take(1) vs first()

I found a few implementation of `AuthGuard`s that use `take(1)`. In my project, I used `first()`. Do both work the same way? ``` import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/first'; imp...

12 Sep at 20:10

Is there a non-commercial alternative to Z.EntityFramework.Extensions?

Entity Framework can be very slow on mass insert/update/delete operations. Even the often suggested tweaks to turn off AutoDetectChanges and/or ValidateOnSaveEnabled does not always help. I have come...

req.GetApiKey() doesn't execute any query in DB ServiceStack ApiKeyAuthProvider

Here is my auth config ``` Plugins.Add(new AuthFeature(() => new AuthUserSession(), new IAuthProvider[] { new ApiKeyAuthProvider(AppSe...

20 Feb at 12:59

How to specify Memory & CPU limit in docker compose version 3

I am unable to specify CPU and memory limitation for services specified in version 3. With version 2 it works fine with `mem_limit` & `cpu_shares` parameters under the services. But it fails while usi...

7 Dec at 20:9

Can I use JSON.Stringify in code-behind of an ASP.Net project?

In the code-behind of an ASP.NET project (MVP-pattern) I get in one of the presenters a string which contains something which looks like the content of a JSON file. Then I set one of the properties o...

17 Dec at 12:3

OAuth2 authentication plugin for ServiceStack .NET Core

Apologies if this is already answered on this site or in the extensive ServiceStack documentation - I have looked, but if it does exist, I would appreciate a pointer! I've been trying to knock up an ...

20 Feb at 11:31

Can I register a servicestack response filter inside web.config?

I am using servicestack v3. I have two websites(Public services and Storage services) in IIS where the servicestack services are deployed. In the public services website we need to use certain respons...

20 Feb at 11:26

How to add Socket and WinAPI tracing to .NET Core console application?

In classic .NET app, I did this by adding the following in app.config: ``` <system.diagnostics> <sources> <source name="System.Net" tracemode="includehex" maxdatasize="1024"> <listeners> ...

20 Feb at 09:45

Error UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xff in position 0: invalid start byte

[https://github.com/affinelayer/pix2pix-tensorflow/tree/master/tools](https://github.com/affinelayer/pix2pix-tensorflow/tree/master/tools) An error occurred when compiling "process.py" on the above si...

15 Feb at 09:51

Print/Debug.Log is not showing output on Unity Console

I am trying to print a simple statement using C# on Unity Console but i don't know why it is not printing. [](https://i.stack.imgur.com/aZJbE.png)

12 Mar at 13:32

EF core many to many configuration not working with Fluent API

I am having trouble with understanding and implementing a many to many repationship using the FLuent API and EF Core. I have looked at [this](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8927278/how-to-config...

Firebase Authentication (JWT) with .NET Core

I'm developing a simple API that handles Authentication made by Firebase - to be used later with Android clients. So in Firebase console I enabled Facebook and Google sign-in methods and created a sa...

How Do I Uninstall Yarn

How can I uninstall yarn? I've used it for a react-native project and now whenever I move the code out of `index.ios.js` or `index.android.js` it throws an error so I'd like to just use npm but whenev...

20 Feb at 20:5

Add only unique values to a list in python

I'm trying to learn python. Here is the relevant part of the exercise: > For each word, check to see if the word is already in a list. If the word is not in the list, add it to the list. Here is what ...

24 Nov at 01:43

AddServiceEndpoint throws key is null?

When using the ServiceHost.AddServiceEndpoint to add the custom ProtoEndpointBehavior I get the following exception : > System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key a...

26 Feb at 23:59

EF Core returns null relations until direct access

I have some models like those below: ``` public class Mutant { public long Id { get; set; } ... // Relations public long OriginalCodeId { get; set; } public virtual OriginalCode ...

Can I pass parameters to a Clicked event in Xamarin?

I am adding some pins to a map, and when the user tap on this pin (actually the content of the pin) I want to open a specific page. I want to do something like this: But I don't know if it is possible...

5 May at 15:2

Changing the Git user inside Visual Studio Code

The user for my Git commits has changed, but I am not able to change that inside of Visual Studio Code. I changed the global settings in Git, but when I want to push or sync via Visual Studio Code ins...

17 Nov at 23:8

Job for mysqld.service failed See "systemctl status mysqld.service"

Console says ``` [root@ip-172-31-18-2 mysql]# service mysqld start Starting mysqld (via systemctl): Job for mysqld.service failed because the control process exited with an error code. See "systemctl...

Could not load file or assembly Microsoft.Win32.Primitives, Version=

I am having problems running my web application. The project setup is ASP.NET Core web application (.NET Framework). I don't seem to get any Build error. The project doesn't just run. > System.IO.File...

Convert String To camelCase from TitleCase C#

I have a string that I converted to a TextInfo.ToTitleCase and removed the underscores and joined the string together. Now I need to change the first and only the first character in the string to low...

18 Dec at 23:3

Can ServiceStack Validators emit field names in camel case?

Is there a way to force service stack validators using the fluent validation plugin to emit the field name properties in camel case? I have configured the ``` JsConfig.EmitCamelCaseNames = true; ``...

17 Feb at 22:24

Asp Net Core Web Push Notifications

Main goal is to add to site ability to send web notification to pop up a system notification to alert the user using Html5 Push API and service workers. Not using SignalR which only can run client scr...

AcquireRequestState vs PreExecuteRequestHandler

We picked up quite a high number of ajax calls taking a significant amount of time in AcquireRequestState, in our travels we stumbled upon the session locking gem in ASP.Net so we implemented a custom...

23 May at 12:2

Await is a reserved word error inside async function

I am struggling to figure out the issue with the following syntax: ``` export const sendVerificationEmail = async () => (dispatch) => { try { dispatch({ type: EMAIL_FETCHING, payload: tru...

17 Jul at 10:25