Windows.UI.Notifications is missing

I want to create simple toast notification to action center in windows 10 from [this example](

25 Aug at 08:11

What does "The following object is masked from 'package:xxx'" mean?

When I load a package, I get a message stating that: ``` "The following object is masked from 'package:xxx' ``` For example, if I load [testthat]( th...

3 Nov at 03:4

You have to be inside an angular-cli project in order to use the build command after reinstall of angular-cli

I had the latest angular-cli installed globally and my project was building successfully. While reading a suggested solution for another issue, ([](...

24 Aug at 22:10

Localization in ASP.Net core MVC not working - unable to locate resource file

In trying to localize my application, I've followed the steps here: []( Here...

Groupby value counts on the dataframe pandas

I have the following dataframe: ``` df = pd.DataFrame([ (1, 1, 'term1'), (1, 2, 'term2'), (1, 1, 'term1'), (1, 1, 'term2'), (2, 2, 'term3'), (2, 3, 'term1'), (2, 2, 'term1...

How to use unsafe context in Unity

I want to use `c++ code` in `c#` for Unity using CLR. > The program works properly outside of unity, but inside of engine it gives me an error: I am really confused, because the project builds succes...

8 Dec at 01:37

Write to EventLog in .Net Core

I need a way to write to Windows' event viewer in my app that's using dnx. But, the `EventLog` class isn't available in the `System.Diagnostics` namespace so I'm stuck. Is there any other way to write...

29 Aug at 17:16

Query the two cities in STATION with the shortest and longest CITY names,

Query: Query the 2 cities contained in STATION table with the shortest and longest CITY names, as well as their respective lengths (i.e.: number of characters in the name). If there is more than one s...

24 Apr at 10:24

What is the equivalent of Type.GetGenericArguments() in .NETStandard 1.0 / .NET Core?

The method `System.Type.GetGenericArguments()` is 'missing' from .NETStandard 1.0, and I thought that the `TypeInfo.GenericTypeArguments` was the replacement for `GetGenericArguments()`, but unfortunt...

10 Jan at 13:42

CMD (command prompt) can't go to the desktop

when I open the commend prompt the default line is this ``` C:\Windows\system32> ``` and I'm using SASS to convert a .scss file located located on my desktop. I know the default line should be saying...

27 Aug at 07:55

How to get the name of <T> from generic type and pass it into JsonProperty()?

I get the following error with the code below: > "An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'Response.PropName'" Code: ``` public class Response<T> : Response...

13 Sep at 07:15

There was an error running the selected code generator: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' Error?

[]( I have tried all the solution like repairing the VS 2013 but no use. when you create a controller by right clicking on the Controller folder and you add the co...

24 Aug at 16:29

ngModel cannot be used to register form controls with a parent formGroup directive

After upgrading to RC5 we began getting this error: ``` ngModel cannot be used to register form controls with a parent formGroup directive. Try using formGroup's partner directive "formControlName" ...

TypeScript - Append HTML to container element in Angular 2

What I want to do is simply to append some html on an element. I checked some links and found different confusing, non-working, non-recommended solutions. Using JavaScript, I'll do something like this...

25 Aug at 15:34

Copy filtered data to another sheet using VBA

I have two sheets. One has the complete data and the other is based on the filter applied on the first sheet. Name of the data sheet : `Data` Name of the filtered Sheet : `Hoky` I am just taking a ...

7 Apr at 14:21

Merge two objects with ES6

I'm sure this question has been asked before but I can't quite find the answer I'm looking for, so here goes: I have two objects, as follows: ``` const response = { lat: -51.3303, lng: 0.39440 }...

24 Aug at 11:20

ReactJS - Call One Component Method From Another Component

I have two components. I want to call a method of the first component from the second component. How can I do it? Here is my code. ``` class Header extends React.Component{ constructor(){ ...

3 Aug at 16:12

How to change base url of Swagger in ASP.NET core

By default when you enable swagger in ASP.NET Core project it's available on url: ``` http://localhost:<random_port>/swagger/ui ``` I would like to use a different base url instead of `/swagger/ui`...

24 Aug at 06:37

Terminate all dialogs and exit conversation in MS Bot Framework when the user types "exit", "quit" etc

I can't figure out how to do the a very simple thing in MS Bot Framework: allow the user to break out of any conversation, leave the current dialogs and return to the main menu by typing "quit", "exit...

31 Aug at 00:7

Entity Framework Create Audit Table/History table?

I want to create a History/Audit Table for a particular entity. This is a complex entity with many child tables and we are using Repository Patter for our application. I looked into overriding DbCont...

28 Dec at 05:47

BluetoothAdapter ActionDiscoveryFinished

I just started to take a look at xamarin and now I want to scan for bluetooth-devices. Therefor I use the following code: ``` BluetoothAdapter bluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.DefaultAdapter; blue...

23 Aug at 22:36

Entity Framework's Entity Data Wizard Crashes When Connecting to MySQL Database

I am attempting to create an Entity Data Model using the wizard to reverse engineer an existing MySQL database. I get to the Choose Your Data Connection page of the wizard, select an existing MySQL co...

How to handle properly concurency excpetion and expose it via Service Stack?

In my app i expose some functionalities via rest api (using service stack but it is not really important). Currently i'm wondering which is the best way to expose `concurency exception` issue received...

Entity Framework Core does not contain a definition for 'Include'

I am trying to work with Entity Framework Core 1.0 and trying to utilize the .Include when filling objects through the dbcontext. ``` EFTestContext context = new EFTestContext(); var testEnti...

23 May at 12:18

Adding wsdl web reference in asp .Net Core project

I've got web service []( And I've got a problem with connecting to it from Visual Studio 2015 in my W...