MongoDB C# Why can't you use DateTime.Date with IQueryable?

I have method set up in my MongoDB DAL class. ``` public IQueryable<MyModel> Retrieve(Expression<Func<MyModel, bool>> expression) { if (!BsonClassMap.IsClassMapRegistered(typeof(MyModel))) ...

8 Feb at 08:56

angular2 submit form by pressing enter without submit button

Is it possible to submit a form that does not have submit button (by pressing enter) example : ``` <form [ngFormModel]="xxx" (ngSubmit)="xxxx()"> <input [(ngModel)]="lxxR" ngControl="xxxxx"/> <...

13 Dec at 04:19

Using async/await with a forEach loop

Are there any issues with using `async`/`await` in a `forEach` loop? I'm trying to loop through an array of files and `await` on the contents of each file. ``` import fs from 'fs-promise' async funct...

How to markdown nested list items in Bitbucket?

I'm trying to see my markdown nested list items rendered with corresponding indentation when viewed in a browser live from the Bitbucket pages. But I can't figure out how it works even when using [the...

Using Linq to GroupBy and Sum datatable

**Hi, I have a Datatable like this:** ``` Id Amount 1 Amount 2 Amount 3 1 2 2 2 12 4 6 ...

2 May at 10:19

Make the ConfigureServices method async in Startup.cs

I need to add a couple of await functions in ConfigureServices in Startup.cs and am running into an issue. > System.InvalidOperationException Unable to find the required services. Please add all th...

4 Jul at 08:31

stream data from c++ to c# over shared memory

I am attempting to stream data from a c++ application to a C# application using shared memory. Based on example I found, I have: c++ (sending) ``` struct Pair { int length; float data[3]; }...

1 Jun at 16:0

ReactNative: how to center text?

How to center Text in ReactNative both in horizontal and vertical? I have an example application in where and is not working: [](

7 May at 11:55

What is the difference between OpenCV.NET, OpenCVSharp and EmguCV?

What is the difference between OpenCV.NET, OpenCVSharp and EmguCV? They are derived from OpenCV. So, what is the difference in their design, implementation and application philosophies?

5 Sep at 11:45

Is it possible to filter nuget packages by supported platform?

For example, if I want only packages for [.Net Platform Standard]( Now I am looking for a package, try...

6 Jun at 12:22

How do overlap in Xamarin forms?

Does the concept of z-index? The picture shows that there is no overlap. []( How to set z-index? the top two custom select box ``` <AbsoluteLayout Padding="10,10,...

1 Jun at 10:48

What is dtype('O'), in pandas?

I have a dataframe in pandas and I'm trying to figure out what the types of its values are. I am unsure what the type is of column `'Test'`. However, when I run `myFrame['Test'].dtype`, I get; ``` dt...

8 Jun at 23:47

Atomic increment of 64 bit variable on 32 bit environment

Writing an answer for [another question]( some interesting things came out and now I can't understand how `Interlocked.Increment(ref long value)` works on ...

23 May at 12:33

How to use Identity Server 3 for Servicestack service Authentication?

I am using Service stack version `3.9.71` for service creation. Now we have requirement to authentication this service. how we can authenticate servicestack service using Identity Server 3? I have r...

Convert timestamp to date in Oracle SQL

How can we convert timestamp to date? The table has a field, `start_ts` which is of the `timestamp` format: ``` '05/13/2016 4:58:11.123456 PM' ``` I need to query the table and find the maximum an...

How to change date format in hive?

My table in hive has a filed of date in the format of '2016/06/01'. but i find that it is not in harmory with the format of '2016-06-01'. They can not compare for instance. Both of them are string ....

1 Jun at 03:0

ModelState.IsValid always true when testing Controller in Asp.Net MVC Web Api

I have tried to make this work and made many google/stackoverflow searches with no luck at all. I have a simple Model: ``` public class MovieModel { public string Id { get; set; } [Required...

m2e error in MavenArchiver.getManifest()

I am seeing an error in my STS and am not sure how to debug it. Searching around I only see vague references to the error and no solutions. The error is: > `org.apache.maven.archiver.MavenArchiver.g...

F# list to C# IEnumerable: most efficient method?

I'm currently working on an F# library with GUI written in C# and I would like to ask what is the best or correct way to pass an F# (generic) list to a C# code (generic IEnumerable). I've found three...

1 Jun at 05:42

error CS2012: Cannot open <executable path> access to <executable path denied>

I was working on a WPF application in Visual Studio 2015 and all went well until unexpectedly the build dropped me the CS2012 error inform me that it cannot access/update the executable in the /Debug ...

7 May at 02:15

Application Insights not logging custom events

I have setup Application Insights in my ASP.NET Core application in the C# Controller and it is logging basic data like Page Views, Response Time, etc. But I want to create some custom events and log ...

How to make a phone call in Xamarin.Forms by clicking on a label?

Hello I have an app i'm working on in Xamarin.Forms that gets contact info from a web service and then displays that info in labels however I want to make the label that lists the phone number to make...

Executing Command line .exe with parameters in C#

I'm trying to execute a command line program with parameters from C#. I would have imagined that standing this up and making this happen would be trivial in C# but its proving challenging even with al...

6 May at 07:25

tsc throws `TS2307: Cannot find module` for a local file

I've got a simple example project using TypeScript: []( Running `tsc -p .` (with `tsc` version 1.8.10)...

31 May at 14:40

Simple Injector initialize for both MVC and Web API controllers

I have a Web API controller that has some resources DI'd. Out of later necessity I have added an MVC controller, now I need same resources DI'd there as well. Here is my original configuration: ``` ...