How to detect click/touch events on UI and GameObjects

How to detect UI object on Canvas on Touch in android? For example, I have a canvas that have 5 objects such as `Image`, `RawImage`, `Buttons`, `InputField` and so on. When I touch on Button UI obje...

30 Jul at 13:57

How to use RestSharp.NetCore in core

I have gone through the []( code which work greats. Below is the code of RestSharp with out core . ``` public GenericResponseObject<T> GetGeneric<T>...

Performance of == vs Equals in generic C# class

For some reason C# does not allow == operator use in generic classes like here: If I replace == with val.Equals(value) I have code that works as expected but if I look at bytecode it looks much more c...

23 May at 12:32

Identity Server 4: adding claims to access token

I am using Identity Server 4 and Implicit Flow and want to add some claims to the access token, the new claims or attributes are "tenantId" and "langId". I have added langId as one of my scopes as be...

Replace, Insert, Delete operations on IEnumerable

I have a library that only accepts a proprietary immutable collection type. I would like to have a function that accepts one of these collections and performs some changes to this collection by return...

29 Dec at 16:58

AppSettings.json for Integration Test in ASP.NET Core

I am following this [guide]( I have a `Startup` in the API project that uses an `appsettings.json` configuration file. ``` pu...

Servicestack Authentication get auth/logout

I'm noob to this and I'm trying to use auth/logout to log the user out from everywhere that the user is authenticated from the client. I get the respond 200 that the get request made through, but when...

30 Dec at 07:28

Is there ServiceStack APIs available in F# language

I am writing services using service stack in F# language. F# have types like 'option', 'tuple', etc., which is C# does not. Since service stack is implemented in C#, I am unable to manipulate these ob...

5 Aug at 12:8

WebSocket connection failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 400

I am trying to integrate with Angular and I'm having difficulties making a connection from the client-side to the server. I've looked through other related questions but my issue is happenin...

ASP.NET Identity - where is the salt stored?

I created a simple MVC4 app and registered a user. The usrname and password are stored in a table called: AspNetUsers. This table does not have a salt field. The way I understood is that when a use...

11 Aug at 06:32

VSCode c# add reference to custom assembly

in Visual Studio Code I simply want to add a reference to an custom c# assembly like > "../libs/mylib.dll" how can I add this dependency? I tried to add the path to the dependency but was not abl...

29 Dec at 14:38

Print Html template in Angular 2 (ng-print in Angular 2)

I want to print HTML template in angular 2. I had explored about this I got solution in angularjs 1 [Print Html Template in Angularjs 1]( Any suggestion wo...

29 Dec at 12:29

ServiceStack can't deserialize json object with quotes in strings to dictionary<string, string>

If json object does not contains quotes, then all is okay. Help pls Exception: ``` {"ResponseStatus":{"ErrorCode":"SerializationException","Message":"Unable to bind to request 'CompanyList'","StackTr...

29 Dec at 10:49

Attaching an entity of type 'X' failed because another entity of the same type already has the same primary key value

ErrorMessage : > Attaching an entity of type 'FaridCRMData.Models.Customer' failed because another entity of the same type already has the same primary key value. This can happen when using the...

1 Jun at 20:32

Entity Framework Incrementing column value without query it before

I have a sql server with the table "contacts", in this table i have column "clicks" of type int, i want to increment its value without making a query. This is a copy of: "[Entity framework update one...

23 May at 12:33

Which way is better? Save a media file to MongoDB as array of bytes or as string?

I'm saving media files (pictures, PDFs, etc.) in MongoDB as array of bytes. I saw examples where people saved it by Encoding and Decoding array of bytes to string. What is the difference? Maybe differ...

3 Jan at 11:13

How to render an array of objects in React?

could you please tell me how to render a list in react js. I do like this []( ``` class First e...

2 Aug at 06:28

How to add and remove item from array in components in Vue 2

I made a component "my-item" which contains three elements: a dropdown (populated by "itemList") and two input boxes populated from the dropdown. This component is considered a row. I am trying to ad...

29 Dec at 15:57

How to generalize my algorithm to detect if one string is a rotation of another

So I've been going through various problems to review for upcoming interviews and one I encountered is determining whether two strings are rotations of each other. Obviously, I'm hardly the first pers...

23 May at 12:2

Error CS7038 (failed to emit module) only in Edit and Continue

I'm debugging a .NET 4.0 application in Visual Studio 2015. My application builds and runs fine, but when I try to edit and continue while running under the debugger, regardless of what changes I mak...

How to save to local storage using Flutter?

In Android, if I have the information I want to persist across sessions I know I can use SharedPreferences or create a SQLite database or even write a file to the device and read it in later. Is ther...

11 Dec at 09:28

Passing a function with parameters through props on reactjs

I have a function that comes from a parent all the way down to a the child of a child in a component hierarchy. Normally this wouldn't be too much of a problem, but I need to receive a parameter from ...

21 May at 12:55

C# trim within the get; set;

I am total MVC newbie coming from 10 years of webforms. Here is the code I have inherited: ``` namespace sample.Models { public class Pages { public int PageID { get; set; } ...

28 Dec at 20:34

Specifying Font and Size in HTML table

I am trying to specify the Font Face and Size for text in a table. It seems to respect the FACE= but ignores the SIZE=. For example, I have the HTML shown below. It correctly displays the text in Co...

28 Dec at 18:45

Upload files and JSON in ASP.NET Core Web API

How can I upload a list of files (images) and json data to ASP.NET Core Web API controller using multipart upload? I can successfully receive a list of files, uploaded with `multipart/form-data` cont...

28 Dec at 18:19