Accessing the SerialPort class using .Net Core 3.0

I'm starting a new .NET Core 3.0 project in which I need to access the System.IO.Ports.SerialPort class. The documentation I'm reading on the class shows that it is applicable to .NET Core 3 ( see the...

Client certificate with HttpClient in c#

Want to send data with client certificate (.p12 or .pfx) from Windows application to Server machine, Windows application developed in .Net Framework 4.6, OS is windows 10. When hit from postman with c...

Dynamically update .net core config from Azure App Configuration

I am attempting to setup Azure App Configuration with a .net core 2.1 mvc web application with a sentinel key in Azure App Configuration, with the goal of being able to change keys in azure, and none...

19 Sep at 06:59

SignalR .NET Client connecting to Azure SignalR Service in a Blazor .NET Core 3 application

I'm trying to make a connection between my ASP.NET Core 3.0 Blazor (server-side) application and the Azure SignalR Service. I'll end up injecting my SignalR client (service) in to a few Blazor compone...

ASP .NET core Publish Views files (.cshtml) on Publish or on Build

I want to edit **Razor view** during runtime as publish Views or Razor Page .cshtml to Publish folder, in core with I could to publish Views and edit it during runtime, but with ** core...

6 May at 20:33

HTTP Error 500.35 - ANCM Multiple In-Process Applications in same Process ASP.NET Core 3

From this morning without any changes to the code of the project, a very simple Web API, one controller and 3 methods, with Swagger, it doesn't start anymore and I get the error: > HTTP Error 500.35 ...

5 Oct at 15:3

React-Native another VirtualizedList-backed container

After upgrading to react-native 0.61 i get a lot of warnings like that: ``` VirtualizedLists should never be nested inside plain ScrollViews with the same orientation - use another VirtualizedList-ba...

4 Oct at 22:12

How to force an IAsyncEnumerable to respect a CancellationToken

I have an async iterator method that produces an [IAsyncEnumerable<int>]( (a stream of numbers), one number e...

SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) . DB_HOST set to localhost

I moved the Laravel project from localhost to server. Which I have done every step on the server. I am able to view the login page on my server. The problem is I am not able to connect with my MySQL s...

19 Oct at 21:37

x-powered-by: Upgrade ServiceStack/3.971 to ServiceStack/5.6.0 Win32NT/.NET

I have upgrade servicestack from 3.971 to 5.6.0 from Visual Studion NuGet. The problem I still see the last version on browser (Please see below). How can I make the update for the version to be displ...

What's the difference between RenderMode.Server and RenderMode.ServerPrerendered in blazor?

What's the difference between ``` @(await Html.RenderComponentAsync<Todo>(RenderMode.ServerPrerendered)) ``` and ``` @(await Html.RenderComponentAsync<Todo>(RenderMode.Server)) ``` I was lookin...

15 Sep at 15:16

ServiceStack route for GET and List Collection

I wanted to know if I could call this with a route? I can call this code from my internal services without issues. I don't see how I can send a collection to the route without adding a property to ho...

4 Oct at 03:57

How to batch sql calls using servicestack

I have an application that is writing records almost continuously in response to a system event. I am using C# ServiceStack Ormlite. I wonder if there is an easy way to batch these inserts such that...

4 Oct at 02:51

add all the required services by calling 'IServiceCollection.AddHealthChecks'

I am using ASP.NET Core 3, .NET Core 3.0.100, Visual Studio 2019 Community. I follow this guide [

Change variable value on input key press on Blazor

What I want to do is update the variable value when the user press a key, but it only update the value on blur of the input. The following code is not working. ``` <p>@increment</p> <input type...

3 Oct at 16:58

Difference between @bind and @bind-value

What is the difference of using `@bind` and `@bind-value`? I made this simple example, and testing it in the browser, I didn't see any difference. ``` <p>@@bind @increment1</p> <input type="te...

3 Oct at 15:8

"Uncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module" when importing ECMAScript 6

I'm using ArcGIS JSAPI 4.12 and wish to use [Spatial Illusions]( to draw military symbols on a map. When I add `milsymbol.js` to the script, the console ...

ASP .NET Core Identity custom ApiAuthorizationDbContext

I'm working with ASP .NET Core 3.0 with Angular project. I see this new `ApiAuthorizationDbContext` and I wanted to override the table name and user id (to int) but there is no way I can do it. Does a...

How to call a stored procedure in EF Core 3.0 via FromSqlRaw

I recently migrated from EF Core 2.2 to EF Core 3.0. Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to call a stored procedure that returns an entity. In EF Core 2.0 it was possible: ``` var spParams = new...

ServerEvents - Last message not being recieved until heartbeat

Extension on : [Original post]( We are having an is...

2 Oct at 13:28

List Vs Detail DTO

I'm using ServiceStack for creating my first API. In my service the user can enter new orders and retrieve those he has already executed. Each order has a very complex structure made up of various fie...

20 Jun at 09:12

Ormlite Descending Index

Is it possible to define a descending index in OrmLite? I can only see the `[Index]` attribute but I have a table of over 1 million records and need a descending index.

2 Oct at 10:36

Blazor onclick event not triggered

I try to implement a simple onclick event handler like this sample []( but not working in my solution. The event is only triggered ...

26 May at 08:53

Blazor TwoWay Binding on custom Component

I'm creating a blazor server side app and have problems to bind a value between two custom components. I've looked through different example of how the bind or @bind is supposed to work but I cannot ...

How to treat ALL C# 8 nullable reference warnings as errors?

Using Visual Studio 2019 v16.3.2 with a .NET Core 3.0 project set to C# 8 and nullable reference types enabled. ``` <PropertyGroup> <TargetFramework>netcoreapp3.0</TargetFramework> <LangVersio...

20 Jun at 09:12