Dapper UpdateAsync ignore column
I am trying to update with Dapper.Contrib this table: ``` public class MyTable { public int ID { get; set; } public int SomeColumn1 { get; set; } public int SomeColumn2 { get; set; } ...
- Modified
- 9 Oct at 14:27
ServiceStack AutoQuery - Check for null in nullable DateTime-field
I user ServiceStack autoquery to load information. I have a class like this one: ``` public class QueryItem: QueryDb<Item> { public string Name { get; set; } public DateTime? BirthdayNotEqual...
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- 4 Dec at 13:19
What is nextTick and what does it do in Vue.js?
I read [the docs](https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/api/#vm-nextTick), but I still can't understand it. I know what `data`, `computed`, `watch`, `methods` do, but what is `nextTick()` used for in Vue.js?
Relationship between dpi and figure size
I have created a figure using `matplotlib` but I have realized the plot axis and the drawn line gets zoomed out. [](https://i.stack.imgur.com/Zncs9.jpg) Reading this [earlier discussion thread](https:...
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- 3 Nov at 12:35
How to determine C# compiler version in command line
Is there any command to get the C# compiler version? The `csc` command seams has no option to show compiler version. P.S when I enter `csc` command in **Developer Command Prompt For VS2015** it return...
- Modified
- 18 Jul at 07:43
pip install returning invalid syntax
I've just installed python 3.6 which comes with pip However, in Windows command prompt, when I do: 'pip install bs4' it returns 'SyntaxError: invalid syntax' under the install word. Typing 'python' ...
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- 4 Dec at 12:11
Can you remove Identity from a primary key with Entity Framework 6?
I created a table via entity framework code-first with a primary key set to auto increment, but now I want to remove that auto-incrementing from the column. I've tried doing that with both fluent API:...
- Modified
- 7 May at 03:56
Is C# LINQ OrderBy threadsafe when used with ConcurrentDictionary<Tkey, TValue>?
My working assumption is that LINQ is thread-safe when used with the collections (including ). (Other Overflow posts seem to agree: [link](https://stackoverflow.com/a/27569870/7316540)) However, an...
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- 2 Feb at 01:13
How to check java version at linux (RedHat6)
[](https://i.stack.imgur.com/90s6I.png) I am trying to check what java version I have installed in my linux machine, I have tried: ``` which java ``` and I get: ``` /usr/bin/java ``` but when ...
getting the request body inside HttpContext from a Middleware in asp.net core 2.0
I am having a simple middleware which fetches the body of the request and store it in a string. It is reading fine the stream, but the issue is it wont call my controller which called just after I rea...
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- 4 Dec at 00:49
Please select a valid startup item
I have migrated from Visual Studio 2008 to VS 2017. I am getting this error when I try to run project with the green play button: [](https://i.stack.imgur.com/gM3XV.png) Obviously I have to select ...
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- 3 Dec at 20:19
ASP.Net Core LogLevel not working
I'm having trouble getting the logger to work like i want it to. I've set the loglevel to warning, but the console window is still bloated with info logs. I've provided some examples below, nothing e...
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- 4 Dec at 08:42
Azure Web App. The specified CGI application encountered an error and the server terminated the process
My app works well locally but I've got an error when I deployed it on Azure Web App: ``` The specified CGI application encountered an error and the server terminated the process. ``` My app is a .N...
- Modified
- 26 Feb at 02:37
How to use a controller in another assembly in ASP.NET Core MVC 2.0?
For the sake of modularity, I have created some controllers in different assemblies. Each assembly represents a bounded context (a module, a sub-system, a division, etc.) of the overall system. Each ...
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- 3 Dec at 11:44
forEach() in React JSX does not output any HTML
I have a object that I want to output via React: ``` question = { text: "Is this a good question?", answers: [ "Yes", "No", "I don't know" ] } ``` and my react compon...
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- 26 Feb at 13:34
docker-compose, run a script after container has started?
I have a service that I am bringing up through Rancher via docker-compose. The issue I am running into is that I need to set a password after the container has been deployed. The way rancher secrets ...
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- 3 Dec at 06:3
How do I get a Unity Scroll Rect to scroll to the bottom after the content's Rect Transform is updated by a Content Size Fitter?
I have a vertical scroll view that I want to add content to dynamically. In order to do this I've attached a Content Size Fitter component and a Vertical Layout Group component to the Content game obj...
react-scripts: command not found
I am currently trying to use create-react-app which uses three different packages: react, react-scripts and react-dom. I have installed create-react-app and then when I change into the directory and h...
- Modified
- 8 Jun at 19:23
c# multiple threads writing to the same file
I have a multithreading application which write to the same file on a specific . how can i lock the file and make the thread wait until its free ? i can't use [FileStream](https://msdn.microsoft.com/...
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- 2 Dec at 14:38
Trying to return HTML in an ActionResult results in a HTTP 406 Error
I am trying to return HTML in an `ActionResult`. I have already tried: This displays nothing in the ``. I have tried: Microsoft Edge gives me the following message: > HTTP 406 error This page isn’t sp...
- Modified
- 5 May at 15:0
Can't convert CSV to Poco
I'm trying to read a CSV file sent from an upload form and convert it to my Poco. Here is my test file: ``` "30247685204","PWITA1","114000/2017/SE","","27/11/2017","1027/00","","","ZZPWI1","INTER MEM...
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- 2 Dec at 01:16
How to call from one authorized service to another service that requires authorization
I have an Item Service: ``` [Authenticate] public class ItemService : ServiceStack.Service { //implementation } ``` Within the ItemService I am debugging this Get method that has received a val...
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- 2 Dec at 00:53
Default Interface Methods. What is deep meaningful difference now, between abstract class and interface?
I know that an abstract class is a special kind of class that cannot be instantiated. An abstract class is only to be sub-classed (inherited from). In other words, it only allows other classes to inhe...
- Modified
- 15 Dec at 20:33
Enabling Migrations in EF core?
I'm getting started with EF Core 2.0, I have a console application targetting .NET 4.6.1 I have a very simple model class, and this context: ``` public class ContextCore : DbContext { protected ...
- Modified
- 18 Jul at 15:25
Does UWP Composition Api support color replacement?
I've been trying to look for an examples which related to Color Replacement, here's an example using the Photoshop which can take, for example, a Blue shade and replace it with a Red shade: [](https...
- Modified
- 17 Jan at 21:16