How to hide soft input keyboard on flutter after clicking outside TextField/anywhere on screen?

Currently, I know the method of hiding the soft keyboard using this code, by `onTap` methods of any widget. ``` FocusScope.of(context).requestFocus(new FocusNode()); ``` But I want to hide the soft k...

7 May at 10:16

How to Apply XmlIncludeAttribute to TypeBuilder?

I am developing a library in C# that generates runtime types using `System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder` class and i want to generate the following class hierarchy: ``` [XmlInclude(typeof(Derived))] p...

2 Aug at 12:5

Dapper QueryAsync blocks UI for the first time querying (against Oracle server)?

Firstly I believe that is just a condition to see this blocking more clearly. For next times, somehow it still blocks the UI but not obvious like when not using async. I can say that because I can ...

2 Aug at 04:25

WPF Designer DataTemplate.DataType cannot be type object

I have a tree view that I'm binding to with some custom viewmodels. The viewmodels are in an `ObservableCollection` and inherit `ViewModelBase` which inherits `INotifyPropertyChanged`. It compiles and...

20 Jun at 09:12

The project was restored using Microsoft.NETCore.App version 2.1.0, but with current settings, version 2.1.0-rtm-26515-03 would be used instead

at the moment I have a microservice made in c # with web api and net core 2.0 in the nutget packages I have already found a version 2.1 of net core and I have decided to install it, in order to updat...

Convert from HttpResponseMessage to IActionResult in .NET Core

I'm porting over some code that was previously written in .NET Framework to .NET Core. I had something like this: ``` HttpResponseMessage result = await client.SendAync(request); if (result.StatusCo...

1 Aug at 20:17

Custom Authentication After Saml Response From IdP

A little background on our environment: - - - A user can authenticate with us by clicking a button which then our SP will redirect them to the IdP. Once they have authenticated with the IdP, it wil...

1 Aug at 18:43

Under which circumstances textAlign property works in Flutter?

In the code below, `textAlign` property doesn't work. If you remove `DefaultTextStyle` wrapper which is several levels above, `textAlign` starts to work. Why and how to ensure it is always working? ...

2 Aug at 16:9

How to force tsc to ignore node_modules folder?

I'm using tsc build tasks. Unfortunately I'm always getting the same errors from the node modules folder ``` Executing task: .\node_modules\.bin\tsc.cmd --watch -p .\tsconfig.json < node_modules/@type...

11 Mar at 08:36

How to configure services based on request in ASP.NET Core

In ASP.NET Core we can register all dependencies during start up, which executed when application starts. Then registered dependencies will be injected in controller constructor. ``` public class Rep...

Trying to test LDAP-based authentication from forumsys?

I've not done any LDAP-based authentication before and also I've not worked with any LDAP server before. So I need a free online LDAP server to play with, I've found this

11 Sep at 11:19

Python Setup Disabling Path Length Limit Pros and Cons?

I recently installed Python 3.7 and at the end of the setup, there is the option to "Disable path length limit". I don't know whether or not I should do this. What are the pros and cons of doing this?...

14 May at 02:45

ServiceStack and Batch Processing at scale

This question is potentially more stylistic that programmatic although it does have implementation implications. I have a ServiceStack microservices architecture that is responsible for processing a ...

C# CommandLineParser --help printing then stopping

I'm building a C# console app which uses [CommandLineParser][1] to get some arguments from cmd. The library already comes by default with the --help (or help verb) to display help information about ea...

5 May at 16:50

Cannot consume scoped service 'MyDbContext' from singleton 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.HostedServiceExecutor'

I've build a background task in my ASP.NET Core 2.1 following this tutorial: [

31 Jul at 17:42

Clients are unable to connect to server during selenium tests

I'm working on selenium tests (written in C# using the chrome webdriver) for a javascript web app that uses a backend server running on WebApi 5.2.4. It is CORS enabled with very permissive settingss...

Data annotation in Servicestack References vs ForeignKey

Well, in ServiceStack where can I read up on the merits and differences of [References(typeof(ABC))] and [ForeignKey(typeof(XYZ) ] What are they used for ? (I know, rather naively put but I ha...

Why is an if statement working but not a switch statement

I'm trying to create a `switch` statement using the char index of a string and an Enum using [this]( wrapper t...

20 Jun at 09:12

How to use IActionResult in .NET Framework?

My problem is that it seems that I can´t use `IActionResult` in one of my projects in my solution which is targeting .NET Framework but in the same solution (different project) targeting .NET Standard...

22 May at 04:20

Can Razor Class Library pack static files (js, css etc) too?

Maybe [duplicate of this]( already, but since that post does not have any answer, I am posting this question. The new [Razor...

Database diagram tool understanding Servicestack/Ormlite

Is there a understanding Servicestack/Ormlite like the for ASP.NET Entity Framework ?

ServiceStack.OrmLite: Again, serialization fails, a bool becomes a string when reading it back from blobbed field

I have asked questions regarding serialization and deserialization before regarding ServiceStack OrmLite, and I am not sure if this is the same issues I've had before, but I don't think so. Basically...

How to get the name of the class which contains the method which called the current method?

I have a requirement where I need to know the name of the class () which has a method () which is called by another method () from a different class (). To help explain this, I hope the below pseudo-...

31 Jul at 09:44 core Identity successful login redirecting back to login page

I have a problem where the identity framework is redirecting the user back to the login page after they have logged in successfully. This is using the standard Core Identity. It is t...

Servicestack - get metadata programmatically

Is there a way to get the metadata of a website built using Servicestack framework programmatically? We're looking to build an app that will look for a Servicestack website hosted on 2 different envir...

30 Jul at 19:14