ServiceStack global request redirect
I'm trying to get a redirect to work to use /docs instead of /swagger-ui. I implemented the handler (basically copied from [OpenApiFeature.cs](
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- 27 Sep at 00:11
IFormFile always null (ASP.NET Core with MVC/Razor)
I have an ASP.NET Core MVC app attempting to upload an IFormFile. However, the IFormFile is always null. None of the other solutions I've found have solved this issue. What am I doing wrong? Model `...
- Modified
- 26 Sep at 23:45
Postgres SELECT where the WHERE is UUID or string
I have the following simplified table in Postgres: - - - - I would like a query that can find the user on either its UUID `id` or its text `uid`. ``` SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = 'jsdfhiureeirh' ...
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- 17 Jul at 16:49
Pandas - dataframe groupby - how to get sum of multiple columns
This should be an easy one, but somehow I couldn't find a solution that works. I have a pandas dataframe which looks like this: ``` index col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 0 a c 1 2 ...
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- 28 Apr at 07:35
Cannot be opened because it is version 852. this server supports version 782 and earlier
I am using Visual Studio 2017 and SQL Server 2014. While attaching a database file to Visual Studio, I get this error: "[](" After upgrading the file I used this ...
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- 26 Sep at 16:54
.NET Core 2 - EF Core Error handling Save changes
I'm used to Entity Framework 6 and my repository Save() looks like this: ``` public void Save() { try { Context.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { ...
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- 1 Sep at 18:35
How to clear or clean specific pod from the local cocoapods cache
# How to delete or clear a specific pod from cocoapods cache? Tried deleting the entire cache directly, it takes lot of time to get back all pods. How to view and remove specific pod from cache? Fo...
Return type of a file for Swagger documentation with dotnet core
I'm using [Swagger for dotnet core]( to document my dotnet core Web API. I've read the doc...
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- 26 Sep at 13:57
ASP.NET Core Attribute routing
I am migrating a project to asp net core, but I could not configure these routes, i am using attributes to map actions. Code for ASP .NET WebAPI: Code for ASP.Net Core: In the file *Startup.cs* is set...
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- 7 May at 07:16
C# ValueTuple with disposable members
Let's say I have a method `foo` which returns a `ValueTuple` where one of it's members is disposable, for example `(IDisposable, int)`. What is the best way to make sure the returned disposable objec...
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- 26 Sep at 12:21
How to count unique ID after groupBy in pyspark
I'm using the following code to agregate students per year. The purpose is to know the total number of student for each year. ``` from pyspark.sql.functions import col import pyspark.sql.functions as ...
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- 17 Feb at 16:44
Owned type mapping EF Core fails when saving
I want to make TableSplitting using Owned Types. I have the following model: ``` public class Account { public GUID Id { get; set; } public string Email { get; set; } public StreetAddress Addr...
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- 26 Sep at 12:42
Using C# 7.1 with MSBuild
To use the new [C# 7.1 language features]( with Visual Studio 2017, you add the setting `<LangVersion>latest</LangVersion>` to your...
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- 27 Jan at 13:49
What will happen to evicted pods in kubernetes?
I just saw some of my pods got evicted by kubernetes. What will happen to them? just hanging around like that or I have to delete them manually?
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- 26 Sep at 06:21
Downgrade npm to an older version
I tried updating `npm` to see if it would solve some dependency problems we were having, and now I want to downgrade to the version the rest of the development team is using. How can I install an olde...
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- 12 Aug at 14:9
.NET Core 2.0 RSA PlatformNotSupportedException
I am trying to use this code to generate a public and private key, I am using .NET Core 2 on Windows 10 So far I had no success in running this code, it compiles just fine but when I get to the rsa.T...
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- 25 Sep at 22:23
Deserialize JSON Dictionary with StringComparer
I'm trying to serialize/deserialize a dictionary, the problem is that I create the dictionary with a `StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase` comparer. Here is a code snippet of the problem I'm experienci...
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- 25 Sep at 20:18
How should I manage DbContext Lifetime in MVC Core?
From the [Documentation]( > Entity Framework contexts be added to the services container using the `Scoped` lifetime...
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- 21 Jun at 01:46
Get current playing track info from Microsoft Groove Music app
I would like to get track info of the current playing track in the Microsoft Groove app in my own app. I'm talking about the Groove APP and not the REST Api. My first approach was to try and get the...
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- 10 Oct at 05:43
ServiceStack Redis does not run on AWS Lambda
I am trying to leverage AWS Elasticache (Redis) from my Lambda function using the ServiceStack .Redis.Core library (version 1.0.44). When running the lambda from my local machine (mac osx) everything ...
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- 25 Sep at 14:6
How can I load data from url promise before rendering html page in Ionic 2/3?
In my case I have one ionic page showing the selected items in different templates. for each item type I have settings object that can be fetched from server using ngOnint after item selected, I rende...
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- 25 Sep at 12:56
Select specific columns from table, Entity Framework
I have a question about selecting specific columns from table using entity framework. The problem is, that I'm using `Find()` method to get my desired table, by primary key, then taking from it some d...
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- 7 Nov at 11:48
String.Equals GID returning false?
I have the following C# code in my ASP.NET MVC application. I try to compare 2 `string` using the `Equals` method, with `culture = "vi"`. My code below: ``` string culture = "vi"; System.Threading.Th...
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- 20 Jun at 09:12
Could not parse the JSON file ,Error in Progam.cs core
I have some issues with the program.cs file, with the version of ASP.NetCORE 2.0 Here's my code ``` public class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { BuildWebHost(args).R...
- Modified
- 14 Jan at 08:18
TypeScript error TS1005: ';' expected (II)
First of all, I've already seen the other posts about error TS1005. A simple `let x: number;` will generate the `error TS1005` during compilation. It's not about a missing semicolon as what the erro...
- Modified
- 18 Aug at 14:8