tagged [trace]

What is the performance impact of tracing in C# and ASP.NET?

What is the performance impact of tracing in C# and ASP.NET? I found this in some production login code I was looking at recently... ...where query is a short SQL query to grab matching users. Does th...

What is a stack trace, and how can I use it to debug my application errors?

What is a stack trace, and how can I use it to debug my application errors? Sometimes when I run my application it gives me an error that looks like: ``` Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPoint...

22 Mar at 16:16

ServiceStack: removing StackTrace from ResponseStatus

ServiceStack: removing StackTrace from ResponseStatus I know the same question has been asked here : [How to remove the stacktrace from the standard ServiceStack error respose](https://stackoverflow.c...

How to send the tracing output to a file in the file system?

How to send the tracing output to a file in the file system? I have added the following code to my web.config file: ```

19 Jul at 09:51

How to throw exception without resetting stack trace?

How to throw exception without resetting stack trace? This is a follow-up question to [Is there a difference between “throw” and “throw ex”](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/730250/is-there-a-diffe...

Incorrect stacktrace by rethrow

Incorrect stacktrace by rethrow I rethrow an exception with "throw;", but the stacktrace is incorrect: ``` static void Main(string[] args) { try { try { throw new Exception("Test"); //Line...

1 Apr at 09:51

How to split a stacktrace line into namespace, class, method file and line number?

How to split a stacktrace line into namespace, class, method file and line number? C# stack traces take the following form: ``` at Foo.Core.Test.FinalMethod(Doh doh) in C:\Projects\src\Core.Tests\Test...

28 Feb at 22:9

Automatically log System.diagnostics.trace messages to an Nlog target

Automatically log System.diagnostics.trace messages to an Nlog target Say you have C# trace messages all over an application. Something like: How do you automatically log this to an nLog target wit...

7 Nov at 15:50

How to trace every method called

How to trace every method called I have an existing project where I would like to find out all calls being made and maybe dump into a log file. I had a look [at this thread](https://stackoverflow.com/...

23 May at 10:29

Debugging exceptions in a Async/Await (Call Stack)

Debugging exceptions in a Async/Await (Call Stack) I use the Async/Await to free my UI-Thread and accomplish multithreading. Now I have a problem when I hit a exception. The `Call Stack` of my Async p...

How can I get a JavaScript stack trace when I throw an exception?

How can I get a JavaScript stack trace when I throw an exception? If I throw a JavaScript exception myself (eg, `throw "AArrggg"`), how can I get the stack trace (in Firebug or otherwise)? Right now I...

17 Mar at 18:36

Is there a tool that enables me to insert one line of code into all functions and methods in a C++-source file?

Is there a tool that enables me to insert one line of code into all functions and methods in a C++-source file? It should turn this into this but for all (or at least a big bunch of) syntactically leg...

20 Jul at 13:57

When tracing out variables in the console, How to create a new line?

When tracing out variables in the console, How to create a new line? So I'm trying to do something simple, I want to break up my traces in the console into several lines, using 1 console.log statement...

17 Oct at 17:55

Can I get the stack traces of all threads in my c# app?

Can I get the stack traces of all threads in my c# app? I'm debugging an apparent concurrency issue in a largish app that I hack on at work. The bug in question only manifests on certain lower-perform...

How to check if PDF was modified

How to check if PDF was modified I have a PDF generated by 3rd party system. Using PDF editor or els software I have modified it. Is it possible to detect if PDF file was modified, without original fi...

19 Sep at 19:41

StackTrace filename unknown

StackTrace filename unknown Something strange is happening in my code where I'm using a StackTrace. It's almost as if the debug info is not being loaded... but I'm running this on the DEBUG build.The ...

30 Oct at 18:4

Reading .Net Stack Trace

Reading .Net Stack Trace This question came just out of curiosity to know our friend the a little better. As a C# (.NET) developer every one must have seen a yellow stack trace like the one below. ![e...

21 Aug at 19:33

How can I tell the compiler to ignore a method in stack traces?

How can I tell the compiler to ignore a method in stack traces? Are there any attributes I can apply to boilerplate methods so that such methods do not appear in stack traces? I've got a lot of them a...

20 Jun at 09:12

How to send a stacktrace to log4j?

How to send a stacktrace to log4j? Say you catch an exception and get the following on the standard output (like, say, the console) if you do a : Now I want to send this instead to a logger like, say,

3 Dec at 16:49

How to include user friendly timestamp in traces

How to include user friendly timestamp in traces I am trying to understand the difference between `Trace.Write` vs `Trace.TraceInformation` and which one should be used. I tried to configure `traceOut...

1 Feb at 04:14

.NET Trace to a file not working

.NET Trace to a file not working I am trying to track strange things going on in my Windows Forms application with a TextWriterTraceListener pointed to a file location. I have it set up so that the fi...

24 Apr at 15:24

What are best practices for event id management?

What are best practices for event id management? I'm trying to figure out how to manage my event ids. Up to this point I've been putting each event id in each method manually with each step in a metho...

28 Oct at 17:35

Display lines number in Stack Trace for .NET assembly in Release mode

Display lines number in Stack Trace for .NET assembly in Release mode Is there a way to display the lines in the stack trace for the .NET assembly build/deployed in Release mode? My application is di...

Application compiled by Flex Builder 3 does not trace

Application compiled by Flex Builder 3 does not trace I've built a simple application in Flex Builder 3 with some trace() calls. It's an "ActionScript Project", no MXML or AIR involved. I don't run th...

2 Feb at 16:2

How to get line number(s) in the StackTrace of an exception thrown in .NET to show up

How to get line number(s) in the StackTrace of an exception thrown in .NET to show up MSDN says this about the `StackTrace` property of the `Exception` class: > The StackTrace property holds a stack ...

24 Sep at 23:19