What exactly does mean the term "dereferencing" an object?

I'm reading the description of the new feature in C# 8 called nullable reference types. The description discusses so called null-forgiving operator. The example in the description talks about de-refer...

25 Sep at 20:3

ServiceStack Redis (AWS ElastiCache implementation) using .Net core causing error No master found in: redis-cluster-xxxxxxxx:637

I have implemented the following version of ServiceStack .net Core Redis library: ServiceStack.Redis.Core 5.9.2 I am using the library to access a Redis cache I have created to persist values for my A...

ServiceStack ORMLite How to fparse JSON data in Query

I have the following model structure. ``` public class Inforamation { public Guid Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public InfoMetadata Metadata { get; set; } } public class...

22 Sep at 09:32

Assembly build version at runtime in blazor wasm app

What is the best way to get build version number at runtime in web assembly client-side blazor app? In server side version I was able to use `Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetCustomAttribute<AssemblyInf...

21 Sep at 21:2

How to connect Blazor WebAssembly to DataBase

I recently started developing a Blazor WebAssembly app, and now I'm settling on a database connection. All lessons and instructions say that you need to enter information into the Startup.cs file and ...

How to copy/clone records in C# 9?

The [C# 9 records feature specification](https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/blob/master/proposals/csharp-9.0/records.md) includes the following: > A record type contains two copying members:A constr...

21 Sep at 14:46

How can I turn off "info" logging in browser console from HttpClients in Blazor?

In my Blazor WebAssembly client, I have this appsetting: ``` { "Logging": { "LogLevel": { "Default": "Warning" } } } ``` So why do I still get endless cruft in my when running loca...

18 Sep at 15:45

how to return list<model> in grpc

i want return list of Person model to client in grpc.project is asp.net core person.proto code is : PeopleService.cs code is : and client project call grpc server : This work for one model but when wa...

6 May at 20:27

Bootstrap 5 navbar align items right

How do you align Bootstrap 5 navbar items to the right? In Bootstrap 3 it's `navbar-right`. In Bootstrap 4 it's `ml-auto`. But not work for Bootstrap 5.

6 Jan at 13:40

ServiceStack Secure cookie when HTTPS is terminated on the load balancer

In ServiceStack, the `HostConfig` flag `UseSecureCookies = true` will mark cookies as Secure when transmitted over HTTPS. However, in the real world, it is common to have SSL terminated at the load ba...

17 Sep at 14:21

AppHostBase.Instance has already been set after already working

I have an ASP.Net WEB API using ServiceStack. The API had been previously working but is now throwing the "AppHostBase.The instance has already been set". I haven't changed any code since the last t...

17 Sep at 10:52

ServiceStack and .NET Core AppSettings complex object

I'm using this from the docs ([https://docs.servicestack.net/host-configuration](https://docs.servicestack.net/host-configuration)) to load my `appsettings.json` into ServiceStack: ``` AppSettings = n...

15 Sep at 07:42

allow for deserializing dates as js Date object in JsonServiceClient

definitely related to other questions asked (e.g. [Date support in d.ts for servicestack typescript client](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44259201/date-support-in-d-ts-for-servicestack-typescrip...

15 Sep at 03:44

await Task.CompletedTask vs return

I'm trying to understand the difference between `await Task.CompletedTask` and `return` but can't seem to find any clearly defined explanation. Why / when would you use this: ``` public async Task Tes...

21 Oct at 20:31

Turn off HttpClient Logging in .net core 3.1

I've created a http client in asp.net core3.1. And injected it in via startup and it works fine. ``` services.AddHttpClient<MyClient>(); ``` However I can't control it's logging output. Been followin...

11 Sep at 18:5

upload file in azure blob storage

I am trying to upload the file that I have stored in MemoryStream using the following code. ``` private static void SaveStream(MemoryStream stream, string fileName) { var blobStora...

11 Sep at 04:53

HttpClient doesn't include cookies with requests in Blazor Webassembly app

I have a Blazor Webassembly app with a user service that is designed to hit an API to retrieve a user's detailed info. The service looks like this: The API is specifically designed to read an encrypte...

Bind gRPC services to specific port in aspnetcore

Using `aspnetcore 3.1` and the `Grpc.AspNetCore` nuget package, I have managed to get gRPC services running successfully alongside standard asp.net controllers as described in [this tutorial](https://...

10 Sep at 13:51

Does C# perform short circuit evaluation of if statements with await?

I believe that C# stops evaluating an if statement condition as soon as it is able to tell the outcome. So for example: ``` if ( (1 < 0) && check_something_else() ) // this will not be called ``` ...

.Net Core HttpClientFactory for Multiple API Services

I've got a .Net Core project that needs to connect to around 4 different API services, I'm no expert with any of the HttpClient code, but from what I found, was that you'd generally only want to reuse...

9 Sep at 23:27

Youtube_dl : ERROR : YouTube said: Unable to extract video data

I'm making a little graphic interface with Python 3 which should download a youtube video with its URL. I used the `youtube_dl` module for that. This is my code : ``` import youtube_dl # Youtube_dl is...

record types with collection properties & collections with value semantics

In c# 9, we now (finally) have record types: ``` public record SomeRecord(int SomeInt, string SomeString); ``` This gives us goodies like value semantics: ``` var r1 = new SomeRecord(0, "zero"); var ...

9 Sep at 14:32

ApiResource vs ApiScope vs IdentityResource

I've read the [IdentityServer4](https://identityserver4.readthedocs.io/) documentation but I can't understand what is the exact difference between these three concepts. (ApiResource vs ApiScope vs Ide...

9 Sep at 12:10

Servicestack : Specified method not supported

I am getting a method not specified error after adding in the query. Please find the below snippet ``` public class BodyTatoo { public BodyTatoo() { } public Guid Id { get; set; ...

Push ServiceStack Redis usage to Application Insights Dependency telemtry

We use the ServiceStack `ICacheClient` to talk to our redis server. How can I send the telemetry from these calls (command, call success/failure, duration, etc.) to application insights. Is there an ...