Fastest way to insert 100,000+ records into DocumentDB
As the title suggests, I need to insert 100,000+ records into a DocumentDb collection programatically. The data will be used for creating reports later on. I am using the Azure Documents SDK and a sto...
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- 23 May at 11:33
Scrolling to element using webdriver?
I am still learning and in response to one of my questions: [here](
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- 11 Nov at 12:7
Correctly awaiting in F# an async C# method with return type of Task<T>
I'd like to be able to consume a C# library from F#. Mostly this has been pretty straightforward. However, if I try to call a function that returns a `Task<T>` I am not able to get the returned value....
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- 19 Jan at 14:12
Using enum for dropdown list in ASP.NET MVC Core
I'm trying to create a dropdown list with an enum property in ASP.NET MVC Core using the tag helper in a Razor view: Here is the model: ``` public class PersonalMember : Member { [Required, Disp...
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- 3 Jan at 11:55
Working with multiple resultset in .net core
While retrieving the results using stored procedure how can I retrieve and store multiple result set in view model in .net core For e.g. from stored procedure I am returning records for below two que...
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- 20 Jan at 11:13
ServiceStack OrmLite Select with update lock
I have the following code: ``` protected static void InsertOrUpdate<T>( IDbConnection connection, T item, Expression<Func<T, bool>> singleItemPredicate, Expression<Func<T, object>> up...
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- 19 Jan at 13:37
Read appsettings.json in Main Program.cs
First of all my main purpose is to setup the IP and Port for my application dynamically. I'm using `IConfiguration` to inject a json config file, like some tutorial mentioned. However, I can't retri...
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- 19 Jan at 09:54
Error starting ApplicationContext. To display the auto-configuration report re-run your application with 'debug' enabled
My Autoconfiguration file is not working in Spring-Boot application. I attach my configuration application file below: ``` @Configuration @EnableAutoConfiguration @ComponentScan @SpringBootApplicatio...
- Modified
- 11 Sep at 08:34
How React JS index.js file contacting index.html for id references?
I recently get started with react. My contains ``` <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> ...
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- 19 Jan at 09:46
ASP.NET/ServiceStack Root URL at startup
I'm trying to setup a ServiceStack template loosely based on the existing ASP.NET with razor template. The services to be created using this will be hosted in a variety of locations. What I would like...
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- 19 Jan at 09:33
EntityFramework insert speed is very slow with large quantity of data
I am trying to insert about 50.000 rows to MS Sql Server db via Entity Framework 6.1.3 but it takes too long. I followed [this answer]( Disabled AutoDetect...
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- 23 May at 12:34
How to throw an exception in an async method (Task.FromException)
I just discovered that, since .NET 4.6, there is a new method [FromException]( on the `Task` object, and I was wo...
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- 18 May at 01:39
Why can't I change my input value in React even with the onChange listener
I am quite new to React and after going through some tutorials, I was trying the below code of mine. I made one component, passed props to it from a store, on `componentWillMount` I make a new state f...
- Modified
- 27 Aug at 18:18
TempData null in core
I am trying to use TempData in core However I am getting a null value on the get method of TempData. Can anyone please let me know how can I use TempData in core Below are the things ...
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- 25 Jan at 11:19
Handle DTOs with interior objects when posting a file with request DTO to a server in servicestack
I am trying to pass both a file and a request DTO to servicestack using `JsonServiceClient` and it's `PostFileWithRequest<ResponseType>(fileStream, fileName, RequestType)` function. The issue arises...
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- 19 Jan at 02:8
GZIP in .net core not working
I'm attempting to add Gzip middleware to my core app. I have added the following package : > "Microsoft.AspNetCore.ResponseCompression": "1.0.0" In my startup.cs for the Configure Service...
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- 19 Jan at 01:25
I would like to be programmatically able to get a token from Azure. I call `GetAToken().Wait();` and it fails. and the method is:
ISO UTC DateTime format as default json output format in MVC 6 API response
Does anyone know how to configure MVC6's json output to default to a ISO UTC DateTime string format when returning DateTime objects? In WebApi2 I could set the JsonFormatter SerializerSettings and co...
- Modified
- 3 Dec at 14:9
C# - Export .pfx certificate and import it later as a file
I basically need to export a `.pfx` certificate as a `Base64string`, store it in a database and recover it later, converting from `Base64string`. What I'm using at the moment is the `X509Certificate2`...
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- 7 May at 02:10
python pip on Windows - command 'cl.exe' failed
I'm trying to install spaCy using `pip install spacy` but I'm getting the following error .. []( I have VS 2015 installed, and I have the following Python install...
Hangfire DistributedLockTimeoutException when calling the same static method concurrently
I have a web service that, when posted to, queues up downloads of images in Hangfire, so that if the image download fails, Hangfire will automatically retry: ``` [AutomaticRetry(Attempts = 5, OnAttem...
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- 19 Jan at 08:13
Unit testing a Web API controller
I am fairly new to unit testing and I am trying to create a unit test for a Web API contoller that I have created which returns a list of brands. My Web API controller `Get()` method looks like this:...
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- 13 May at 10:38
Intellisense deleting code as I type
Intellisense (or Resharper) is occasionally deleting my C# code as I write it. It's occuring in declarations and in method calls, and seems to be triggered by a comma or open bracket. The Undo history...
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- 21 Feb at 14:43
Find non-awaited async method calls
I've just stumbled across a rather dangerous scenario while migrating an ASP.NET application to the async/await model. The situation is that I made a method async: `async Task DoWhateverAsync()`, cha...
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- 18 Jan at 15:57
Unity - IEnumerator's yield return null
I'm currently trying to understand IEnumerator & Coroutine within the context of Unity and am not too confident on what the "yield return null" performs. At the moment i believe it basically pauses a...
- Modified
- 19 Jan at 11:10