Could not find a valid GoogleService-Info.plist in your project

When I run my swift 3.2 code with Xcode 9 beta 4 this is the error I get: `*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'com.firebase.core', reason: '[FIRApp configure]; (FirebaseApp.configure() in ...

Get claims from a WebAPI Controller - JWT Token,

I have built an application which uses JWT bearer authentication in ASP.NET Core. When authenticating I define some custom claims which i need to read in another WebAPI controller in order to execute...

25 Jul at 23:55

Serilog structured data pretty print?

Is there a way to make Serilog format structured data into a formatted output? I've been using structured data structures in Serilog lately and even though there is an advantage of it being compact ...

How to call docker run from c# application

I've got a WPF application that whilst processing a file needs to use a docker process. The docker container is built on the box, currently after processing a file with the WPF application the user ha...

25 Jul at 16:33

Build with Roslyn, but leave the "compile-at-runtime" executables at the door?

There has been a lot of talk about the C# compiler [Roslyn]( on and the internet in g...

Need to know how to search in ES using c# searching in arrays

Hello I am a newbie on `ElasticSearch` and need help. I'm working with c# (thought I could use a `QueryRaw` in String I think...). Below the scenario: ``` { "id": "1", "title": "Small cars"...

25 Jul at 14:54

Why is Entity Framework generating the following nested SQL for Azure Mobile Services Table Controllers

I'm trying to get to the bottom of an entity Framework issue when using it with a `TableController` I've created the following setup. 1. The basic TodoItem example provided with a new Mobile Web AP...

ServiceStack 4 C# client async call hangs

I am using ServiceStack 4 client to access a RESTful api endpoint. I have written two methods to return a list of objects. The synchronize method returns data as expected. The async methods hangs on t...

25 Jul at 06:20

"Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement opencv-python"

I am struggling with Jetson TX2 board (aarch64). I need to install python wrapper for OpenCV. I can do: ``` $ sudo apt-get install python-opencv ``` But I cannot do: ``` $ sudo pip install openc...

25 Jul at 04:27

Referencing between NetStandard and .Net Framework

I'm trying to get .Net Framework and NetStandard assemblies to communicate with each other (to learn what is possible). I currently have four projects, two Framework 4.5.2 projects and two NetStandard...

IController vs ControllerBase vs Controller vs MyController?

I have an ASP.NET MVC project I have been building and was looking through some documentation when I came across how the Controller class is implemented. I am pretty familiar with OOP but have a few q...

24 Jul at 23:10

Routes with different controllers but same action name fails to produce wanted urls

I am trying to set up a API for my MVC web app that will have a lot of routes but much of the same part for each one. Basically a CRUD for each area. I am also setting it up to be version-able. I h...

How can I create a new instance of DateTime in specific time zone?

Given a specific TimeZoneInfo instance how can I create a new DateTime instance in the specified time zone? For example if I have: I am always getting **12/31/2016 7:00:00 PM** regardless of what `Dat...

4 Jun at 03:42

Custom RazorPage get access to IRequest and Route Info

Using the Razor implementation for ServiceStack and AspNetCore how can I get access to the IRequest to get the route info for a custom razor page? Ultimately I want to get to the Name attribute on th...

24 Jul at 19:38

Adding a HTTP header to the Angular HttpClient doesn't send the header, why?

Here is my code: ``` import { HttpClient, HttpErrorResponse, HttpHeaders } from '@angular/common/http'; ``` --- ``` logIn(username: string, password: string) { const url = 'http://server.c...

How to format JSON in notepad++

I want to format JSON String in notepad++. Kindly guide me how to do so. I looked into this solution [Notepad ++ JSON Format](

24 Jul at 17:37

Any difference between await Promise.all() and multiple await?

Is there any difference between: ``` const [result1, result2] = await Promise.all([task1(), task2()]); ``` and ``` const t1 = task1(); const t2 = task2(); const result1 = await t1; const result2 ...

24 Jul at 16:10

group by week in pandas

I'm having this data frame: ``` Name Date Quantity Apple 07/11/17 20 orange 07/14/17 20 Apple 07/14/17 70 Orange 07/25/17 40 Apple 07/20/17 30 ``` I want to aggregate this by `Name` and ...

18 Dec at 23:28

Including a css file in a blade template?

I want to include a css file in my Laravel blade template. I've tried: ``` @include(public_path('css/styles.css')) ``` But it says view does not exist. It does exist. How can I include a css file...

24 Jul at 11:36

Reset input value in angular 2

I have the following input field : ``` <input mdInput placeholder="Name" #filterName name="filterName" > ``` I want to clear value on click of clear button : ``` <button (click)="clearFilters()">C...

30 Aug at 15:13

Force C# async tasks to be lazy?

I have a situation where I have an object tree created by a special factory. This is somewhat similar to a DI container, but not quite. Creation of objects always happens via constructor, and the obj...

24 Jul at 08:44

Console.WriteLine(""); gets stuck

Sometimes when I execute the above statement, the program freezes in a console application. If I break, I can't move to the next line. Do I need to reset a buffer or something? It's a batch process a...

24 Jul at 08:36

Storing ARKit point cloud data and retrieving for display

I'm hoping to store point cloud data recorded using ARKit and Unity such that it can be retrieved and displayed as it was originally recorded. Let's say that I am simply displaying point cloud data e...

Binning a column with pandas

I have a data frame column with numeric values: ``` df['percentage'].head() 46.5 44.2 100.0 42.12 ``` I want to see the column as [bin counts]( ``` bins = ...

25 Aug at 17:26

Docker CE on RHEL - Requires: container-selinux >= 2.9

I am trying to install `Docker CE` on `RHEL` using this [link]( This is my RHEL version: ``` Red Hat Enterprise Linux Se...

13 Sep at 18:8