Entity Framework Core still picks up old column

I recently delete a column `ConversationId` from my tables. When I start to debug my service and try to save I am getting an error: > Invalid column name 'ConversationId'. Code: ``` public class As...

Getting "Tuple element name is inferred. Please use language version 7.1 or greater to access an element by its inferred name."

We have the following code that has been working fine in our UWP app until today after we updated Visual Studio 2017 to the latest . ``` private void Test() { var groups = new List<(Guid key, ILi...

C# SMO Database do not log creation

I have an integration test that creates a database of type `Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database`: ``` var defaultConnectionConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultCo...

14 Aug at 17:15

How do I keep ASP.net connection string passwords secure on a git repository?

Up until now I have been using gitignore to ignore my web.congfig and web.release.config files so that my connections strings (including passwords) do not get stored in the git repository. This has b...

14 Aug at 15:12

CPU usage in .net core (at least on Windows)

So `PerformanceCounter` is gone in dotnet core. I understand it was because it was not Linux-compatible. This comment here: ( [What is the story of Performance Counters for .NET Core?](https://stacko...

14 Aug at 14:0

ASP.Net Core middleware cannot set status code on exception because "response has already started"

Related: [Modify static file response in ASP.NET Core](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40019012/modify-static-file-response-in-asp-net-core/40019112#40019112) However, I do not understand why the...

14 Aug at 15:49

Ionic App, Typescript Error Cannot find name 'RequestMode'

I have problem in my ionic app, after some updates in ionic & angular servicestack give me errors like the below > Typescript Error Cannot find name 'RequestMode'. node_modules/servicestack-client/...

20 Aug at 13:25

ServiceStack: Dependency injected object's lifetime in IMessageService

We have logic that implements `IMessageService.RegisterHandler<T>(Func<IMessage<T>, object>)`. In the execution block of the message queue, we auto-wire a service by using Funq.Container. The service'...

bootstrap 4 responsive utilities visible / hidden xs sm lg not working

Having an issue with the new responsive utilities , when migrating to . I am aware that .hidden- classes have been [removed from v3 and replaced](https://v4-alpha.getbootstrap.com/layout/responsive-ut...

How can I add a <ViewCell> with a <Grid> to a TableView in C#

I'm constructing a dynamic TableView. So far I have this: ``` var section = new TableSection("Available Categories"); foreach (var category in categoryGroups) { var name = (string)category.Name; ...

16 Jul at 23:12

Servicestack hosting on subdomain and authenticating from main domain

> I am creating one web app in asp.net MVC with identity (OWIN) framework. Now it will be hosted in one domain lets say domain.comNow i want to host servicestack on sub domain lets say service.do...

14 Aug at 15:38

Can I run Keras model on gpu?

I'm running a Keras model, with a submission deadline of 36 hours, if I train my model on the cpu it will take approx 50 hours, is there a way to run Keras on gpu? I'm using Tensorflow backend and ru...

14 Aug at 18:48

bootstrap.min.js:6 Uncaught Error: Bootstrap dropdown require Popper.js

Suddenly I started to get error when I try to open my dropdown menu : ``` bootstrap.min.js:6 Uncaught Error: Bootstrap dropdown require Popper.js (https://popper.js.org) at bootstrap.min.js:6...

13 Aug at 15:18

Angular4 - No value accessor for form control

I have a custom element : ``` <div formControlName="surveyType"> <div *ngFor="let type of surveyTypes" (click)="onSelectType(type)" [class.selected]="type === selectedType"> <md-i...

Cross-AppDomain call corrupts the runtime

This was originally a much more lengthy question, but now I have constructed a smaller usable example code, so the original text is no longer relevant. I have two projects, one containing a single st...

Issues with implementing Office 365 API on Android (Xamarin)

I am trying to get this application running as a starting point. [https://medium.com/xamarin-development/integrating-office-365-into-xamarin-apps-f9a33e5c73b1](https://medium.com/xamarin-development/...

18 Aug at 03:9

IIS CLI generate applicationhost.config with site for my project

I have a C# solution with several projects, one of which is a web server run by IIS. I have set `<UseGlobalApplicationHostFile>True</UseGlobalApplicationHostFile>` in the csproj file of that project. ...

Enclosing a router-link tag in a button in vuejs

Can I wrap or enclose a `router-link` tag in a `button` tag? When I press the button, I want it to route me to the desired page.

11 Aug at 15:28

Why should one use Objects.requireNonNull()?

I have noted that many Java 8 methods in Oracle JDK use `Objects.requireNonNull()`, which internally throws `NullPointerException` if the given object (argument) is `null`. ``` public static <T> T re...

29 Mar at 14:25

CosmosDB - DocumentDB - Bulk insert without saturating collection RU

I am investigating using Azure CosmosDB for an application that would require high read throughput, and the ability to scale. 99% of the activity would be reads, but occasionally we would need to inse...

22 Sep at 18:1

How to set Angular 4 background image?

I am trying the following lines to set the background image.but it not works. what are the way set background image in constantly in my application. ``` <div [ngStyle]="{'background' : 'url(./image...

11 Aug at 11:30

Using named tuples in select statements

Is there a nicer way to select a named tuple in C# 7 using a var target variable? I must be doing something wrong in example 1, or misunderstanding something completely. I seem to have to explicitly s...

11 Aug at 09:36

PasswordVault security when used from Desktop app

I'd like to use [Windows.Security.Credentials.PasswordVault](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/uwp/api/windows.security.credentials.passwordvault) in my desktop app (WPF-based) to securely store a use...

18 Aug at 11:33

Xcode Provisioning Profiles Location

Where are the Provisioning Profiles located in Xcode 8.3.3 within the project and/or file directory?

Can I Pass Compilation Constants to a Project Reference?

If I have a `<ProjectReference>` reference, is there any way to pass a conditional compilation value to that project? Something like this (I know `<DefineConstants>` doesn't exist like this, it's just...

11 Aug at 03:11