Error: yarn start - error Command "start" not found

I am trying to learn React and I am using a private repo to start with it. I run `yarn start` in the directory of the repo but I get the error message: ``` yarn run v1.13.0 error Command "start" not...

28 Jan at 20:52

How to download the latest build artifacts from Azure DevOps programmatically?

I have a .NET C# application and I would like to download the latest artifacts generated by the latest build of this public Azure DevOps project: [

Should Entity Framework lazy loading be disabled in web apps?

I've heard that you should disable the lazy loading feature of EF in web applications. (ASP.NET). [Here]( and [here](

Testing Batch SendAll ServiceStack

I am getting an error on SendAll in a unittest This works fine... ``` using (var service = HostContext.ResolveService<DeviceService>(authenticatedRequest)) { ...

27 Jan at 17:33

Reference assemblies for framework ".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.1" were not found

I try to open a Unity3D project with VSCode under Linux (Ubuntu 18.10). The omnisharp extension doesn't load the project, saying assemblies were not found. It may seems very stupide, but i'm not real...

31 Jan at 13:45

Dynamically configure Http.BaseAddress for Client Side Blazor Deployment Environment

In this example, [Hosting Blazor][1], the author has a Blazor ClientSide App that calls Azure Functions. The author sets a Http.BaseAddress. Any thoughts on the best way to configure the Client Side B...

22 May at 04:17

How to fix this strange error: "RuntimeError: CUDA error: out of memory"

I successfully trained the network but got this error during validation: > RuntimeError: CUDA error: out of memory

29 Mar at 06:34

Why can't Microsoft analyzers find Microsoft.CodeAnalysis?

I'm trying to add [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FXCopAnalyzers]( (latest stable version) to my ASP.NET project. When I install it via Nu...

In EF Core, how to check whether a migration is needed or not?

I am using Entity Framework Core in an Xamarin.iOS application. In my core project that contains code (.netstandard 2.0) that is shared between the iOS application and other applications, I would li...

25 Jan at 12:52

DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging Doesn't Do Anything

I'm trying to track down the cause of an Entity Framework `InvalidOperationException` in an ASP.NET Core project. The exception suggests using `DbContextOptionsBuilder.EnableSensitiveDataLogging`. In...

24 Jan at 19:40

How to use RouteDataRequestCultureProvider with ASP.NET Core 2.2 EndpointRouting enabled?

I am trying to use the `RouteDataRequestCultureProvider` in a new ASP.NET Core 2.2 MVC project. I've read the Microsoft documentation on [Routing in ASP.NET Core](

It seems that Debug.Listeners does not exist in .net core

It seems that does not exists in net core2.2 In .net framework, I can use this: ``` Debug.Assert(true); Debug.Listeners.Add(new TextWriterTraceListener(Console.Out)); Debug.WriteLin...

25 Jan at 09:16

Call async method in AddTransient in Startup - Asp.Net Core

I have a service which is used to get some information and the method has a bunch of async calls in the chain. ``` public interface IFooService { Task<IFoo> GetFooAsync(); } ``` The concrete c...

26 Jan at 02:46

ServiceStack.Text FromJson and EmitLowercaseUnderscoreNames

A third party I am calling returns objects in lower case and with underscores, e.g. ``` { "token_type":"bearer", "access_token":"blahblah", "expires_in":3600, "scope":"rsp" } ``` I want to deserial...

23 Jan at 23:22

IndexOutOfRangeException in CsvWriter

I'm getting a `System.IndexOutOfRangeException` while trying to serialize a dataset of dynamic objects. It's not any single row since I've tested it with each individual row (there are only four in m...

23 Jan at 22:48

Can't decide between Task<IActionResult>, IActionResult and ActionResult<Thing>

While I do understand the concept of `Task`, `ActionResult`, etc. I still feel unsure which would be most intuitive to type in a controller if nothing else is specified. Taking consideration to be as...

25 Jan at 19:53

Can't find Image class in System.Drawing under .NET Core 2.2

According to [the docs](, there's supposed to be a class for thumbnail handling in the namespace `System.Drawing`. I ...

23 Jan at 21:41

Is it possible to enable a form for entering bearer tokens in Swagger-UI from ServiceStack's OpenApiFeature?

Is it possible to enable a form for entering bearer tokens in Swagger-UI from ServiceStack's OpenApiFeature? This is possible in NSwag with their Swagger 2.0 implementation. [](https://i.stack.imgur....

Version Conflict detected for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Install

I am getting the following error when adding an core api to an existing project I am working on. > "Version Conflict detected for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Install/reference Microsoft.Ent...

ServiceCollection does not contain a definition from "AddLogging"

I'm currently trying to create a Logger so I can inject it in Unit Tests. I'm following [](, and it used to wo...

What is the proper way to pass the connection to the DB in a Servicestack message based design

I have problems deciding on how the OrmLiteConnectionFactory should be passed to the different classes. Should it be done by injecting the container into the constructors? It is a message based design...

Is it possible to use an existing ASP.NET Core AuthenticationHandler with ServiceStack?

I have a custom `AuthenticationHandler` built to tie into the Claims-based authorization in ASP.NET Core. Is it possible for ServiceStack to re-use this component, or will I have to implement it as a ...

Is it possible to generate ServiceStack DTOs from an OpenApi specification?

I have a 3rd party API I need to use and it provides an Open API specification. Is it possible to generate ServiceStack DTOs from the specification for use with the standard `JsonServiceClient` or `Js...

22 Jan at 13:16

Redirecting in blazor with parameter

Hello how can you redirect to another page in `Blazor` with a parameter? ``` @page "/auth" @using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Services; @inject AuthService auth @inject IUriHelper urihelper; <input ...

1 Feb at 11:36

Blazor how to pass arguments to onclick function?

I'd want to make button `onclick` function that takes some input. ``` <button onclick="@test(123, 456)">Check</button> @functions { public void test(int a, int b) { Console.WriteLine...

21 Jan at 22:54