org/docs/#Specific-Language-Help), but not C# or F#. Can I use...

22 Mar at 13:57

How difficult is it to learn F# for experienced C# 3.0 developers?

How difficult is it to learn F# for experienced C# 3.0 developers? How difficult is it to learn F# for experienced C# 3.0 developers, and/or what would you say is the most difficult part of learning F...

28 May at 03:55

Why can't we use F# class within a C# project?

Why can't we use F# class within a C# project? Why can't we use F# class within a C# project? Eventually, it's all CIL, is it not? Is there any reason we can't add an F# source file to a C# project th...

11 Jan at 14:17

F# Discriminated Union usage from C#

F# Discriminated Union usage from C# What are the best ways to use F# Discriminated Unions from C#? I have been digging into this problem for a while, I have probably found the simplest way, but as it...

24 May at 09:2

Can you mix .net languages within a single project?

Can you mix .net languages within a single project? Can you mix .net languages within a single project? So pre-compiled, I would like to call classes and methods of other source files. For both web an...

13 Oct at 04:1

Is it possible to mix .cs (C#) and .fs (F#) files in a single Visual Studio Windows Console Project? (.NET)

Is it possible to mix .cs (C#) and .fs (F#) files in a single Visual Studio Windows Console Project? (.NET) How to do it? Is it possible to call a function from one F# code into C# without using a sep...

21 Jan at 17:44

constrained nonlinear optimization in Microsoft Solver foundation vs Matlab fmincon

constrained nonlinear optimization in Microsoft Solver foundation vs Matlab fmincon can anyone show me examples or reviews for constrained nonlinear optimization in Microsoft Solver foundation 3.0? Ho...

What areas of code are you using f# for?

What areas of code are you using f# for? For those of you out there who are using f#, what areas of functionality are you coding with it? What is the language really well suited to and what does it do...

20 Feb at 09:40

something like a python's triple-quote in F# (or C#)?

something like a python's triple-quote in F# (or C#)? I want to assign a xml code into a string variable. I can do this without escaping single or double-quotes by using triple-quote in python. Is the...

15 May at 21:21

How can you organise F# code in a similar way to C# regions?

How can you organise F# code in a similar way to C# regions? Is there a feature equivalent to C#'s regions for being able to group code into named blocks and collapse and expand them? Alternatively, a...

27 Sep at 10:35

Using bound interface in F#

Using bound interface in F# I am trying to use C# library in F# so it would be very much specific case. I using [Servicestack](http://servicestack.net) with F#. Now, I am trying to wire up class with ...

17 Apr at 22:18

Argument validation in F# struct constructor

Argument validation in F# struct constructor Here is a trivial C# struct that does some validation on the ctor argument: I've managed to translate this into an F# class:

28 Sep at 11:50

Is there an API for verifying the MSIL of a dynamic assembly at runtime?

Is there an API for verifying the MSIL of a dynamic assembly at runtime? When using `Reflection.Emit` to build an assembly at runtime, I'd like to verify the assembly MSIL before saving to disc. Like ...

8 Dec at 17:14

How to use F# Union types with Servicestack JSON serialization?

How to use F# Union types with Servicestack JSON serialization? I guess it is too much I am asking from a framework. But just wondering if it is possible at all. Or what will be work around for this. ...

F# map to C# Dictionary

F# map to C# Dictionary I'm trying to convert an F# map to a C# dictionary, so far I am using: It just feels a little clunky, I'm quite new to F# so it there a better way?

24 Nov at 16:57

What are some practical problems that parallel computing, f#, and GPU-parallel processing might solve

What are some practical problems that parallel computing, f#, and GPU-parallel processing might solve [Recently WiFi encryption was brute forced by using the parellel processing power of the modern GP...