Context Menu Item is not showing when form is running

I have created context menu item on windows forms application. But when i run the application and when i try to right click, created menu item is not showing up [](

27 May at 15:25

nodemon app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting

After further testing, I have found that this is happening with both gulp and grunt on this app and on the default install of mean.js. I'm running this locally on a Mac. When I running either app u...

Javascript how to check if a date is greater than or equal to a date value

I'm currently trying to see if the date value is set to today's date or greater. ``` var date = document.getElementById("inputDate").value; var varDate = new Date(date); //dd-mm-YYYY var today = new...

27 May at 14:21

C# winforms button with solid border, like 3d

How can I create button with solid border(3d), like picture below on C# winforms? ![3d-button]( Panel `BorderStyle` can be set as `Fixed3D`, but buttons `BorderSt...

27 May at 13:49

Is it safe to expose Firebase apiKey to the public?

The [Firebase Web-App guide]( states I should put the given `apiKey` in my Html to initialize Firebase: ``` // TODO: Replace with yo...

12 Apr at 19:35

How to get value by key from JObject?

I have a JObject like this: ``` { "@STARTDATE": "'2016-02-17 00:00:00.000'", "@ENDDATE": "'2016-02-18 23:59:00.000'" } ``` I want to get @STARTDATE and @ENDDATE value from JObject. --- Thi...

27 May at 09:5

Image upload not working Always get the FALSE value

UI []( Image upload part is not working, I want to upload image path in Database but not working, and not bind correctly can't save it, can you please help me, Tab...

7 Jun at 10:24

Unit Testing / Integration Testing Web API with HttpClient in Visual Studio 2013

I am having a hard time trying to test my API controller with Visual Studio 2013. My one solution has a Web API Project and a Test project. In my test project, I have a Unit Test with this: ``` [Tes...

.Net MVC 4 Project fails with Event Log Error "The Module DLL C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\aspnetcore.dll failed to load. The data is the error."

This is not a DotNetCore project (it's an MVC 4 project) and the app pool is properly configured to use dotnet CLR v4, yet after updating to a new version of Windows 10 (be it an insider build, or the...

4 Aug at 00:51

Timeouts with long running ASP.NET MVC Core Controller HTTPPost Method

I make use of ajax call in my `ASP.NET Core MVC` view pages MyView.cshtml ``` $.ajax({ processData: false, contentType: false, data: new FormData(thi...

With Moq, how can I mock protected methods with out parameter?

For a method like: ``` protected virtual bool DoSomething(string str) { } ``` I usually mock it through: ``` var mockModule = new Mock<MyClass> { CallBase = true }; mockModule.Protected().Setup<bo...

27 May at 03:14

Unity3D UI, calculation for position dragging an item?

These days it's incredibly easy to drag UI elements in Unity: Make a few UI items. Add Component -> Event -> . Drop on the script below. Click to add the four obvious triggers. You're done. However. ...

28 Aug at 18:16

How to use IRequiresRequest to inject IRequest in ServiceStack?

I need to access request context, specifically the Items inside my custom class and I don't want to do have it either inheriting from `ServiceStack` Service or having the set it up inside the my Servi...

7 Jun at 00:55

Docker: Container keeps on restarting again on again

I today deployed an instance of MediaWiki using the appcontainers/mediawiki docker image, and I now have a new problem for which I cannot find any clue. After trying to attach to the mediawiki front c...

26 May at 22:14

You must add a reference to assembly mscorlib, version=4.0.0

I'm having some trouble migrating a web project from RC1 to RC2. When I switched, I'm getting a bunch of these errors throughout the project. > The type 'Func<,>' is defined in an assembly that is no...

4 Jun at 23:31

Jenkins Pipeline Wipe Out Workspace

We are running Jenkins 2.x and love the new Pipeline plugin. However, with so many branches in a repository, disk space fills up quickly. Is there any plugin that's compatible with Pipeline that I...

Renaming multiple files in a directory using Python

I'm trying to rename multiple files in a directory using this Python script: ``` import os path = '/Users/myName/Desktop/directory' files = os.listdir(path) i = 1 for file in files: os.rename(fi...

26 May at 17:33

ADAL.NET v3 does not support AcquireToken with UserCredential?

In ADAL.NET 2.x, we use the below code to acquire token from Azure AD using `UserCredential` and it works perfectly: ``` var authContext = new AuthenticationContext(Authority); var userCredential = ...

26 May at 16:14

How to uninstall Docker completely from a Mac?

I would like to remove the Docker toolbox completely from my Mac. I tried to remove Docker from the `/Applications` folder, but it didn't work out.

12 Feb at 01:15

how do add a project to source control within an existing solution

I've recently noticed that my ..LibraryTests project is not under source control: []( When I try to do a checkin (by right clicking on the solution and pressing )...

Using repository pattern to eager load entities using ThenIclude

My application uses Entity Framework 7 and the repository pattern. The GetById method on the repository supports eager loading of child entities: ``` public virtual TEntity GetById(int id, params Expr...

Update a Cell with C# and Sheets API v4

Does anyone have a good C# example for updating a cell with the v4 API? I have the get cell values c# example from the developer website working with Google Sheets API v4. I am trying to modify the ...

Update mouse cursor without moving mouse with changed CSS cursor property

I currently have a C# host that mirrors the screen and mouse on a website, the connection works totally fine, and when the mouse changes on the host, it changes the CSS almost immediatly. This way I c...

26 May at 13:22

Difference between RUN and CMD in a Dockerfile

I'm confused about when should I use `CMD` vs `RUN`. For example, to execute bash/shell commands (i.e. `ls -la`) I would always use `CMD` or is there a situation where I would use `RUN`? Trying to und...

14 Oct at 08:45

How to open remote files in sublime text 3

I am connecting to remote server using "mRemoteNG" and want to open remote server files in my local sublime text editor. During my research, I found this relevant blog [

26 May at 10:54