Automatically bind pascal case c# model from snake case JSON in WebApi

I am trying to bind my PascalCased c# model from snake_cased JSON in WebApi v2 (full framework, not dot net core). Here's my api: ``` public class MyApi : ApiController { [HttpPost] public ...

When to null-check arguments with nullable reference types enabled

Given a function in a program using C# 8.0's nullable reference types feature, should I still be performing null checks on the arguments? ``` void Foo(string s, object o) { if (s == null) throw n...

14 Jul at 03:24

.NET Core console app fails to run on Windows Server

I have a relatively simple .NET Core console app. It has no external dependencies. I build it using the following: dotnet publish -c Release -r win10-x64 It generates a `\bin\Release\netcoreapp2.2\w...

Randomly getting Renci.SshNet.SftpClient.Connect throwing SshConnectionException

I've seen other threads about this error, but I am having this error randomly. Out of 30 connects, 12 got this error. Trying to understand why this is, and what possible solutions are. ``` using (Sf...

26 Aug at 20:45

How do I add color to my svg image in react

I have a list of icons. I want to change the icons colors to white. By default my icons are black. Any suggestions guys? I normally use `'fill: white'` in my css but now that I am doing this in Reac...

4 Feb at 16:35

How can I cast Memory<T> to another

We can cast `Span<T>` and `ReadOnlySpan<T>` to another using [MemoryMarshal.Cast]( method overloads. Like...

4 Feb at 06:54

How to control which order the EF Core run custom migrations?

I am running an application that uses custom migrations (the auto generated ones don't fit my requirements). I am trying to understand how to control in which order the Entity Framework will run those...

3 Feb at 08:38 Core Email confirmation sometimes says InvalidToken

I am using core identity 2.1 and i am having a random issue with email confirmation, which while email confirmation sometimes says . The token is also not expired. We are using , and we have...

Alternative to XML Documentation Comments in C#

When asking around for the conventions of documentation comments in C# code, the answer always leads to using XML comments. Microsoft recommends this approach themselves aswell. [https://learn.microso...

2 Feb at 20:49

Typescript: Type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to type 'string'

When I make any property of an interface optional, and while assigning its member to some other variable like this: ``` interface Person { name?: string, age?: string, gender?: string, occupat...

9 May at 12:24

Is it safe to call StateHasChanged() from an arbitrary thread?

Is it safe to call `StateHasChanged()` from an arbitrary thread? Let me give you some context. Imagine a Server-side Blazor/Razor Components application where you have: - `NewsProvider``BreakingNews...

2 Feb at 23:43

What is the C# equivalent to Promise.all?

I would like to fetch data from multiple locations from Firebase Realtime Database like described [here]( and [here](

4 Aug at 23:59

C# Jwt Token generation failed core 2.2

i am trying to generate token for userId, unfortunately i am not able to get it worked. This is my JwtTokenGenerator class ``` namespace WebApiDocker.Config.Jwt { //

2 Feb at 11:8

Media query syntax for Reactjs

How do I do the following CSS media query in Reactjs? ``` .heading { text-align: right; /* media queries */ @media (max-width: 767px) { text-align: center; } @media (max-width: 400px) {...

15 Jun at 21:16

error converting YAML to JSON, did not find expected key kubernetes

I am doing a lab about kubernetes in google cloud. I have create the YAML file, but when I am trying to deploy it a shell shows me this error: ``` error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 34: did ...

7 Dec at 18:0

Typescript: Type X is missing the following properties from type Y length, pop, push, concat, and 26 more. [2740]

I have this Product interface: ``` export interface Product{ code: string; description: string; type: string; } ``` Service with method calling product endpoint: ``` public getProducts(): Obser...

What is wrong with this code. Why can't I use SqlConnection?

I am 100% newbie to SQl and wanted to make a ConsoleApp with the use of database. I read some about it and tried. When I needed to make SqlConnection, my VS 2019 Preview showed me this > Severity ...

1 Feb at 05:19

How to solve Warning: React does not recognize the X prop on a DOM element

I'm using a thing called [react-firebase-js]( to handle firebase auth, but my understanding of react and of the provider-consumer idea is limited. I started with a bui...

Blazor: Managing Environment Specific Variables

How can I manage access variables which differ among environments in client side blazor? Normally since I use Azure to publish applications, I'd use the `appsettings.json` file for local app settings ...

1 Feb at 11:30

RangeError: Invalid time value

I'm getting frequent errors when i start my server. Here is the error: Here is the code: ``` var start = timestamp; const expiryDate = (new Date(start)).toISOString().split('T')[0]; ```

31 Jan at 14:5

404 from server events heartbeat endpoint

We are recieving proportionately low but consistent 404 from server events from a channel subscription. This seems to only be via our react interface which uses the typescript adapter here: [https://...

31 Jan at 13:28

How to return 403 instead of redirect to access denied when AuthorizeFilter fails

In Startup.ConfigureServices() I configure authorization filter like this: ``` services.AddMvc(options => { options.Filters.Add(new AuthorizeFilter(myAuthorizationPolicy)); }) ``` and I use eit...

How to detect we're running under the ARM64 version of Windows 10 in .NET?

I created a C# .NET console application that can run in Windows 10 x86, x64 and ARM64 (via emulator layer). I would like to know how to detect that the application is running in those platforms. I kno...

1 Sep at 11:7

Microsoft.SqlServer.Types incompatible with .NET Standard

I'm attempting to convert all of our C# class libraries from .NET Framework to .NET Standard projects, as we are starting to leverage .NET Core so need these to be consumable by both .NET Core and .NE...

ServiceModel vs ServiceInterface in Servicestack

What is the correct approach to structure a ServiceStack project? As of now I do it in the following way: Under `ServiceModel`, I have all the models (entities), and have defined the different route...

30 Jan at 23:1