Why Swashbuckle.aspnet.core.swagger not being recognized

I've installed though `nuget package manager` the `Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger` and had included the using `Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger` on the top, but I get error on the `Info{ Title}` methods...

30 Nov at 13:38

Is CA2007 relevant to a .NET Core application?

When I run FxCop on my project, I get a large number of warnings with the ID of CA2007. This ID is missing from [the docs](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/code-quality/code-analysis-war...

30 Nov at 01:45

Sort a list of objects in Flutter (Dart) by property value

How to sort a list of objects by the alphabetical order of one of its properties (Not the name but the actual value the property holds)?

8 Dec at 02:22

How to properly build MSI Setup Projects using Azure DevOps Pipelines?

I have been pulling my hair for the past couple days trying to figure out how set up a CI/CD process just to build a simple WPF solution and create the MSI setup file ("artifact") using Azure DevOps P...

What is withRouter for in react-router-dom?

I've [sometimes seen](https://github.com/lore/www.lorejs.org/blob/41f9b34a67cb676984daf0cda4126a6bf4e14fcd/src/pages/cli/lore-generate-component/options/router.js) people wrap their components in `wi...

29 Nov at 12:50

How to profile many connections with ServiceStack.MiniProfiler?

After registering my connections, I want to profile them. With the code below, I only profile the main connection (). ``` public static IDbConnectionFactory RegisterConnections(this Container self, b...

Is there an example project for monaco-editor with omnisharp on a webpage

In my project, I use C# Roslyn scripts for some automation that can my customer write alone. I compile and run this on runtime. Now I would like to have a web editor for c# with intellisense and spel...

When dispose a dbcontext in .net core?

im making a project with a persistence layer, domain layer, and business layer, i implementing the generic repository pattern and unit of work with entity framework core. I want to use this project i...

28 Nov at 22:29

What's the "right way" to use HttpClient synchronously?

I used quote marks around "right way" because I'm already well aware that the right way to use an asynchronous API is to simply let the asynchronous behavior propagate throughout the entire call chain...

28 Nov at 22:29

asp.net core 2 Web API timeout issue

I have a .net core web api and one of the end point runs a stored procedure that takes 3-4 minutes to complete. API is deployed to IIS. When I make a httpGet , I get 502 Bad Gateway error. Looking a...

ASP.NET Core - Authorization Using Windows Authentication

I have configured my web api to work with windows authentication. My goal is essentially to restrict certain actions in my controllers based on a users windows account. Some will be able to preform re...

How to map config in IConfigurationSection to a simple class

Using MVC .net Core and building a concrete config class within the startup class. My appsettings.json looks like this: ``` { "myconfig": { "other2": "tester, "other": "tester", "root"...

Access is denied despite using broadFileSystemAccess

UWP is killing me..... I had to reinstall VisualStudio2017 after a computer crash. And now, my app that was working perfectly well before the crash refuses to work. I've been using the broadFileSyst...

28 Nov at 11:41

Why do I keep getting "[eslint] Delete `CR` [prettier/prettier]"?

I am using VS Code with Prettier 1.7.2 and ESLint 1.7.0. After every newline I get: ``` [eslint] Delete `CR` [prettier/prettier] ``` This is the `.eslintrc.json`: ``` { "extends": ["airbnb", "plugi...

What is an correct way to inject db context to Hangfire Recurring job?

I'm using HangFire to send emails to users in the background, regularly. I'm obtaining email addresses from database, but I'm not sure whether I'm "injecting" database context to service that's respo...

28 Nov at 08:42

Configure AspNetCore TestServer to return 500 instead of throwing exception

I am developing a Web API that in some cases will respond with 500 (ugly design, I know, but can't do anything about it). In tests there's an ApiFixture that contains AspNetCore.TestHost: ``` public ...

The Current .Net SDK does not support targeting .Net Core 2.2 Target .Net Core 2.1 or Lower

I have some projects in the preview version of .net core 2.2 preview 3. It was working fine until i updated my VS Studio Community Edition to Version 15.9.2. After that targeting .net core 2.2 preview...

Flutter Network Image does not fit in Circular Avatar

I am trying to retrieve bunch of images from an api. I want the images to be displayed in Circular form so I am using `CircleAvatar` Widget, but I keep getting images in square format. Here is a scre...

28 Nov at 06:33

JavaScript fetch - Failed to execute 'json' on 'Response': body stream is locked

When the request status is greater than 400(I have tried 400, 423, 429 states), fetch cannot read the returned json content. The following error is displayed in the browser console > Uncaught (in pro...

13 May at 04:47

Mocking CloudStorageAccount and CloudTable for Azure table storage

So I am trying to test Azure Table Storage and mock things that I depend on. My class is structured in a way that I establish a connection in the constructor, i.e. I create a new instance of `CloudSto...

Call async method on UI thread

I'm trying to create WPF client with authentication. I'm using their `OidcClient` to get logged in. It's whole async while my app is sync and can't be refactored without huge effort. Calling ``` var...

27 Nov at 21:8

Invalid value for the configfile paramter of the generationapplication manifest task

I have an issue when i want to publish a project i receive the error message "obj\debug\project.exe.config;obj\Debug\project.exe.config"is an invalid value for the "ConfigFile" parameter of the "Ge...

27 Nov at 17:6

Entity Framework Core Auto Generated guid

Can some One guide me I want `primeryKey` of a table as `guid` having db generated value on insert. ``` [Key] [DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity)] public Guid Id { get; set; } ``` bu...

Why does a property inherited from an interface become virtual?

Say I have one interface and two classes, and one of the classes implement this interface: ``` interface IAAA { int F1 { get; set; } } class AAA1 { public int F1 { get; set; } public int...

27 Nov at 13:48

Create text file and download without saving on server in ASP.net Core MVC 2.1

I've found a way to create a text file then instantly download it in the browser without writing it to the server in regular ASP.net: [Create text file and download](https://stackoverflow.com/questio...