A failure occurred while executing org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.internal.KaptExecution

All of sudden I start getting this error, and I am not getting idea why if anyone just let me know where this error is, will be enough helpful. As much I am able to get is this because of new update o...

9 Oct at 11:38

.NET Core - System.Private.CoreLib.dll vs System.Runtime

In a .NET Core App, if I do `typeof(DateTime).Assembly.Location` I get > C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App\3.1.4\System.Private.CoreLib.dll But the [documentation](https://lea...

Recompile .razor files on save for Blazor WASM

Is there a way to make Blazor Webassembly recompile `.razor` files when they're changed/updated and then saved? I'm used to this happening both in traditional ASP.NET Core MVC razor views as well as c...

EF Core queries all columns in SQL when mapping to object in Select

While trying to organize some data access code using EF Core I noticed that the generated queries were worse than before, they now queried columns that were not needed. The basic query is just selecti...

(422) Unprocessable Entity with ServiceStack Routing

I had a plan to connect to a JSON-based API using ServceStack's Routing features for C#. It seems that I get a '422 Unprocessable Entity' when attempting to do so when, in reality I'm supposed to be g...

31 May at 01:15

Unexpected non-equality after assignment

Given the following code: ``` using System; class MyClass { public MyClass x; } public static class Program { public static void Main() { var a = new MyClass(); var b = ...

29 May at 19:16

.Net Core Automapper missing type map configuration or unsupported mapping

Net core application. I am trying to use Auto mapper but results in the below error. > ``` .Net Core Automapper missing type map configuration or unsupported mapping ``` I have below setup in start...

29 May at 10:31

ServiceStack Redis Mq: is eventual consistency an issue?

I'm looking at turning a monolith application into a microservice-oriented application and in doing so will need a robust messaging system for interprocesses-communication. The idea is for the microse...

29 May at 01:55

ServiceStack.Text: problems with csv file which contains double quotes

I'm using ServiceStack.Text library (V. 5.8.0) and experiencing problems while using it: Data class (C#): ``` [DataContract] public class Item { [DataMember(Name = "id")] public String PartI...

28 May at 15:10

C# 8 switch expression for void methods

I'm aware of the `C# 8` `switch expression` syntax for methods that return a value or for property matching. But if we just need to switch on a string value and execute a method that returns nothing (...

ILogger not writing TRACE and DEBUG messages to target

I'm working on setting up some logging in our ASP.NET Core 3 application, using ILogger (Microsoft.Extensions.Logging) with NLog to enable writing to text files. The problem is, that the ILogger does...

26 May at 08:3

ServiceStack IContainerAdapter adapting Autofac 5.2.0 version

I'm trying to upgrade the latest package to `5.2.0`, but not really successfully becasue of interface changes, From (`Autofac 4.9.4`) ``` public static class ResolutionExtensions { public stati...

26 May at 05:1

Service stack server OnReconnect event is not fired when server reconnected successfully

I am working on the serviceStack and react-redux project. I have to create functionality to detect that the user is connected to the network or not. For that, I'm using SSE reconnect event to get the ...

25 May at 09:25

AWS Log Insights query with string contains

how do I query with contains string in AWS Log insights ``` fields @timestamp, @message filter @message = "user not found" | sort @timestamp desc | limit 20 fields @timestamp, @message filter @messag...

Preload folder icon for a specific folder in Windows Icon cache, in C# or VB.NET

I need to mention a 3rd party program, or better said the source-code of [WinThumbsPreloader](https://github.com/bruhov/WinThumbsPreloader/blob/master/WinThumbsPreloader/WinThumbsPreloader/ThumbnailPr...

7 Jun at 00:33

URL from BlobItem

I would like to get the URL for a `BlobItem`. In the Azure Portal, I can see the URL in the properties section, but when I get the `BlobItemProperties` object from the `BlobItem`, I cannot find the `...

23 May at 16:30

How to normalize fancy-looking unicode string in C#?

I receive from a REST API a text with this kind of style, for example - ?- ?- нσω тσ яємσνє тнιѕ ƒσηт ƒяσм α ѕтяιηg? But this is not italic or bold or underlined since the type it's st...

2 Jun at 10:41

How to implement custom authorization filter for Blazor page

Look over the examples on authorization, I am trying to get a solution for a custom authorization filter/attribute. I simply need to check the user identity during Authorization. https://learn.microso...

4 Jun at 03:24

Referencing netstandard ServiceStact.redis in net48

We have a net48 project which is referencing a netstandard2.0 lib, which is in turn referencing ServiceStack.Redis. This works fine in all our netcore3.1 app, but is causing referencing issues at run...

22 May at 15:56

Does Channel<T> support multiple ChannelReaders and ChannelWriters, or only one of each?

The documentation for [Channel.CreateUnbounded][1] says: > Creates an unbounded channel usable by any number of readers and > writers concurrently. However [Channel][2] has properties for a single `Ch...

6 May at 18:42

Switch expression on System.Type in C# 8

I'm curious is any other way to write something like this with new switch expression in C# 8? Because `_ when type == typeof(string)` looks kinda weird especially when we have [type pattern][1] and ot...

23 Aug at 04:16

Visual Studio 2017 keep file open by default

I have an annoying problem with Visual Studio 2017. Whenever, I open a file using Ctrl+Click navigation, the the file gets opened in purple tab preview mode (for a lack of better term). Please note...

SignalR and Redis

I've got a project that uses SignalR and a RedisBackplane, we've moved from StackExchange.Redis to ServiceStack.Redis due to Redis Sentinel compatibility issues (Not movable) However, it now looks li...

A problem with Nullable types and Generics in C# 8

After adding [<Nullable>enable</Nullable> or #nullable enable](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/tutorials/nullable-reference-types), I ran into the following problem with my Generic met...

ORMLite Mapping reference Alias column

I use the following code for my POCO: As you can see my property that is my reference is assigned an Alias. ``` public class MasterItemAlias { [PrimaryKey] public long ID { get; set; } ...

20 May at 07:40