How to post form-data IFormFile with HttpClient?

I have backend endpoint `Task<ActionResult> Post(IFormFile csvFile)` and I need to call this endpoint from HttpClient. Currently I am getting `Unsupported media type error`. Here is my code: ``` var ...

Disable registration template in ASP NET core

How can I disable the registration form in ASP NET Core 2.2.0+? Just to get and remove the appropriate model, I can not, because it is not in the project, according to the documentation, I understand...

29 Mar at 06:43

react-lite and vue-list templates not found by ServiceStack 5.5 web command

I'm trying to follow the steps in the ServiceStack 5.5 release notes ([]( to use the react-lite or vue-lite temp...

29 Mar at 02:46

How to diagnose Redirect infinite loop

We had to downgrade from servicestack v5.4 free edition back to v4.5.14 paid edition. The only change needed to make the downgrade compile was one line in the Service code: v5.4 code: ``` [Fallback...

2 Apr at 15:47

Unable to get from ServiceStack API using JsonServiceClient

I am trying to get all equipment types from my API using the following code. ``` client = new JsonServiceClient(environment.apiEndpoint); var equipmentTypes = new GetEquipmentTypes(); var response = ...

29 Mar at 17:3

What is the meaning of the square/diamond breakpoint in Visual Studio?

I placed 2 breakpoints and one of them turned square. What does it mean? If it helps I am remotely debugging some code. [](

How to use ServiceStack Templates to support dynamic results based on request type?

With [ServiceStack's Razor Story]( we have a variety of ways of selecting which Razor View we want to use to render a page. Even better, and ...

28 Mar at 13:31

Create scope factory in core

I want to create scoped container in core and use it in 2 methods of my singleton method. I've tried create this in each method of sigleton. it works, but i think it is overhead. ``` var scope...

13 Aug at 21:52

"Renci.SshNet.Common.SshException: Invalid private key file" when loading SSH private key from configuration string using SSH.NET

I'm trying to send a file to some server using SFTP. During this process I'm getting the exception > Renci.SshNet.Common.SshException: Invalid private key file. at Renci.SshNet.PrivateKeyFile.Open(S...

1 Apr at 09:3

node.js axios download file stream and writeFile

i want download a pdf file with `axios` and save on disk (server side) with `fs.writeFile`, i have tried: ``` axios.get('https://xxx/my.pdf', {responseType: 'blob'}).then(response => { fs.writeFi...

21 Sep at 07:41

How to test database views using Entity Framework Core's in memory DB provider?

When I tried to add objects to views, it throws exception saying `unable to track an instance of type because it is a query type`. Is there a way to get around this?

9 Apr at 18:29

How to switch namespace in kubernetes

Say, I have two namespaces k8s-app1 and k8s-app2 I can list all pods from specific namespace using the below command ``` kubectl get pods -n <namespace> ``` We need to append namespace to all comm...

15 Jan at 07:53

Type int? vs type int

I've this comparison which equals `false` as expected ``` bool eq = typeof(int?).Equals(typeof(int)); ``` now I have this code ``` List<object> items = new List<object>() { (int?)123 }; int result...

27 Mar at 08:27

AddIdentity vs AddIdentityCore

In ASP.NET Core, you can add various services for identification: `AddDefaultIdentity`, `AddIdentity` and `AddIdentityCore`. What's the difference between `AddIdentity` and `AddIdentityCore`?

26 Jun at 18:7

"It was not possible to find any compatible framework version" with ASP.NET Core 2.2

I have an ASP.Net Core MVC 2.2 application. Running the application in Visual Studio works fine. However, when I try to publish the application using I get the following error: ``` It was not possib...

26 Mar at 14:27

Error: Unable to resolve module `react-native-gesture-handler`

`npm install --save react-navigation` but it gives me an error like this : `react-native-gesture-handler``C:\reactnative\proejectName\node_modules\@react-navigation\native\src\Scrollables.js``reac...

26 Mar at 13:54

DateTime property issue when using servicestack autoquery

Thanks Mythz for providing such an amazing and powerful framework. However, I encountered the DateTime property rendered like this "/Date(1543681261000-0000)/" instead of "2019-03-25T12:50:3000" by us...

Ignore SSL errors with signalR Core Client

I'm making an application that involves a website on localhost as a user interface with Core and SignalR Core. My problem is that I get an authentication exception when starting the connectio...

25 Mar at 20:0

Compiler error of "Non-nullable field is uninitialized" even though it was initialized in InitializeComponents function

In WinForms it is common that a common initialization function is initializing reference variables (for example) ``` class SomeClass : Form { Button b; SomeClass() { InitializeComponents(); ...

Why doesn't Mediatr resolve method when entites are in different projects?

I have a simple project to try out Mediatr issue. When the concrete class of my handler in the SAME project of my API, it WORKS. But, when I take that handler class in to a different project (and API ...

25 Mar at 12:44

Visual Studio loses ability to attach to Unity, why?

I'm using Visual Studio with Unity. In general in VS I can simply click "Attach to Unity" and it will build the solution and indeed attach to Unity. Sometimes, however, a project loses the "ability" t...

ServiceStack OrmLite Text blobbed value is retrieved as null

We have a small application that uses ServiceStack OrmLite for database access. I am currently investigating a broken feature that worked previously. There are two relevant entities: ``` [Alias("MyO...

24 Mar at 23:30

Entity Framework Core SQLite Connection String Keyword not supported: version

I created a ASP.NET MVC website using .NET Core 2.2 using a SQLite database. So far it's working well. Trouble begins when I want to add SQLite-specific keywords to the connection string, such as ```...

24 Mar at 13:28

error Command failed with exit code 1. when I try to run yarn

I am learning reactjs - nodejs I was trying to run the server so I installed yarn, nodemon, express but when I try to run its saying error Command failed with exit code 1. my error is ``` PS D:\react ...

5 Aug at 13:49

Can I use autoquery with web api?

The project I work on uses web api, it uses ORMLite to connect database. I am wondering if I could uses autoquery without setup the servicestack server ?

24 Mar at 09:3