How to set php executable path php.validate.executablePath in vscode when php is set inside docker container?
I have a development environment based in docker. Everytime that I open VSCode I get this message: > Cannot validate since no PHP executable is set. Use the setting 'php.validate.executablePath' t...
- Modified
- 21 Sep at 18:18
Entity Framework Core Using multiple DbContexts
I'm having a problem that when I try to access a field in my PartsDbContext I get the following error: > System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: 'Invalid object name 'fieldName'' It seems that this is ...
- Modified
- 4 May at 08:27
Global Request Filter Async Order of Operations
Where do async global request filters fit in the order of operations as described [here]( We recently added a global async filter and a request filte...
- Modified
- 3 May at 18:12
Handle null in LINQ sum expression
I am using a LINQ query to find sum of a column and there is a slight chance that the value might be null in few cases The query I am using now is ``` int score = dbContext.domainmaps.Where(p => p...
- Modified
- 5 May at 05:21
c# join string comma delimited, but double quote all values inside
I have a string list ``` new List<string> { "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six" } ``` And I want to have a string with exact this content (including double quotes) ``` "One", "Two", "Thre...
- Modified
- 3 May at 16:56
Selenium RemoteWebDriver c# - System.InvalidOperationException
I have a sample UI test project using v3.4.0 of Selenium.WebDriver. Everything works fine when I run the tests against a local driver but I want to get things working using Selenium Grid 2. As soon ...
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- 4 May at 08:42
How to remove file from Git history?
Some time ago I added info(files) that must be private. Removing from the project is not problem, but I also need to remove it from `git` history. I use Git and Github (private account). Note: On [thi...
Pandas rename column by position?
I was just wondering if I can rename column names by their positions. I know how to rename them by their actual names using: `df.rename(columns = {})` How do I do it if I do not know the column nam...
Replacing values greater than a number in pandas dataframe
I have a large dataframe which looks as: ``` df1['A'].ix[1:3] 2017-01-01 02:00:00 [33, 34, 39] 2017-01-01 03:00:00 [3, 43, 9] ``` I want to replace each element greater than 9 with 11. So, t...
How to add a variable to Python plt.title?
I am trying to plot lots of diagrams, and for each diagram, I want to use a variable to label them. How can I add a variable to `plt.title?` For example: ``` import numpy as np import matplotlib.pypl...
- Modified
- 8 Jan at 17:31
how to get value from appsettings.json
``` public class Bar { public static readonly string Foo = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Foo"]; } ``` In the .NET Framework 4.x, I can use the `ConfigurationManager.AppSettings ["Foo"]` to g...
- Modified
- 3 May at 10:35
Null propagation feature and Razor views
Hello I have a strange issue. I use the null propagation feature in my razor pages like this ``` @(Model.ligneDossierLie?.dossier_id) ``` my project is based on 4.6.1 Framework and I use the last ...
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- 3 May at 10:44
Format date within View in ASP.NET Core MVC
I have problem in regarding with converting the datetime to date using a model. ``` public partial class LoanContract { [DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "{0:MM/dd/yyyy}")] public DateTime ...
- Modified
- 3 May at 10:56
super(type, obj): obj must be an instance or subtype of type
Why do I get the following error, and how do I resolve it? > TypeError: super(type, obj): obj must be an instance or subtype of type
- Modified
- 17 Apr at 12:33
.net Core X Forwarded Proto not working
I am working to get my .net core 1.1 application working behind a load balancer and enforcing https. I have the following setup in my Startup.cs ``` public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHos...
- Modified
- 1 Mar at 14:55
Golang - DTOs, Entities and Mapping
I am new to Go having come from a C# background, and I am just plain confused about structure a Go application. Say I am building a REST API that will sit on top of a database. Also, say that, even af...
COPY with docker but with exclusion
In a Dockerfile, I have ``` COPY . . ``` I want to exclude an entire directory, in my case, node_modules directory. Something like this: ``` COPY [all but **/node_modules/**] . ``` Is this poss...
- Modified
- 2 May at 21:48
How to parse huge JSON file as stream in Json.NET?
I have a very, very large JSON file (1000+ MB) of identical JSON objects. For example: ``` [ { "id": 1, "value": "hello", "another_value": "world", "value_obj": { ...
Simulate a button click in Jest
Simulating a button click seems like a very easy/standard operation. Yet, I can't get it to work in Jest.js tests. This is what I tried (and also doing it using jQuery), but it didn't seem to trigger ...
- Modified
- 24 Sep at 17:45
force css grid container to fill full screen of device
How do I force a css grid container take the full width and height of the device screen for a single page app? Modified example is from Mozilla: [Firefox documentation](
Cant add Docker Support Visual Studio 2017
I'm using VS 2017. I have a web service and I want to add docker support to it. When I right click and open up the menu to add docker support it is greyed out. What causes it to be greyed out? How can...
- Modified
- 2 May at 22:14
React JS get current date
I want to output the current date in my componnent. In the console my code works, but the React console says: > bundle.js:14744 Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded My component looks...
- Modified
- 21 Feb at 14:38
How to use custom preprocessor directives in .Net Core
I am trying to use a preprocessor directive in .Net core, but I can't determine the correct way to get the directive to be set: ``` static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello Worl...
How to deserialize a WCF soap response message from a file with DataContractSerializer?
When I call a web service operation, WCF deserializes the message to the proxy class with the DataContractSerializer: why couldn't I do the same ? Here is the soap message in the file ActLoginRespons...
- Modified
- 9 May at 08:3
google console error `OR-IEH-01`
i am trying to upload an android application on google play store (google play developer console). i am adding a new visa card and press pay and it gives me this error: > An unexpected error has occu...
- Modified
- 2 May at 15:14