Difference between Command (ICommand) and Click event
When should I use the `Command` and when to use the `Click` event? F.e. if I have a `Button` in my UWP app what should I use?
- Modified
- 18 Sep at 09:38
ERROR: In file './docker-compose.yml', service 'volumes' must be a mapping not an array
My docker-compose.yml looks like the below and I am trying to follow the compose file from the docker registry documentation [here](https://docs.docker.com/registry/deploying/). When i run docker-comp...
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- 25 Aug at 03:55
How to create unique keys for React elements?
I am making a React app that allows you to make a list and save it, but React has been giving me a warning that my elements don't have a unique key prop (elements List/ListForm). How should I create a...
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- 17 Sep at 16:57
React-Native, Scroll View Not Scrolling
When I wrap content like this example below, it scrolls Perfectly.. ``` return( <ScrollView> <Text> TEST </Text> <Text> TEST </Text> <Text> TEST </Text> <Text> TES...
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- 11 Oct at 13:40
C# List definition, parentheses vs curly braces
I've just noticed that when you declare a `List` in c# you can put parentheses or curly braces at the end. ``` List<string> myList = new List<string>(); List<string> myList2 = new List<string>{}; ```...
<ng-container> vs <template>
`ng-container` is mentioned in the [official documentation](https://angular.io/guide/structural-directives#ng-container) but I'm still trying to understand how it works and what are use cases. It is p...
- Modified
- 2 Jan at 13:36
How to open an URL in Swift?
`openURL` has been deprecated in Swift 3. Can anyone provide some examples of how the replacement `openURL:options:completionHandler:` works when trying to open an url?
Updating user by UserManager.Update() in ASP.NET Identity 2
I use `ASP.NET Identity 2` in an `MVC 5` project and I want to update `Student` data by using `UserManager.Update()` method. However, as I inherit from `ApplicationUser` class, I need to map `Student`...
- Modified
- 17 Sep at 09:13
Enable VT-x in your BIOS security settings (refer to documentation for your computer)
While I was adding a virtual device in my Android Studio, Android Studio is Showing This Error. See This Image: [](https://i.stack.imgur.com/X4fNh.jpg) .
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- 17 Sep at 04:47
Azure Functions - Shared classes
I want to use some shared classes on my Azure Functions to not duplicate code. I have tried to create a empty C# function and create the classes inside the function and then import to the other funct...
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- 27 Jul at 08:48
pyvenv not working because ensurepip is not available
I upgraded from ubuntu 14.04 to ubuntu 16.04 a few days ago. When I try to create a virtual env by using ``` pyvenv .venv ``` or ``` python3 -m venv .venv ``` There is an error: ``` The virtual envi...
- Modified
- 22 Jan at 15:40
Using setTimeout on promise chain
Here i am trying to wrap my head around promises.Here on first request i fetch a set of links.and on next request i fetch the content of first link.But i want to make a delay before returning next pro...
- Modified
- 14 Dec at 08:21
How to add new column in existing View in SQL-Server 2014 using Alter
I have created a view that is based on another view and a table. I want to add new column of type varchar. I did like below, But getting syntax error? I am new to SQL, So,could not understand ``` ALT...
- Modified
- 16 Sep at 15:34
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path "..." is denied
I have C# wpf installation done with .net using click once installation. All works fine. Then I have the following code which is part of the installed program: ``` String destinationPath = System.Win...
TypeError: first argument must be an iterable of pandas objects, you passed an object of type "DataFrame"
I have a big dataframe and I try to split that and after `concat` that. I use ``` df2 = pd.read_csv('et_users.csv', header=None, names=names2, chunksize=100000) for chunk in df2: chunk['ID'] = ch...
Multiselect from Ax 2012 Listpage (EP) to downloadDocument.aspx
I have been struggling with this for a while now and can't seem to find a solution for my problem. I would really like some help here if possible, it would mean a great deal to me. I'm currently runn...
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- 27 Mar at 11:5
C# get location of knownfolder by ID
I want to get the location of a directory/folder by its ID. For example, the Downloads folder has the ID `knownfolder:{374DE290-123F-4565-9164-39C4925E467B}`, when I enter it into the address bar of w...
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- 16 Sep at 13:11
Object must implement IConvertible (InvalidCastException) while casting to interface
I'm trying to cast an object of a certain type to an interface it implements using `Convert.ChangeType()`, however an `InvalidCastException` gets thrown because . The types: ``` public IDocumentSet ...
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- 16 Sep at 11:28
bulk creating keys in Redis C# - SocketException: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted
I'm bulk creating keys in Redis dB under multi-threading environment for some reason in my ASP.NET MVC Web Application. And I'm using [ServiceStack.Redis](https://github.com/ServiceStack/ServiceStack....
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- 20 Jun at 09:12
Force HttpWebRequest to send client certificate
I have a p12 certificate, that I load it in this way: ``` X509Certificate2 certificate = new X509Certificate2(certName, password, X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet | X509KeyStorageFlags.Persi...
- Modified
- 16 Sep at 10:15
Reading SQL Varbinary Blob from Database
I am working on saving files to sql blob to a varbinary(max) column, and have got the save side of things working now (I believe). What I can't figure out is how to read the data out, given that I'm ...
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- 27 Sep at 16:13
How to retrieve output parameter from stored procedure by EF code first
i am new in EF and working with EF code first. just got a link [https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/How-to-retrieve-output-e85526ba](https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/How-to-retrieve-output-e85526ba) which ...
- Modified
- 16 Sep at 08:37
Json.net serialize numeric properties as string
I am using JsonConvert.SerializeObject to serialize a model object. The server expects all fields as strings. My model object has numeric properties and string properties. I can not add attributes to ...
Method that returns Task<string>
I need a method that returns a `Task<string>` with empty string like ``` public static Task<string> AsyncTest() { return new Task<string>(() => string.Empty); //problem here // this me...