Using MongoDB C# Driver write ElementMatch with Regex query

I need to construct the following query using MongoDB C# driver ``` db.Notes.find({ "Group._id" : 74, "CustomFields" : { "$elemMatch" : { "Value" : /batch/i } }, "IsDeleted" : false }).sort({ "Create...

15 Feb at 11:33

How does spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto property exactly work in Spring?

I was working on my Spring boot app project and noticed that, sometimes there is a connection time out error to my Database on another server(SQL Server). This happens specially when I try to do some...

CSS change button style after click

I was wondering if there was a way to change a button's style, in css, after it's been clicked, so not a `element:active`.

6 May at 18:41

Dynamic creation of columns using csvHelper

I have a worker with various fields that are fetched from server. I am using CSVHelper package to convert this class to an excel sheet. Worker has Fields like : ``` class Worker { string name; ...

Vue.js - How to properly watch for nested data

I'm trying to understand how to properly watch for some prop variation. I have a parent component (.vue files) that receive data from an ajax call, put the data inside an object and use it to render ...

lock() inside instance constructor

I found in some code lock statement inside instance constructor. The code looks like this ``` public class MyClass { private readonly object _syncRoot = new object(); public MyClass(string p...

23 May at 11:54

Are there built-in Month name declensions in C#

I'm wondering if there's any built-in functionality in .NET for declining dates in languages that support noun declensions, (ie. In Russian the month name is `февраль`, but if I wanted to say the dat...

Servicestack AspNetWindowsAuthProvider

I am trying to get the AspNetWindowsAuthProvider working. There does not seem to be an option to pass in a domain name, or to change the ContextType to Machine instead of domain and pass in a machine...

9 Feb at 08:55

How to delete a blob using Azure Functions?

I am creating an Azure function that triggers when an image is uploaded or added to a particular Azure Storage, and it does the following: 1.) Resize the image 2.) Put the image to correct directory (...

9 Feb at 06:9

Plot multiple columns of pandas DataFrame on the bar chart

I am using the following code to plot a bar-chart: ``` import matplotlib.pyplot as pls my_df.plot(x='my_timestampe', y='col_A', kind='bar') ``` The plot works fine. However, I want to ...

Programmatically navigate using react router V4

I have just replaced `react-router` from v3 to v4. But I am not sure how to programmatically navigate in the member function of a `Component`. i.e in `handleClick()` function I want to navigate to `/p...

ReactJs: What should the PropTypes be for this.props.children?

Given a simple component that renders its children: ``` class ContainerComponent extends Component { static propTypes = { children: PropTypes.object.isRequired, } render() { return ( ...

8 Feb at 20:14

.NET Core Identity Server 4 Authentication VS Identity Authentication

I'm trying to understand the proper way to do authentication in ASP.NET Core. I've looked at several Resource (Most of which are out dated). - [Simple-Implementation-Of-Microsoft-Identity](https://...

CSS Centering with Transform

why does centering with transform translate and left 50% center perfectly (with position relative parent) but not right 50%? Working example: ``` span[class^="icon"] { position: absolute; top: ...

8 Feb at 18:42

Control Chrome programmatically

Is it possible to control and instantiate a Chrome browser from C#? Things like opening a new window, changing the URL, reloading the tabs, etc. I've had a look for a C# Chrome API but can only find ...

17 Oct at 06:1

How do I know which cookie(s) are must to make a correct HttpWebRequest?

I am working on a download manager and trying to get cookie required contents using `HttpWebRequest`. I want to integrate my application to Chrome and so I can get the necessary cookie headers and val...

18 Feb at 22:47

How to plot a 2d matrix in python with colorbar? (like imagesc in Matlab)

In Matlab I can visualize a matrix `data` quite easily with ``` data = rand(10,10); % Createas a 10 x 10 random matrix imagesc(data); colorbar; ``` Now I want to do the same thing in python. I alre...

24 Jun at 16:29

Posting from AWS-API Gateway to Lambda

I have a simple C# Aws Lambda function which succeeds to a test from the Lambda console test but fails with a 502 (Bad Gateway) if called from the API Gateway (which i generated from the Lambda trigge...

What is the correct way to use Entity Framework as datasource for DataGridView?

I tried setting DataSource via DataGridView Designer but it wasn't listed there and then I generated new datasource via wizard which generated DataSet. []( But no...

ServiceProvider not releasing memory for transient EF context

I have a windows service on .NET 4.6.2 where I register a EF6 DbContext as Transient using the .NET ServiceProvider (`System.IServiceProvider` interface). The service starts using around 30mb of memor...

C# EF: How to search between two dates in EF but want to exclude time from data

i do not know how to execlude time from data when doing comparison in EF. ``` using (var db = new DbContext()) { var query = from n in db.BDatas orderby n.AddDate,n.Co...

8 Feb at 12:8

How to compare different branches in Visual Studio Code

How do I compare two different branches in Visual Studio Code? Is it possible?

18 May at 16:7

C# Print list of string array

How do I print a list of string arrays? I can do it from `string[]` using `Console.WriteLine`, but if I do that for a list with `foreach` it just prints out `System.String[]`. How do I write an index ...

3 Jul at 20:54

How to get the IME layout in C# Winform specially in Wndproc?

I have a winform application, I want to get the information of current typing language in C#. I have windows 10 machine, I have selected Korean language. There is one toggle button in taskbar to chang...

22 Feb at 05:50

Calling Node.js from C# .NET

Is it possible to call Node.js functions from a C# ASP.NET server? I found the Edge.js library, but as I understood, it allows Node.js to call into C#. I need the directly reverse solution.

25 Oct at 17:30