Generate JSON string from dynamic ExpandoObject
I am using C# and trying to generate a JSON string from a object. ``` dynamic reply = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject(); = "John"; reply.wins = 42; string json = System.Web.Helpers.Json....
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- 13 Jun at 20:47
How to use host network for docker compose?
I want to use docker compose with the host network. I have a docker container that access a local REST api. Usually I run ``` docker run --net=host -p 18080:8080 -t -i containera ``` which can ...
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- 13 Jun at 15:22
How to allow an empty request body for a reference type parameter?
I'm Building an .Net Core api controller, I would like to allow users to send `GET` requests with or without the `MyRequest` class as a parameter, so the calling the method with `Get(null)` for exampl...
Blazor the type or namespace name 'App' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
I have setup the basic application in Blazor in Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 Version 16.1.3 and I have tried both of the versions of .NET Core SDK 3.0.100-preview5-011568 and SDK 3.0.100-pre...
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- 15 Oct at 06:44
How can I "login" to git?
I need to change who git thinks I am so I can push to a different repo ( both are mine. ). Here is a [similar issue](
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- 13 Jun at 04:47
ServiceStack RequestLogger only logs one service call
Lets say I have a Service that calls a bunch of other services through the Gateway.Send : ``` public class SomeService : Service { public SomeServiceResponse Any (SomeServiceRequest reque...
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- 12 Jun at 22:14
Typescript: No index signature with a parameter of type 'string' was found on type '{ "A": string; }
I have some vanilla javascript code that takes a string input, splits the string into characters, and then matches those characters to a key on an object. ``` DNATranscriber = { "G":"C", "C":...
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- 12 Jun at 19:9
Connection refused on API request between containers with docker compose
I'm developing a multi-container Docker application and I want a container to make an HTTP request to API of other container using Docker Compose. I'm getting Connection Refused error. Both container...
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- 1 Jul at 10:36
How to fix "VirtualBox Interface has active connections" error in Windows?
Windows 10 is displaying a error message when shutting down after using Docker Quickstart Terminal on Virtual Box. I tried to fix this by typing `exit` to close the terminal. How can I smoothly clo...
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- 12 Jun at 12:48
Why does the is-operator cause unnecessary boxing?
The [documentation]( of constant pattern matching with the `is`-operator (`expr is constant`) states: >...
How can I export DBeaver connection configurations?
I was hoping there is a way to export DBeaver connection configurations/properties from my old machine rather than having to go through the process of recreating each one. Does anyone know how to do ...
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- 20 Sep at 17:16
Is injecting service into another service bad practice?
I am creating a web application that is tiered in the following way: Controller > Service > Repository So it's following a service and repository pattern. Let's say I have 2 entities `Product` and...
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- 6 Jun at 22:18
react-testing-library why is toBeInTheDocument() not a function
Here is my code for a tooltip that toggles the CSS property `display: block` on MouseOver and on Mouse Out `display: none`. ``` it('should show and hide the message using onMouseOver and onMouseOut ev...
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- 20 Sep at 21:14
Add custom headers to ViewEngine response pages in ServiceStack
I am using [ServiceStack]( with [SharpPages]( to render dynamic content. For "reasons", I need to set the CORS headers `Access-Control-Allow-Orig...
- Modified
- 11 Jun at 16:31
The term 'Connect-AzureAD' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet
Running powershell script from C# application in Azure AD. Added below DLL reference - - - --- ``` Runspace runspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(); runspace.Open(); ...
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- 11 Jun at 12:27
Schema validation failed with the following errors: Data path ".builders['app-shell']" should have required property 'class'
``` Schema validation failed with the following errors: Data path ".builders['app-shell']" should have required property 'class'. Schema validation failed with the following errors: Data path ".b...
- Modified
- 17 Jun at 20:57
Is it possible to opt-out of dark mode on iOS 13?
A large part of my app consists of web views to provide functionality not yet available through native implementations. The web team has no plans to implement a dark theme for the website. As such, my...
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- 24 Apr at 15:24
How to fix `Your project does not reference ".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1" framework...`
I got this error `Your project does not reference ".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1" framework. Add a reference to ".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1" in the "TargetFrameworks" property of your project file a...
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- 26 May at 07:13
Using Servicestack, how do you cache result sets when using AutoQuery with a ServiceSource?
I am trying to use ServiceStack's AutoQuery with a service source, but am either unable to get caching working correctly, or have misunderstood how it is supposed to work. What I am trying to achieve...
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- 11 Jun at 10:20
Deserialise JSON to C# array, where index is in the property name
Could anyone provide their approach for deserializing the following JSON ``` { "i": 5 "b0": "ABC", "b1": "DEF", "b2": "GHI", "s0": "SABC", "s1": "SDEF", "s2": "SGHI", } ``` into a cla...
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- 10 Jun at 12:19
How to bypass authentication middleware when not needed in ASP.NET Core
I have the following authentication handler: ``` public class CustomAuthenticationHandler : AuthenticationHandler<CustomAuthenticationSchemeOptions> { public CustomAuthenticationHandler ( ...
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- 16 Jun at 11:15
How to use C#8 IAsyncEnumerable<T> to async-enumerate tasks run in parallel
If possible I want to create an async-enumerator for tasks launched in parallel. So first to complete is first element of the enumeration, second to finish is second element of the enumeration, etc. I...
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- 5 May at 12:47
Find all available images for Image(systemName:) in SwiftUI
Where can I find all the system images that are available in the initializer `Image(systemName:)`? I've only been using `"chevron"` and `"star.fill"` so far, as discovered in Apple's SwiftUI tutorial ...
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- 20 May at 19:15
How to use Bootstrap Carousel in Blazor
newbie in Blazor. Need to try out how to use BS carousel in Blazor. I used below code in the Default Blazor app. But it does not work. What I need to do? Thanks 1. I added this line in the Index....
Unable to find docker image locally
I was following [this post]( - the reference code is on [GitHub]( I have cloned t...
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- 9 Jun at 12:54