In Visual Studio when debugging C# code, can I export a List or a Dictionary in xml,csv or text format easily?

In Visual Studio when debugging C# code, can I export a `Dictionary<string,string>` in xml,csv or text format easily? I would like to export a `Dictionary<string,string>` in excel and see 2 columns o...

9 Nov at 14:57

How do I pass a table-valued parameter to Dapper in .NET Core?

I am using .NET Core and Dapper. My problem is that .NET Core doesn't have DataTables, and that's what Dapper uses for table-valued parameters (TVP). I was trying to convert a `List<T>` to a `List<Sql...

Active link with React-Router?

I'm trying out React-Router (v4) and I'm having issues starting off the Nav to have one of the `Link`'s be `active`. If I click on any of the `Link` tags, then the active stuff starts working. However...

SqlBuilder where clause for "IN" operator throws exception for comma separated

I'm adding a where clause to SqlBuilder that contains a "IN" operator and then assigning the parameter to a comma separated list of numbers. However, when select is called I get a PosgresException of ...

Assigning local functions to delegates

In C# 7.0 you can declare local functions, i.e. functions living inside another method. These local functions can access local variables of the surrounding method. Since the local variables exist only...

13 Dec at 20:22

How to resolve npm run dev missing script issues?

I am currently in the folder 'C:\Users\vignesh\Documents\Personal Projects\Full-Stack-Web-Developement' on gitbash executing the above command on gitbash gives me the following error. I am assuming...

13 Dec at 20:24

Task.Start .NET CORE Unable to load DLL combase.dll error Windows 7

We have some code that utilizes basic C# Task objects. However, when developing on a Windows 7 machine, attempting to run `Task.Start();` results in: > Exception thrown: 'System.DllNotFoundException'...

20 Jun at 09:12

Laravel Carbon subtract days from current date

I am trying to extract objects from Model "Users" whose `created_at` date has been more than . Carbon::now() ==> I want as ==> Carbon::now() - 30days ``` $users = Users::where('status_id', 'active')...

17 Jan at 12:31

HttpContext.Authentication.SignOutAsync does not delete auth cookie

According to ASP.NET Core [documentation]( the method `HttpContext.Authentication.SignOutAsync()` must delete the authenti...

ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system

I try to run `powershell` script from c#. First i set the `ExecutionPolicy` to `Unrestricted` and the script is running now from `PowerShell ISE`. Now this is c# my code: ``` class Program { pr...

13 Dec at 09:21

Reference c# class library in my Azure Function

Is it possible to reference a c# class library in an Azure Function visual studio project? I am aware of the possibilities to reference external libraries and Nuget packages. Currently I am using sh...

13 Dec at 07:22

ASP.NET Core disable authentication in development environment

Is it possible to "disable" authentication in ASP.NET Core application without changing its logic? I have a .net website which uses an external identity server app for authentication. Anyway I would l...

7 Mar at 13:26

Get the name of the currently executing method in dotnet core

I want to get the name of the currently executing method in a dotnet core application. There are lots of examples of how to do this with regular c# eg - [Get the name of the current method](https://...

23 May at 12:26

How to mock IOptionsSnapshot instance for testing

I have class `AbClass` that get with core built-in DI instance of `IOptionsSnapshot<AbOptions>` (dynamic configuration). now I want to test this class. I'm trying to instantiate `AbClass` cla...

Any reason to use out parameters with the C# 7 tuple return values?

I have just watched a video presenting the [new features of C# 7]( Among others, it introduces the possibility to return a tuple type (e.g.: `(int, int)`, ...

26 Nov at 15:30

How to rewrite URL by middleware in ASP.NET Core MVC

In ASP.NET Core we can use work with the http module to rewrite module like so: How could I rewrite the code above using middleware in ASP.NET Core?

7 May at 02:11

500 - The request timed out

I have a script that runs for about 4mins30seconds and I have changed the default timeout time to 3600 seconds in the config page of my aspx webpage It didn't return the 500 - The request timed out e...

18 Jul at 17:50

ServiceStack - Access to the request DTO when using the built-in auth feature?

I'm implementing a web service using ServiceStack and have hit a snag with authorization. Our auth system provides a "per-organization" list of permissions that a user has, with every request DTO the...

12 Dec at 05:32

What's the difference between System.ValueTuple and System.Tuple?

I decompiled some C# 7 libraries and saw `ValueTuple` generics being used. What are `ValueTuples` and why not `Tuple` instead? - [](https://le...

14 Dec at 14:47

How to implement setInterval(js) in C#

JS's setInterval and setTimeOut is really convenient. And I want to ask how to implement the same thing in C#.

10 Dec at 23:11

Visual studio is hanging when add a new dataset to RDLC report

I create a specific `report.rdlc` then i want to add new `datatable` to my report . But after changing the data set ,trying to add new dataset to my report . The visual studio is crashing every time...

Remove all Roles from a user MVC 5

Peace be upon you I am trying to remove all roles from a user to disable his permissions and prevent him from accessing some pages. I found this method to remove one role and it worked: ``` await U...

C#: 'IEnumerable<Student>' does not contain a definition for 'Intersect'

It's been long since I write a single line of code so, please, be patient if I am asking a dumb question. Even though the IntelliSense shows the Intersect method after Names, I get the following erro...

How properly generate bootstrap grid via loop using Razor?

I use ASP.NET MVC and bootstrap. I have many objects (>2) in collection and for each need a `<div class="col-xs-6">` but with only 2 cols in a row. How to achive this using loop? There is 1 way but I ...

How and when does Configuration method in OwinStartup class is called/executed?

Before I ask my question I have already gone through the following posts: 1. Can't get the OWIN Startup class to run in IIS Express after renaming ASP.NET project file and all the posts mentioned in...

23 May at 11:47