how to determine if a .net app is a "core" app?

I need to update a new .NET app and I think it was mentioned that it was .NET Core. How can I examine the solution properties to determine if it is in fact a "core" app? The web project has a System...

9 Nov at 02:6

Service fabric projects in separate git repos

Following a normal microservices framework we would like to place each microservice in it's own git repo and then have one repository for the Service Fabric project. When we update one of the microse...

How to read request body in an core webapi controller?

I'm trying to read the request body in the `OnActionExecuting` method, but I always get `null` for the body. ``` var request = context.HttpContext.Request; var stream = new StreamReader(request.Body);...

24 Sep at 07:27

Loading and registering API Controllers From Class Library in ASP.NET core

I am using ASP.NET Core 1.0.1. I have the following - `"Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc": "1.0.1"` ``` using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using...

excel nuget package for .net core

I need some library for .net core to help me create an excel file (no matter the exact file extension). I tried to use the `MICROSOFT.OFFICE.INTEROP.EXCEL.DLL` (windows dll), I searched for it in the ...

1 Sep at 11:10

How to exclude multiple properties in FluentAssertions ShouldBeEquivalentTo()

Using FluentAssertions: I'm able to exclude a single property using ShouldBeEquivalentTo. ``` x.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(y, opts => opts.Excluding(si => !si.PropertyInfo.CanWrite)); ``` But, how do I...

8 Nov at 10:18

Servicestack return wrong content type when returning a file with html extension

I am testing Servicestack Rest Files service. When calling it from angularjs and asking for an html file back, the results comes back as the standard servicestack html format instead of the json form...

8 Nov at 09:56

How to make a distinct list of integers from a list of objects?

I have a list of objects, each object has property `total`. i need to create a new `List` from the above list. the problem is if two objects have `total`=4, the `List` should only contain one '4'. let...

5 May at 12:48

what is difference between inverse property and foreign key in entity framework?

I knew that Inverse Property is used when you have multiple relationships between classes. but I am confused between inverse property and foreign key property since both of them are used for defining ...

8 Nov at 06:47

How to mock an async repository with Entity Framework Core

I'm trying to create a unit test for a class that calls into an async repository. I'm using ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core. My generic repository looks like this. ``` public class EntityRep...

Go To Controller shows "Unable to find a matching controller." error

In VS 2015, for my Web.API project, I installed MVC 5 from nuget via npm. This installation added references and generated web.config file under Views folder. I added new Controller with generated CR...

How to run core app automatically after changes in c# files

I am running `ASP.NET Core` application on `Visual Studio Code` on a mac. To run the app, I use `dotnet run` from the terminal. Whenever I make changes in one of the `C#` files, I have to stop and r...

7 Nov at 16:25

Is it possible to create a cross-database query with ServiceStack ORMLite?

Pretty much summed up in the title. Trying to hit a table in one database and join it to a table in another database on the same server. I would have assumed an attribute for `Database` that I could...

Significant drop in performance of Math.Round on x64 platform

I've noticed a very significant (~15x) drop in performance when using Math.Round to convert double to int while targeting x64 compared to x86. I tested it on 64 bit Windows on Core i7 3770K. Can anyon...

23 Nov at 10:20

Calling sqlite function via ServiceStack.ORMLite

I'm using ServiceStack.ORMLite and SQLite as database. I've created a generic repository: ``` public class Repository<T> : IRepository<T> where T : class, new() { private ReestrContext db; p...

Visual Studio Code: How to show Overloads in IntelliSense?

I am working with the new core 1.0 framework on Visual Studio Code. My question is, how do I traverse through all the overloads a method might have? []( ...

6 Nov at 19:31

Non-blocking loading and copying of large Texture2D's in C# for Unity

I'm building a Unity app for Android which deals with loading a lot of large textures dynamically (all images are over 6MB in size as png's). These textures can either come from an Amazon S3 server, i...

How to modify file access control in .NET Core

I'm trying to change the permissions of a file in .NET Core. However, it seems that [FileInfo]( doesn't have...

7 Nov at 05:22

I get a 400 bad request - invalid Url when the length of the request exceeds 320+ characters

Not sure what could be the reason. Added the following in Web.config also. maxUrlLength="1024" maxQueryStringLength="1024" requestPathInvalidCharacters="" maxRequestLength="1024" relaxedUrlToFileSyste...

6 Nov at 11:4

Set CultureInfo in Core to have a . as CurrencyDecimalSeparator instead of ,

I'm going mad. I just want the culture used in the entire core application to be set to "en-US". But nothing seems to work. Where to I set the culture for the entire application? I'm not inter...

11 Jan at 15:17

MultiTenancy with DbContext and TenantId - Interceptors, Filters, EF Code-First

My organization needs to have a shared database, shared schema multitenant database. We will be querying based on TenantId. We will have very few tenants (less than 10) and all will share the same d...

Custom Deserialization using Json.NET

I have a class ``` public class Order { public int Id { get; set; } public string ShippingMethod { get; set; } } ``` and I want to deserialize a JSON data below into the above class/object `...

5 Nov at 15:3

How to render a Razor template inside a custom TagHelper in ASP.NET Core?

I am creating a custom HTML Tag Helper: ``` public class CustomTagHelper : TagHelper { [HtmlAttributeName("asp-for")] public ModelExpression DataModel { get; set; } publi...

5 Nov at 12:6

Is there any way to invoke PowerQuery/M outside of Excel or PowerBI?

Our BI team is really growing to like the [Power Query ETL tool](

4 Nov at 22:43

Convert HTML to PDF using HtmlRenderer

I am looking to use HtmlRenderer to convert an HTML file to a PDF file. I have seen it being mentioned on several sites that it is possible. However, I don't seem to be able to find any basic sample c...